
After 25 years, the 'Joseph Ströbl Prize 2022' will again go to the Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control! Johannes Lindner received this year's…

By passing the oral examination on December 1st, 2022, Dr.-Ing. Tanja Niels completed her PhD with distinction. We have reported on this in more…

On Monday and Tuesday this week we had the pleasure to welcome our colleagues Ludovic Leclerqc and Louis Balzer  from Lyon to discuss research on road…

This year, the Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control at TUM is again present at the Smart City World Expo in Barcelona. As part of the booth of…

Last Sunday was the Day of Innovation & Tradition in Grafing close to Munich…

The TUM - Chair of Transportation Engineering has gained new staff with the start of october. We have introduced our new employees Victoria Dahmen…

On the 13 & 14Th of October, our colleagues Tanja Niels and Johannes Lindner with other colleagues Matthias Althoff and Florian Finkeldei…

Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes KIVI beschäftigen wir uns am Lehrstuhl für Verkehrstechnik mit der multimodalen Verkehrssteuerung und -optimierung…

By passing the oral examination on October 7th, 2022, Dr.-Ing. Florian Dandl completed his PhD with distinction. We have reported on this in more…

A Research Topic led by Dr Majid Rostami Shahrbabaki, Dr Marion Leibold & Dr Khaled Saleh looks at how advances in technology can be inclusive and…