
Wir möchten Sie auf folgende interessante Veranstaltungen der DVWG Südbayern aufmerksam machen: 27. Januar 2015, 18.00 Uhr Logistik in Bayern:…

The Call for Papers for "mobil.TUM 2015 - International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport" on "Technologies, Solutions and Perspectives…

Further information about the awards and the winners are available here: European Transport Safety Council

mobil.TUM 2015 - International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport will be held on the 30th of June and 1st of July, 2015. The…

The 14th of May the Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control presents the intermediary results of the research project UR:BAN in Brunswick. The…

On 19th and 20th May the international conference "mobil.TUM 2014" on "Sustainable Mobility in Metropolitan Regions" will take place. Further…

This two day course will offer comprehensive insight into state-of-the-art methods, technologies and into the benefits of ITS on an academic level. …

Read interesting articles about the research project simTD and the research of our chair in the following magazines: business impact carIT We can…

For the first time students can gather together and increase their knowledge of safe cycling. Experts from Radlhaupstadt München will check your…

Find the video on the conference website.