- A Novel Potential Line Strategy for Autonomous Vehicle Control in Lane-Free Traffic. 2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), IEEE, 2023 more…
- Modeling Vehicle Flocking in Lane-Free Automated Traffic. Transportation Research Record 0 (0), 2023, - more…
- Increasing the Capacity of a Lane-Free Beltway for Connected and Automated Vehicles Using Potential Lines. 102nd Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board, 2023 more…
- Driving Strategy for Vehicles in Lane-Free Traffic Environment Based on Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient and Artificial Forces. IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (14), 2022, 14-21 more…
- Multi-Task Vehicle Platoon Control: A Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Approach. Future Transportation 2 (4), 2022, 1028-1046 more…
- A two-layer approach for vehicular flocking in lane-free environment. 11th Triennal Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN), 2022 more…
- Lane-Free Traffic: History and State of the Art. 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), IEEE, 2022 more…
- On the Technical Feasibility of Vehicle to Vehicle Charging for Electric Vehicles via Platooning on Freeways. 2022 European Control Conference (ECC), IEEE, 2022 more…
- Effects of Different Shares of Electric Vehicles in Cities on Global CO2 Emissions: A Microsimulation-Based Analysis. 2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), IEEE, 2021 more…
- State estimation in urban traffic networks: A two-layer approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 115, 2020, 102616 more…
- An Independent Trajectory Advisory System in a Mixed-Traffic Condition: A Reinforcement Learning-Based Approach. IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 2020, 15667-15673 more…
- An Independent Trajectory Advisory System in a Mixed-Traffic Condition: A Reinforcement Learning-Based Approach. IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 2020, 15667-15673 more…
- Network Fundamental Diagram Based Routing of Vehicle Fleets in Dynamic Traffic Simulations. 2020 IEEE 23rd Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2020 more…
- Intersection SPaT Estimation by means of Single-Source Connected Vehicle Data. Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting, 2020 more…
- Plug-in Electric Vehicle Optimization and Management Charging in a Smart Parking Lot. 2019 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC), IEEE, 2019 more…
- Connected Vehicles Are Now Abolishing the Conventional Traffic Measuring Tools. 2019 6th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation and Automation (ICCIA), IEEE, 2019 more…
- A data fusion approach for real-time traffic state estimation in urban signalized links. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 92, 2018, 525-548 more…
- Fault detection in Kerman combined cycle power plant boilers by means of support vector machine classifier algorithms and PCA. The 3rd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, and Automation, IEEE, 2013 more…
- Binary particle swarm optimization: challenges and new solutions. CSI J Comput Sci Eng, 2008 more…
Academic Career
Majid Rostami received the master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering- majoring in Control Engineering from Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman in 2008 and Shiraz University in 2018, respectively. With a background in control engineering, he has held roles in various industries. Since 2020, he has served as a Postdoctoral Fellow Researcher at the Technical University of Munich. Dr. Rostami was a visiting scholar at the Technical University of Crete in 2016-2017 and 2021. He was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Bundeswehr University of Munich from 2019 to 2020. In 2023, he was awarded a scholarship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for a short-term research stay at Kyoto University. His research focuses on automatic control and traffic flow modeling, particularly the application of connected and automated vehicles in Intelligent Transportation Systems. Dr. Rostami has also served as a guest editor for Frontiers in Future Transportation journal.
2023 D. Grant Mickel Award for the paper “Modelling Vehicle Flocking in Lane-Free Automated Traffic” as the best paper in the area of operations and maintenance of the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Curriculum Vitae
Work experience | |
since 2020 | Technical University of Munich Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control Postdoc Research Follow |
2019 - 2020 | University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich Chair of Intelligent Transportation Systems Postdoc Research Fellow |
2009 - 2019 | Kerman Combined Cycle Power Plant Control Engineer |
2008 - 2009 | Barez Industrial group Electrival Engineer |
Education | |
2018 | Ph.D. in Control engineering Shiraz University |
2008 | M.Sc. in Control Engineering Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman |
2006 | B.Sc. in Electrical engineering Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman |
Supervised Theses
Adaptive traffic signal control with connected vehicle data.
Master Thesis. Start: 23.10.2023; End: 23.4.2024. Mentoring: Steinmetz, Dr. Rostami. Abstract. -
Analysis of Traffic Flow Characteristics in Lane-Free Traffic.
Master Thesis. Start: 10.7.2023; End: 10.1.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Rostami, Malcolm. Abstract. -
Literature Review on Lane Choice and Lane Change Models in Traffic Networks.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 19.6.2024; End: 19.11.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Rostami, Peksa. Abstract. -
The latest sensor technology and measurement techniques in connected and automated vehicles.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 25.1.2024; End: 16.4.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Rostami, Sautter. Abstract. -
Adaptive Traffic Control with Connected Vehicle Data.
Master Thesis. Start: 15.12.2020; End: 15.6.2021. Mentoring: Dr. Rostami Shahrbabaki, Stüger. Abstract. -
Evaluation of the impact of bus lane preemption on traffic flow in highways.
Master Thesis. Start: 21.8.2020; End: 11.4.2021. Mentoring: Rostami, Niels. Abstract. -
Optimized traffic signal control strategies for emergency vehicles based on Vehicle-to-X communication.
Master Thesis. Start: 1.6.2020; End: 2.2.2021. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Rostami. Abstract. -
Coordinated traffic control strategy for facilitating motorway on-ramp merging.
Master Thesis. Start: 1.5.2020; End: 31.10.2020. Mentoring: Amini, Rostami. Abstract.