- Leistungssteigerung städtischer Straßennetze infolge der Automatisierung des Straßenverkehrs. Straßenverkehrstechnik Heft 2/2024 (2), 2024, 109-116 more…
- Integrated Intersection Control for Lane-Free Connected and Automated Driving. 2023 8th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), IEEE, 2023 more…
- Minimizing the Effects of Urban Mobility-on-Demand Pick-Up and Drop-Off Stops: A Microscopic Simulation Approach. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2022, 1-15 more…
- Leistungssteigerung städtischer Straßennetze – Schlussbericht. Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr (BMDV), 2022, more…
- TEMPUS - Test Field Munich - Pilot Test for Urban Automated Road Traffic. 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), IEEE, 2022 more…
- Leistungssteigerung städtischer Straßennetze durch automatisierte und vernetzte Fahrzeuge: Eine szenariobasierte Simulationsstudie. Deutscher Straßen- und Verkehrskongress, 2022 more…
Research Focus
- Traffic control methods for conventional and automated driving
- Microscopic traffic modelling based on artificial potential field methods
- Connected vehicle environments
Curriculum Vitae
Work experience | |
2024 | University of Arizona College of Engineering Designated Campus Colleague |
since 2019 | Technical University of Munich Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control Research Associate |
2018 - 2019 | TUMCREATE Ltd. Singapore Rapid Road Transport Research Team Research assistant and master’s thesis |
2016 - 2017 | Deutsche Bahn AG Pedestrian flow analysis Internship and working student |
2013 | BMW AG Carsharing department Internship |
Education | |
2019 | M.Sc. In Transportation Systems Thesis: Negotiable collaborative public transport signal priority Field of study: Intelligent transportation systems Technical University of Munich |
2015 | B.Sc. in Mobilität und Verkehr (Transportation Engineering) Technical University of Braunschweig |
Supervised Theses
Development of a Control Procedure for Public Transport Prioritization Considering Continuous Monitoring of Public Transport Vehicles.
Master Thesis. Start: 24.4.2024; End: 31.10.2024. Mentoring: Stüger, Steinmetz. Abstract. -
Use of Artificial Intelligence to Calibrate Microscopic Driving Behaviour Models.
Master Thesis. Start: 19.4.2024; End: 19.10.2024. Mentoring: Stüger, Steinmetz. Abstract. -
Simulation-based Analysis of the Impact of Novel Modes of Transportation at Non-Signalized Intersections.
Master Thesis. Start: 21.9.2023; End: 30.4.2024. Mentoring: Stüger, Dr. Takayasu. Abstract. -
Investigation of Traffic Flow Stabilization Measures by Connected and Automated Vehicles.
Study Project. Mentoring: Stüger, Kutsch, Metzger. -
Simulative investigation of measures for shockwave damping on freeways.
Master Thesis. Start: 16.5.2023; End: 16.11.2023. Mentoring: Metzger, Stüger, Kutsch. Abstract. -
Behavioral models of the interaction between non-motorized and motorized road users - focus on automated vehicles.
Master Thesis. Start: 1.1.2023; End: 1.8.2023. Mentoring: Kutsch, Stüger, Ilic. Abstract. -
Literature review on Reinforcement Learning in Traffic Signal Control.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 22.11.2022; End: 8.5.2023. Mentoring: Sautter, Stüger. Abstract. -
The Impact of Ridehailing Stop Locations on Traffic Performance.
Study Project. Mentoring: Stüger, Fehn. -
Trajectory Planning Based on Artificial Potential Fields: Evaluation of an Application for Connected and Automated Vehicles.
Master Thesis. Start: 30.5.2022; End: 30.11.2022. Mentoring: Stüger, Malcolm. Abstract. -
Pedestrian Flow Simulation and Capacity Analysis of Stations and Pods of Ultra-High-Speed Ground Transportation (Hyperloop).
Master Thesis. Start: 11.4.2022; End: 10.10.2022. Mentoring: Margreiter, Stüger. Abstract. -
Effects of Automated Driving on Traffic Flow in Roundabouts.
