Dr. Silja Hoffmann was head of a project group on „Data Resources“ as part of the focus group on „Smart Data for intelligent Mobility“.
The key…
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This year the Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control organized the excursion for the Civil Engineering Program. We hope that everybody enjoyed the…
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On October 7th and 8th the final presentation of the research initiative UR:BAN will take place in Messe & Congress Center Düsseldorf (CCD). The Chair…
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After a successful end of the conference mobil.TUM 2015, photos and videos are available here:
http://www.mobil-tum.de/media/photo-gallery/ …
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The preliminary conference programme for mobil.TUM 2015 is available now as well as more details regarding the post-conference workshop on "Adaptivity…
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Four interesting presentations will be given this summer term regarding the topic "Automatisiertes Fahren – Fiktion oder Realität".
To Verkehr…
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Sasan Amini, a student of our chair, on third rank at the Siemens Mobility IDEA (Improving Designand Engineering for All) Contest with his idea for…
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