- Dynamic Queue Length Estimation Based on Urban Drone Observations Using Machine Learning Approaches. 103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), 2024 more…
- Bus Priority Procedure for Signalized Intersections Based on Bus Occupancy and Delay. SUMO User Conference, 2024 more…
- Predicting Parking Occupancy with Deep Learning on Noisy Empirical Data. 2023 8th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), IEEE, 2023 more…
- A Multimodal Performance Index for the Evaluation of Urban Traffic Control Measures. 2023 8th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), IEEE, 2023 more…
- Multimodal Performance Evaluation of Urban Traffic Control: A Microscopic Simulation Study. 4th Symposium on Management of Future Motorway and Urban Traffic Systems 2022 (MFTS2022), 2022 more…
- Changing Strategic Alignments in European Urban Traffic Control – Requirements for Future Developments. hEART - 10th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, 2022 more…
- Revisiting Urban Traffic Control in Austria, Germany and Switzerland - Requirements for Future Developments. Transportation Research Board - 101st Annual Meeting 2022, 2022 more…
- MobilityCoins - A new currency for the multimodal urban transportation system. arXiv, 2021 more…
- Strategien urbaner Verkehrssteuerung in der DACH Region - Anforderungen an künftige Entwicklungen. KIVI Konsortialtreffen, 2021Ingolstadt, Deutschland more…
Curriculum Vitae
Work experience | |
since 2021 | Technical University of Munich Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control Researcher |
2020-2021 | Schlothauer & Wauer GmbH Traffic Engineering, Traffic signal control Working student and master thesis |
2019-2020 | Technical University of Munich Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control Research assistant |
2017-2019 | Siemens AG/Siemens Mobility GmbH Innovative mobility solutions, automated driving Working student |
Education | |
2021 | M.Sc. Civil Engineering Thesis: Optimized traffic signal control strategies for emergency vehicles based on Vehicle-to-X communication Fields of Study: Traffic Control and Transport Planning, Computation in Engineering, Road and Railway Construction Technical University of Munich |
2018 | B.Sc. Environmental Engineering Technical University of Munich |
- Mentoring and Exercises in the lecture series "Traffic Control Basics" (since WS 2021/22)
- Lecture "Urban Traffic Control - LISA" for the lecture series "Traffic Control Extension" (since SS 2021)
- Exercise "Green Wave" in the module "Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning Supplementary Module" (since SS 2021)
- Exercises in the module "Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning Basic Module" (WS 2021/22)
Supervised Theses
Implementation of Different Methods for User Equilibrium and System Optimum Routing in the Microscopic Simulation Platform SUMO.
Master Thesis. Start: 19.6.2024; End: 19.12.2024. Mentoring: Steinmetz, Ding. Abstract. -
Development of a Control Procedure for Public Transport Prioritization Considering Continuous Monitoring of Public Transport Vehicles.
Master Thesis. Start: 24.4.2024; End: 31.10.2024. Mentoring: Stüger, Steinmetz. Abstract. -
Use of Artificial Intelligence to Calibrate Microscopic Driving Behaviour Models.
Master Thesis. Start: 19.4.2024; End: 19.10.2024. Mentoring: Stüger, Steinmetz. Abstract. -
State Vector Design for Reinforcement Learning in Traffic Signal Control.
Master Thesis. Start: 20.1.2024; End: 20.7.2024. Mentoring: Steinmetz, Karalakou. Abstract. -
Adaptive traffic signal control with connected vehicle data.
Master Thesis. Start: 23.10.2023; End: 23.4.2024. Mentoring: Steinmetz, Dr. Rostami. Abstract. -
From Single Intersections to Network Traffic State: Ma-chine Learning in Traffic State Estimation.
Master Thesis. Start: 9.10.2023; End: 9.4.2024. Mentoring: Zhang, Steinmetz. Abstract. -
The latest sensor technology and measurement techniques in connected and automated vehicles.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 25.1.2024; End: 16.4.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Rostami, Sautter. Abstract. -
Development of an adaptive bus priority procedure in urban road networks.
Study Project. Mentoring: Sautter, Margreiter. -
Quality and potential analysis of traffic signal switching time pre-diction based on finite state theory.
Master Thesis. Start: 14.4.2023; End: 14.10.2023. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Sautter. Abstract. -
Demand Generation and Calibration for Microscopic Traffic Simulation using OD Matrices.
Master Thesis. Start: 27.9.2022; End: 21.4.2023. Mentoring: Sautter, Dr. Kessler. Abstract. -
Investigation of the switching behaviour of traffic-dependent light signal systems under full load.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.7.2023; End: 29.12.2023. Mentoring: Steinmetz, Dr. Spangler. Abstract. -
Realistic Estimation of Bicycle Traffic Demand for Microscopic Simulations.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 8.5.2023; End: 8.10.2023. Mentoring: Dr. Kessler, Steinmetz. Abstract. -
Literature review on Reinforcement Learning in Traffic Signal Control.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 22.11.2022; End: 8.5.2023. Mentoring: Sautter, Stüger. Abstract. -
Rational Choice in Transportation - Really that Reasonable?.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 16.11.2022; End: 16.4.2023. Mentoring: Schönhofer, Sautter. Abstract. -
Literature review on the potential of Connected Autonomous Vehicles for system optimum routing.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 10.11.2022; End: 10.4.2023. Mentoring: Sautter, Dr. Spangler. Abstract. -
Visualization of traffic demand based on inductive loop data.
Study Project. Mentoring: Sautter, Kutsch. -
Microscopic Simulation Studies for the Assessment of Urban Traffic Control based on a Multimodal Performance Index.
Study Project. Mentoring: Sautter, Dr. Kessler. -
Methodological Prioritization of Road Users in Urban Traffic Control Considering Different Request Types.
Master Thesis. Start: 16.3.2022; End: 14.9.2022. Mentoring: Margreiter, Sautter. Abstract. -
Use of microdeposits in parcel logistics and possible contribution to traffic reduction.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 20.6.2022; End: 20.11.2022. Mentoring: Fehn, Sautter. Abstract. -
Literature Review on Multi-intersection Control for Connected Autonomous Vehicles.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.4.2022; End: 15.9.2022. Mentoring: Sautter, Niels. Abstract. -
Development of evaluation criteria for existing urban traffic control systems.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 9.12.2021; End: 9.5.2022. Mentoring: Sautter, Dr. Kessler. Abstract. -
Literature Review on Methods for Data Fusion and applications for Traffic Engineering and Control.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 18.10.2021; End: 18.4.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Sautter. Abstract. -
Literature review on the potential impact of different urban traffic control measures.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.11.2021; End: 15.4.2022. Mentoring: Sautter, Ilic. Abstract. -
Comparative Evaluation of Fixed-Time Traffic Control and Traffic-Actuated Control in a SUMO network using the CROSSIG-SUMO-Interface.
Study Project. Mentoring: Ilic, Sautter. -
Developing a regression model for the public transport demand at intersections.
Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Loder, Sautter.