Master Thesis. Start: 16.11.2021; End: 16.5.2022. Mentoring: Tilg, Stüger. Abstract. -
Methodology Development for the Calibration of Microscopic Traffic Simulations Focusing on Connected Automated Driving.
Master Thesis. Start: 15.11.2021; End: 15.5.2022. Mentoring: Stüger, Tilg. Abstract. -
Investigating the Capacity of Autonomous Intersection Management for Different Intersection Approach Demand Ratios.
Master Thesis. Start: 26.10.2021; End: 26.4.2022. Mentoring: Stüger, Niels. Abstract. -
Calibration of microscopic traffic simulations in „Aimsun Next“ with a focus on connected and automated vehicles.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 17.6.2022; End: 24.11.2022. Mentoring: Stüger, Kutsch. Abstract. -
International market analysis on the state of the art of the currently used traffic signal control methods.
ProjektVTP. Mentoring: Stüger, Dr. Spangler. -
Lane-Changing Behavior on Motorways.
Master Thesis. Start: 15.3.2021; End: 20.10.2021. Mentoring: Stüger, Dandl. Abstract. -
A microscopic simulation approach.
Master Thesis. Start: 15.3.2021; End: 13.10.2021. Mentoring: Stüger, Amini. Abstract. -
Development of a concept for the simulative evaluation of the effect of platooning on urban junction capacity.
Master Thesis. Start: 1.12.2020; End: 1.7.2021. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Stüger, Bachmann. Abstract. -
Adaptive Traffic Control with Connected Vehicle Data.
Master Thesis. Start: 15.12.2020; End: 15.6.2021. Mentoring: Dr. Rostami Shahrbabaki, Stüger. Abstract. -
Simulation analysis of the effects of advanced traffic control methods on urban traffic parameters under consideration of automated driving.
Master Thesis. Start: 16.11.2020; End: 13.6.2021. Mentoring: Tilg, Stüger, Dr. Spangler. Abstract. -
Simulation-based analysis of the effects of automated driving on urban traffic parameters.
Master Thesis. Start: 7.10.2020; End: 6.4.2021. Mentoring: Tilg, Stüger, Dr. Spangler. Abstract. -
Impacts of lane changing maneuvers on traffic flow.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.12.2020; End: 30.4.2021. Mentoring: Niels, Stüger. Abstract. -
The Impact of Public Transport Stop Locations on Public Transport and Private Traffic Performance.
Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Stüger. -
International market analysis of state of the art sensors for traffic signal control (Master BI-VTP: 3 Cr).
Study Project. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Stüger. -
Analysis and comparison of Fuzzy Inference Systems.
Master Thesis. Start: 28.4.2020; End: 23.10.2020. Mentoring: Krause, Stüger. Abstract. -
Recommendations for the development of strategies in dynamic traffic management across different responsibilities.
Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2020; End: 30.9.2020. Mentoring: Stüger, Dr. Dumler. Abstract. -
Collaborative Vehicle Control for the Operation of Autonomous Bus Platoons near Stops.
Master Thesis. Start: 2.3.2020; End: 2.8.2020. Mentoring: Stüger, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract. -
Investigating the influences of automated vehicles on a coordinated road section via microsimulation.
Master Thesis. Start: 21.10.2019; End: 8.5.2020. Mentoring: Fehn, Stüger. Abstract. -
Using aggregated floating car data for real-time traffic signal optimisation in non-lane-based heterogeneous traffic.
Master Thesis. Start: 1.11.2020; End: 30.4.2020. Mentoring: Amini, Stüger. Abstract. -
The Kalman Filter for Applications for Urban Traffic Control - A Literature Research.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.5.2020; End: 30.9.2020. Mentoring: Stüger, Dr. Spangler. Abstract. -
Control of passenger flows in urban cableway stations.
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 20.4.2020; End: 19.9.2020. Mentoring: Glöckl, Stüger. Abstract. -
Roadway Reservation Systems (RSS).
Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.4.2020; End: 15.9.2020. Mentoring: Glöckl, Stüger. Abstract.