- Semi-on-Demand Off-Peak Transit Services with Shared Autonomous Vehicles -- Service Planning, Simulation, and Analysis in Munich, Germany. arXiv, 2025 more…
- Predicting Offers for Mobility-on-Demand Services: A Machine Learning-Based Approach. 104th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), 2025 more…
- Semi-on-Demand Off-Peak Transit Services with Shared Autonomous Vehicles -- Service Planning, Simulation, and Analysis in Munich, Germany. arXiv, 2024 more…
- Integrating parcel deliveries into a ride-pooling service—An agent-based simulation study. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 169, 2023, 103580 more…
- Hierarchical Vertiport Network for an Urban Air Mobility System: Munich Metropolitan Area Case Study. 2023 IEEE/AIAA 42nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), IEEE, 2023 more…
- Effects of Dynamic and Stochastic Travel Times on the Operation of Mobility-on-Demand Services. 2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), IEEE, 2023 more…
- Network Fundamental Diagram based Dynamic Routing in a Clustered Network. 2023 8th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), IEEE, 2023 more…
- Simulating Ride-Pooling Services with Pre-Booking and On-Demand Customers. 102nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Resarch Board (TRBAM), 2023 more…
- Optimized Passenger Redirection During Incidents in Urban Public Transportation Systems. 102nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Resarch Board (TRBAM), 2023 more…
- Operation and Regulation of Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems. Dissertation, 2022 more…
- Mode choice and ride-pooling simulation: A comparison of mobiTopp, Fleetpy, and MATSim. Procedia Computer Science 201, 2022, 608-613 more…
- Competition and Cooperation of Autonomous Ridepooling Services: Game-Based Simulation of a Broker Concept. Frontiers in Future Transportation 3, 2022 more…
- FleetPy: A Modular Open-Source Simulation Tool for Mobility On-Demand Services. arXiv, 2022 more…
- Competition and Cooperation of Autonomous Ridepooling Services - Simulation of a Novel Broker Concept. TRB Annual Meeting 2022, 2022 more…
- Autonomous Ride-Pooling in Hamburg - Results from an Integrated Travel Demand and Fleet Simulation Model. TRB Annual Meeting 2022, 2022 more…
- Simulating Charging Processes of Mobility-On-Demand Services at Public Infrastructure: Can Operators Complement Each Other? 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), IEEE, 2022 more…
- Event-based Dynamic Pricing in Mobility Sharing Systems. Transportation Research Board 101st Annual Meeting, National Academy of Science, 2022 more…
- Ridepooling in der Modellierung des Gesamtverkehrs - Methodenbericht zur MOIA Begleitforschung. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), 2021, more…
- MobilityCoins - A new currency for the multimodal urban transportation system. arXiv, 2021 more…
- Regulating mobility-on-demand services: Tri-level model and Bayesian optimization solution approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 125, 2021, 103075 more…
- Self-Regulating Demand and Supply Equilibrium in Joint Simulation of Travel Demand and a Ride-Pooling Service. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2021, 036119812199714 more…
- Regulating mobility-on-demand services: Tri-level model and Bayesian optimization solution approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 125, 2021, 103075 more…
- Self-Regulating Demand and Supply Equilibrium in Joint Simulation of Travel Demand and a Ride-Pooling Service. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2021, 036119812199714 more…
- Density Based Distribution Model for Repositioning Strategies of Ride Hailing Services. Frontiers in Future Transportation 2, 2021 more…
- User-Assignment Strategy Considering Future Imbalance Impacts for Ride Hailing. 2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), IEEE, 2021 more…
- On the Dynamism of User Rejections in Mobility-on-Demand Systems. 2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), IEEE, 2021 more…
- Combining immediate customer responses and car–passenger reassignments in on-demand mobility services. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 126, 2021, 103104 more…
- Analytical and Agent-Based Model to Evaluate Ride-Pooling Impact Factors. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2674 (6), 2020, 1-12 more…
- Market development of autonomous driving in Germany. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 132, 2020, 882-910 more…
- An Analytical and Agent-Based Model to Evaluate Ride Pooling Impact Factors. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2020 more…
