Available Bachelors' Theses

Here are the available bachelor thesis topics structured by the following thematic ares of the Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control:

Topic Category Description
Effects and Impacts of Mobility mobility pricing, LCA, impact assessments, mobility coins
Experimental Studies data collection with e.g. field tests, surveys, test intersection, simulator
Transportation Systems and Concept Public & private transport, micro-mobility, shared and/or autonomous fleets, ropeways, UAM/AAM, car sharing, ride haling, pedestrians and bike traffic, ...
Mobility Data Modeling and Simulation AI based, large scale data modeling; methodical approaches, traffic flow, Macro- and microscopic simulations (Sumo, Visum, Vissim, Aimsun, ...)
Traffic Control and Management traffic light control, managed lanes, lane free, Urban traffic control


It is possible to hand in your own topic proposal - Dr.-Ing. Antonios Tsakarestos is pleased to receive them.

The topics are provided with one or more of the following icons, these icons illustrate the main applied method:

  • Simulation: 🖥️
  • Experiment: 🧪
  • Concept: 💭
  • Programming: 💻
  • Survey: 📝
  • Data analysis: 📈

Effects and impacts of mobility

Title and Description Methods to be Used
How can flying taxi stops in urban areas be connected to existing transportation systems?. Mentoring: Lippoldt.

In the literature, you can find concepts for vertistops, vertiports and vertihubs, which are intended to fulfill different functions and have different requirements for the respective area. Depending on the layout and number of different components, certain maximum passenger throughputs can be achieved. But how do the passengers get there? Questions such as: When does it make sense to provide car parking spaces and what is the maximum distance between public transport stops so that the stops are still within walking distance, are to be answered in this bachelor thesis with the help of a literature review. A pedestrian or traffic simulation can also be set up for an example location.

Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) - Firefighting with the Ehang or take the Volocopter to reach the airport. Mentoring: Lippoldt.

With the help of a literature research, an overview of the vehicle concepts for air cabs presented so far and the possible flight missions is to be made. Which use cases are targeted by the manufacturers and which flight missions would be relevant from a transport perspective. In addition to the classification of vehicle types and thus feasible flight missions, the aim of the work is to research and assess market maturity. In addition to literature research, background discussions can also be held with experts.

Literature Review on Cyclist Classification in Comparison with Car Drivers. Mentoring: Lindner.

Cyclists differ in real traffic due to personal factors such as their choice of speed, willingness to take risks or compliance with traffic rules. The aim of the work is to examine classifications and their survey methods and to put them in relation to motorist classifications.


Experimental studies

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Transportation systems and concepts

Title and Description Methods to be Used
Literature review on human behaviour adaptation to AV/CAV vehicles. Mentoring: Sekeran, Lindner, Syed.

This thesis aims to examine human behavioral studies related to human-driver interactions with AV/CAV vehicles in road networks. The review will address various parameters considered in these studies, such as scenarios like AV platoon and mixed platoon interactions. Additionally, it will explore the social demographic factors taken into account during the studies.

The impact of passenger pre-sorting on social distancing at train stations: a simulation-based analysis. Mentoring: Rostami, Peksa.

Maintaining social distance plays a crucial role in breaking the chain of the corona. One approach to decrease the unnecessary interaction among passengers at train station platform by pre-sorting them based on either their destination or origin. The goal of this project is to use a pedestrian simulator such as Viswalk and see how such approaches may help maintain the social distance.

Extension of an assessment method for the "Level of Traffic Stress" of pedestrians or bicyclists. Mentoring: Takayasu.

The aim of this thesis is the extension of a concept for the quantitative, data-based determination of the stress level for pedestrians based on static, dynamic and individual influencing factors. To this end, weak points are to be identified and improvements derived and implemented. In a second part of the thesis, the final concept will be validated and calibrated by means of a survey.

Consistency of cycle priority networks at jurisdictional boundaries. Mentoring: Glöckl.

Jurisdictional boundaries are a challenge for the network planning of transportation services. It may not only be the planning authority that changes, but also the responsible authority for financing and construction. What impact does this have in reality? In the course of a literature study, the strategic network planning of cycling by municipalities at their spatial and organizational transition points to other responsibilities is examined and evaluated. Using an example (e.g. the transition from the City of Munich to the county of Munich), existing breaks in the network are documented and proposals for their elimination are developed. The work requires appropriate on-site inspections or inspections by bicycle.

Designing a Concept of Evaluation for Urban Air Mobility Transportation Systems. Mentoring: Peksa.

The thesis should evaluate and improve a draft concept of evaluation for Urban Air Mobility (UAM) systems. These include a review of proposed KPIs and indicators (based on DIN EN 13816). Next, the improved concept of evaluation should be applied to evaluate a simulated UAM service (the model will be provided). Recommendations for the industry and traffic planners should be derived.


Mobility Data Modeling and Simulation

Title and Description Methods to be Used
Trajectory Reconstruction and Network Matching of Public Transport Vehicles' Data. Mentoring: Alayasreih.

