Automated process for creating and calibrating traffic simulations based on floating car data

Project Description

Calibrated traffic simulations are an important tool for traffic planning to be able to evaluate relevant measures in a targeted manner. While traffic is not bound by spatial-administrative boundaries, data sets are often only available for a limited area. The associated hurdles in model creation and calibration lead to expensive models with limited informative value. This ultimately leads to inadequate decision-making bases for the planning of important infrastructure projects. In order to create a suitable basis for decision-making for such projects, traffic simulations must be created and calibrated efficiently. The aim of this project is therefore to develop an automated, cost-effective and scalable method for this purpose. Floating car data is to be used as the basis, as this data is available in a standardized form across administrative boundaries. The innovation lies in the development of an automated process that intelligently bundles a wide variety of data sets. This enables high-quality model creation and calibration.

Tasks of the Chair

The main task of the Chair of Traffic Engineering is to provide scientific support for the project, ensure compliance with appropriate standards and apply suitable state-of-the-art methods. The Chair of Traffic Engineering will also take care of the availability of traffic data that is available across the official borders and provide the data to the project partner.

In addition, the Chair of Traffic Engineering will organize a workshop with representatives of the modeled region, as well as with the processors of related mFund projects and interested industry representatives, in order to present the added value of the process in practice.

Projekt Name                     Automated process for creating and calibrating traffic simulations based on floating car data


Keywords                            Traffic simulations, model calibration, floating car data


Auftrag-/ Fördergeber        mFUND- Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure


Weitere Projektbeteiligte   Transcality AG, Zurich


Laufzeit                                November 2023 - November 2024


Ansprechpartner                 Majid Rostami, Yamam Alayasreih