- Network Fundamental Diagram Based Routing of Vehicle Fleets in Dynamic Traffic Simulations. 2020 IEEE 23rd Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2020 more…
- Design and Control of Park & Charge Lanes for Carsharing Services with Highly-Automated Electric Vehicles. IFAC World Congress, 2020 more…
- Pre-Day Scheduling of Charging Processes in Mobility-on-Demand Systems Considering Electricity Price and Vehicle Utilization Forecasts. 2020 Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems (FISTS), IEEE, 2020 more…
- Pre-Day Scheduling of Charging Processes in Mobility-on-Demand Systems Considering Electricity Price and Vehicle Utilization Forecasts. 2020 Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems (FISTS), IEEE, 2020 more…
- Speed-up Heuristic for an On-Demand Ride-Pooling Algorithm. , Ed.: Universität der Bundeswehr München, 2020, more…
- Dual-Horizon Forecasts and Repositioning Strategies for Operating Shared Autonomous Mobility Fleets. 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2020) , 2020 more…
- Dynamic Car-Passenger Matching of Online and Reservation Requests. 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2020), 2020 more…
- Design and Simulation of a Public-Transportation-Complimentary Autonomous Commuter Shuttle. Transportation Research Procedia 41, 2019, 240-250 more…
- Evaluating the impact of spatio-temporal demand forecast aggregation on the operational performance of shared autonomous mobility fleets. Transportation 46 (6), 2019, 1975-1996 more…
- Integrating demand forecasts into the operational strategies of shared automated vehicle mobility services: spatial resolution impacts. Transportation Letters, 2019, 1-6 more…
- Comparing Future Autonomous Electric Taxis With an Existing Free-Floating Carsharing System. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (6), 2019, 2037-2047 more…
- Quantifying the Benefits of Autonomous On-Demand Ride-Pooling: A Simulation Study for Munich, Germany. 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), IEEE, 2019 more…
- Quantifying the Benefits of Autonomous On-Demand Ride-Pooling: A Simulation Study for Munich, Germany. 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), IEEE, 2019 more…
- An Analytical Model for On-Demand Ride Sharing to Evaluate the Impact of Reservation, Detour and Maximum Waiting Time. 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), IEEE, 2019 more…
- Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Real-Time Gaming Framework. 2019 6th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), IEEE, 2019 more…
- Impact of service quality factors on ride sharing in urban areas. 2019 6th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), IEEE, 2019 more…
- Modeling of Mobility On-Demand Fleet Operations Based on Dynamic Electricity Pricing. 2019 6th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), IEEE, 2019 more…
- Dynamic Car-Passenger Matching based on Tabu Search using Global Optimization with Time Windows. 2019 8th International Conference on Modeling Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO), IEEE, 2019 more…
- Booking Processes in Autonomous Carsharing and Taxi Systems. Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena, Vienna, 2018 more…
- Mikrosimulation elektrischer Robotertaxis in München. Straßenverkehrstechnik (10/2017), 2017 more…
- Microsimulation of an autonomous taxi-system in Munich. 2017 5th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), IEEE, 2017 more…
Research Focus
- On-demand mobility with electric vehicles
- Agent-based simulation
- Fleet control and optimization
Curriculum Vitae
Work experience | |
since 2020 | Technical University of Munich Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control Researcher |
2016 - 2019 | Bundeswehr University Munich Chair of Intelligent Transportation Systems Researcher |
2011 - 2015 | P+Z Engineering, Gaimersheim Field of work: crash simulations |
Education | |
2022 | Doctor of engineering sciences (Dr.-Ing.) Thesis: Operation and Regulation of Autonomous Mobility on Demand Systems Technical University of Munich |
2011 | Diploma in Physics Thesis: Quark-mass dependence of the nucleon-nucleon interaction in QCD and chiral effective field theory Technical University of Munich |
Supervised Theses
Unlocking the potential of Carpooling: Analyzing commuter flexibility for a sustainable mobility future.
Master Thesis. Start: 23.5.2024; End: 20.11.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Waldorf. Abstract. -
Method to Identify Potential Corridors for Bus Rapid Transit within an Existing Bus Network.
Master Thesis. Start: 6.5.2024; End: 4.11.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract. -
Development of Heuristics and Machine-learning Approaches to Find Transfer Points in Intermodal Travel.