This thesis focuses on utilising a dataset obtained from Munich public transport operator MVG, which includes data recorded via the various devices installed on public transport vehicles. The objective is to reconstruct vehicle trajectories using GPS points. The ultimate goal is to match these trajectories to the network graph of the city. [Cosupervisor: Allister Loder, allister.loder@tum.de]

Analysis of the irregular traffic behavior of cyclists based on drone videos. Mentoring: Kutsch.

Non-motorized road users often behave contrary to the prescribed traffic rules. Reasons for this can be time savings and convenience, but also routes blocked by vehicles. Within the scope of the BA, this behavior will be investigated based on drone videos along the Rheinstraße in Munich. The first step is to identify scenarios in which such behavior occurs. Subsequently, patterns are to be identified and a rule base derived from them.

Analysis of Human driver model characteristics for mixed traffic with CAVs. Mentoring: Sekeran.

The goal of this thesis is to perform a comprehensive analysis of characteristics that are considered when designing and developing human driver models for mixed traffic with CAVs in order to have an overview of existing models, what differentiates these models and its impact on mixed traffic

Potentials of the use of data from connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) in urban traffic. Mentoring: Ilic, Zhang.

What potential does the use of data from connected and automated vehicles (ego-perspective & surrounding traffic) offer in terms of safety and efficiency in urban traffic? Furthermore, the question arises how these potentials can be evaluated simulatively. In addition to a literature research, a concept for the simulative evaluation of the potentials of data utilization of connected and automated vehicles in urban traffic will be developed within the scope of this thesis.

Testbed for traffic simulation. Mentoring: Lindner.

In this thesis, three goals are pursued: (1) to duplicate data and models from an existing (online) platform for (specified) offline studies, (2) to implement procedures to incorporate real-time data into testbed(s), and (3) to investigate data aggregation with respect to traffic control.

Current methods for mode choice modeling. Mentoring: Müller.

In this thesis, the student will conduct a literature review on the different methods of mode choice modelling. The focus is on the one hand on new methods to detect preferences for transport modes besides surveys (cell phone data, app tracking) and on the other hand on methods of mode choice modelling for new and future transportation modes (e-scooter, bikesharing, (shared) automated vehicles, ...).

Acceptance of automated vehicles and automated shuttle buses. Mentoring: Müller.

Vehicles fulfilled automation level 4 or 5 allow drivers to hand over the conduction of the vehicle to itself. In this thesis, the student will examine how this automatisation will affect the evaluation of travel time of the users, and also study the acceptance of such systems. Both automated private vehicles and automated public transport systems shall be analysed in the thesis. The student can conduct a detailed literature review of the topic or may conduct an own survey which addresses the acceptance of users for automated systems.

Current approaches of destination choice modelling. Mentoring: Müller.

In this thesis, the student examines ways of modeling destination choice of people. Destination choice models are a type of trip distribution or spatial interaction model which are formulated as discrete choice models, typically logit models. They can be thought of as a generalization of the traditional and widely used gravity model. The thesis will study different approaches and use a small test data set to conduct a destination choice model.


Traffic Control and Management

Title and Description Methods to be Used
Literature review of the characteristics of traffic with low lane discipline including ways of modelling it. Mentoring: Stüger.

The focus of this work is a literature review of the characteristics of traffic with low lane discipline ("lane-less traffic") and a familiarization with one or more simulation programs for microscopic traffic flow simulation. Finally, the results and experiences must be presented and discussed in a structured way.

Literature review of trajectory planning based on artificial potential fields: A feasible approach for connected and automated driving?. Mentoring: Stüger.

Based on a literature review it is to be evaluated whether potential fields/"artificial forces" are suitable for trajectory planning of automated and connected vehicles.

Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Development of Innovative Driving Behaviour Models. Mentoring: Stüger.

Based on a literature review, it is discussed whether artificial intelligence methods are suitable for calibrating a microscopic driving behaviour model. A conventional car following and lane change model can be used as a basis. Alternatively, a lane-free driving behaviour model for highly connected and automated driving can be used.

Literature Review on Lane-Free Traffic Control Strategies. Mentoring: Sekeran.

In this thesis, the student will conduct a comprehensive literature review and lane-free traffic control strategies. The review includes analysing the concept of each lane-free traffic strategy and to analyse the differences between these strategies and how each of them impacts traffic efficiency.

iterature review on internal vehicle data with relevance for traffic control. Mentoring: Rostami.

Modern vehicles have manyfold on-board sensor systems and information on vehicle and traffic states. Many of those are traffic management and control systems. Aim of this thesis is a survey on the state of the art of on board data with relevance for traffic control.

Literature research towards current implementations to incorporate vehicle-based V2X-data in traffic control on motorways. Mentoring: Rostami.

Modern vehicles increasingly have the potentials to communicate with roadside infrastructure ot exchange data and strategies. There are the first pilots that use vehicle generated data for controlling an manageing traffic flows. The aim of the thesis ist to derive the state of the art of such systems.

Literature review on the lane choice models in urban links. Mentoring: Rostami.

The goal of this work is to do a literature review on the existing lane choice models for urban links. The aim is to find out the approaches that are followed by drives to choose their lane while approaching an intersection. Then the idea is to propose effective lane choice approaches for automated vehicles.