
The TEMPUS consortium met for the first time in presence. The venue was the BMW Group Autonomous Driving Campus in Unterschleißheim. The meeting…

After more than four years of joint re­search ac­tiv­i­ties, the project re­sults of @CITY were pre­sent­ed at an of­fi­cial final pre­sen­ta­tion -…

Next Monday, July 4h, our colleague @Martin Margreiter will speak at the BayFIA congress in Nuremberg on the topic “Research and Development in…

11th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis conference (TRISTAN XI) is taking place from June 19 to 25 in Mauritius. Our colleague Majid…

Our former master's student and current employee Johannes Lindner was recently awarded the 2022 "Henry Lampke" Transport Science Promotion Prize of…

The article by Roman Engelhardt, Patrick Malcolm, Florian Dandl and Klaus Bogenberger with the title "Competition and Cooperation of Autonomous…

Would you like to get an overview of different approaches to cycling network planning in research and practice? About the most important requirements…

From June 8th to 10th, 2022, the "8th Road Safety & Simulation International Conference" took place in Athens, which dealt with topics related to road…

The nine-euro ticket has arrived, and several universities have launched projects to shed light on the impact of the ticket on Germans' mobility…

Currently, the "Intelligent Vehicles Symposium" is taking place in Aachen, Germany, dealing with topics related to intelligent vehicle technologies. …