Master Thesis. Start: 27.3.2024; End: 26.9.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Alvarez, Ding. Abstract. -
Simulation-Based Comparison of On-Demand and Line-Based Public Transport Services.
Master Thesis. Start: 22.11.2023; End: 22.5.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Alayasreih. Abstract. -
Optimized Route Planning for Station-Based Ride-Pooling Services using a Digital Twin.
Master Thesis. Start: 11.9.2023; End: 11.3.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Engelhardt. Abstract. -
Estimating the vehicle and person kilometers traveled in sports leagues and evaluation of possible effects of a change in league format.
Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Fehn. -
Assessment of economic performance and trade-offs of different modes of public transport.
Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Dr. Dandl. -
Simulation of a Ride-Hailing Service in a Digital Twin.
Master Thesis. Start: 15.3.2023; End: 15.9.2023. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Engelhardt. Abstract. -
A suitability analysis of on-demand mobility services using the example of Munich's metropolitan area.
Master Thesis. Start: 1.3.2023; End: 31.8.2023. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract. -
Credit allocation strategies in a tradable mobility credit scheme.
Master Thesis. Start: 18.11.2022; End: 1.6.2023. Mentoring: Hamm, Dr. Dandl, Alvarez. Abstract. -
Impact of trip planning apps on mode choice decisions.
Master Thesis. Start: 14.10.2022; End: 14.4.2023. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Lippoldt, Hamm. Abstract. -
Empirical analysis of incident messages in public transportation systems using the example of MVG.
Study Project. Mentoring: Bachmann, Dandl. -
Performance of MFD-Based Traffic Models: Impacts of Different Network Clustering Methods.
Master Thesis. Start: 6.5.2022; End: 6.11.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Tilg, Dandl. Abstract. -
Data and simulation-based study of crowding in public transportation.
Master Thesis. Start: 3.5.2022; End: 3.11.2022. Mentoring: Dandl, Zhang. Abstract. -
Methodology for identification, design and evaluation of tangential bus connections to relieve the inner city rail-based public transport system.
Master Thesis. Start: 15.11.2022; End: 15.5.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Dandl. Abstract. -
Traffic Simulation-based Analysis of Operational Requirements for a Fleet of Autonomous Shuttles (HEAT) in Hamburg HafenCity.
Master Thesis. Start: 28.6.2021; End: 1.3.2022. Mentoring: Dandl, Dr. Spangler. Abstract. -
Comparing the Effects of Ride-Hailing and Ride-Pooling on Urban Network Capacities Using Microsimulation Tools.
Master Thesis. Start: 31.8.2021; End: 28.2.2022. Mentoring: Tilg, Dandl. Abstract. -
Investigating the traffic impact of on-demand ride-pooling services with a microscopic traffic simulation (Master TRL).
Master Thesis. Start: 23.6.2021; End: 6.1.2022. Mentoring: Engelhardt, Dandl. Abstract. -
Literature Review on Reliability of travel times in urban networks.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 9.11.2021; End: 9.4.2022. Mentoring: Dandl, Tilg. Abstract. -
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the use of public transportation.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 2.11.2021; End: 2.4.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Dandl. Abstract. -
Lane-Changing Behavior on Motorways.
Master Thesis. Start: 15.3.2021; End: 20.10.2021. Mentoring: Stüger, Dandl. Abstract. -
Collection and Empirical Analysis of Demand and Travel-Time Data for Agent-Based Mobility-on-Demand Simulations.
Master Thesis. Start: 15.2.2021; End: 9.8.2021. Mentoring: Dandl, Fehn. Abstract. -
Literature research on the acceptance of on-demand ride-hailing and ride-pooling services.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 3.11.2020; End: 2.4.2021. Mentoring: Engelhardt, Dandl. Abstract. -
Spatio-temporal analysis of taxi and TNC trip number in New York from 2009 to today.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 5.10.2020; End: 4.3.2021. Mentoring: Dandl, Fehn. Abstract. -
The effects of ride-pooling on network capacities: A microscopic simulation approach.
Master Thesis. Start: 11.5.2020; End: 10.11.2020. Mentoring: Tilg, Dandl. Abstract.