Stapfner, Antonia: Analysis of the Irregular Traffic Behavior of Pedestrians Based on Drone Videos. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.10.2024; End: 28.2.2025. Mentoring: Kutsch, Lindner. Abstract.
Bauer, Florian: Major sporting events: Analysis of visitor mobility and its environmental impact. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 23.4.2024; End: 30.10.2024. Mentoring: Engelhardt, Glöckl. Abstract.
Bektas, Sude Amine: Baby or GTI – Changes in the driving behavior of new parents. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.11.2023; End: 29.4.2024. Mentoring: Lippoldt, Schönhofer. Abstract.
Berikol, Koray: An Analysis of the Effects of Special Lane Placement on Traffic Dynamics and Efficiency. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 10.10.2023; End: 10.3.2024. Mentoring: Schönhofer, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Caesar, Leonie: Exploring Graph-based Navigation Meshes for Modelling Wheelchair User Behavior in Urban Environments. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 6.11.2023; End: 6.4.2024. Mentoring: Lindner, Pechinger, Ilic. Abstract.
Contin Dorigan, Beatriz: Creation of a Mobility Data Curation Dashboard. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 4.1.2024; End: 4.6.2024. Mentoring: Alvarez, Dahmen. Abstract.
Coronel Tehanga, Josue: Design and implementation of a test of the effectiveness of different types of speed warning systems using the example of a residential street. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.10.2023; End: 10.4.2024. Mentoring: Glöckl, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Cotrut, Filip: Literature Review on Lane Choice and Lane Change Models in Traffic Networks. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 19.6.2024; End: 19.11.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Rostami, Peksa. Abstract.
Dey, Penelope: A Comprehensive Study of Mode Choice of Urban Air Mo-bility (UAM) and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM). Bachelor Thesis. Start: 6.11.2023; End: 5.4.2024. Mentoring: Lippoldt, Zhang. Abstract.
Ebbing, Lucas: The latest sensor technology and measurement techniques in connected and automated vehicles. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 25.1.2024; End: 16.4.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Rostami, Sautter. Abstract.
Elsten, Yannick: Analysis of Disruptions in the Munich S-Bahn System using Social-Media data. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 6.11.2023; End: 5.4.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Loder, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Emehrer, Johanna: Exploring Graph-based Navigation Meshes for Modelling Cyclist Behavior in Urban Environments. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 2.4.2024; End: 2.9.2024. Mentoring: Lindner, Kutsch, Dr. Pechinger. Abstract.
Emir, Kara: Analysis of the street and bicycle network changes in Paris. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 12.12.2023; End: 12.5.2024. Mentoring: Natterer, Dr. Loder. Abstract.
Janelidze, Giorgi: BayernBake Live data - core aspects of practical application and financing. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 31.7.2024; End: 31.12.2024. Mentoring: Steinmetz, Dr. Kessler. Abstract.
Malik, Faras Ahmed: It is obvious what needs to be done? – On different perceptions of mobility in urban and rural areas. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.11.2023; End: 28.4.2024. Mentoring: Waldorf, Lippoldt, Schönhofer. Abstract.
Möllmann, Johannes: How high is the service level of public transport outside of urban areas in Germany?. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 2.5.2024; End: 2.10.2024. Mentoring: Lippoldt, Dr. Müller. Abstract.
Pakpahan, Glan Vinarito: Literature Review on Cyclist Classification in Comparison with Motorists. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 20.7.2024; End: 20.12.2024. Mentoring: Lindner, Dr. Takayasu. Abstract.
Rust, Philip: Means and implementation of electrifying a public transport bus fleet. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.4.2024; End: 13.10.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Fischer. Abstract.
Serikbayeva, Danel: What will it cost us? - Factors that influence ticket pricing for UAM. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 13.11.2023; End: 13.4.2024. Mentoring: Zhang, Lippoldt. Abstract.
Theil, Jan Steffen: Continuity of Cycle Priority Networks at Jurisdictional Boundaries. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 10.7.2024; End: 10.12.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Glöckl. Abstract.
Özal, Eray: Restructuring of the Urban Airspace for the Implementation of Urban Air Mobility. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 29.5.2024; End: 29.10.2024. Mentoring: Peksa, Zhang. Abstract.
Bechtold, Christian: Literature Review on Urban Drone Delivery Systems. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 26.1.2023; End: 26.6.2023. Mentoring: Peksa, Fehn. Abstract.
Block, Senta: Literature review of cycling route choice models. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 21.11.2022; End: 21.4.2023. Mentoring: Dahmen, Dr. Weikl. Abstract.
Brenner, Moritz: Identification of factors affecting bicycle mode choice. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 4.4.2023; End: 4.9.2023. Mentoring: Dahmen, Dr. Kessler. Abstract.
Gerz, Lisa Marie: Transport connection of the "Festungspark-Fritsch" quarter to the existing Koblenz cable car transport system. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.5.2023; End: 15.10.2023. Mentoring: Glöckl, Schönhofer. Abstract.
Jiang, Huiling: Analysis of demand clusters of traffic flow on a freeway section using machine learning. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.5.2023; End: 15.10.2023. Mentoring: Metzger, Dr. Kessler. Abstract.
Kayaburun, Kaan: Public Transport Becomes Autonomous - Identification of Human Driver Tasks. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 24.4.2023; End: 20.10.2023. Mentoring: Lindner, Ilic, Alvarez. Abstract.
Krenkel, Florian: Potentials of a logistics hub using the example of the Tegernsee Valley. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.10.2022; End: 15.3.2023. Mentoring: Glöckl, Fehn. Abstract.
Miksch, Cedrik: Public transport pricing in the age of the 9 EUR and 365 EUR-Ticket: Development of a calculation tool. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 9.11.2022; End: 9.4.2023. Mentoring: Dr. Loder, Blum. Abstract.
Morad, Khatera: Literature review on causes, detection and prevention methods of simulator sickness. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.11.2023; End: 1.4.2023. Mentoring: Lindner, Dr. Kessler. Abstract.
Müller, Ramon: Requirement identification and scenario definition for mobility-impaired road user groups in urban traffic. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.11.2022; End: 1.4.2023. Mentoring: Lindner, Ilic, Dr. Kessler. Abstract.
Ortgiese, Tobias: Investigation of the switching behaviour of traffic-dependent light signal systems under full load. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.7.2023; End: 29.12.2023. Mentoring: Steinmetz, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Pries, Oliver: Investigation of the life cycle assessment of conventional city logistics and innovative bicycle logistics concepts. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 12.9.2022; End: 11.2.2023. Mentoring: Fehn, Ilic. Abstract.
Saleh, Ara: Literature review on passenger boarding times in public transport with automated vehicles. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 24.4.2023; End: 24.9.2023. Mentoring: Lindner, Bachmann. Abstract.
Schmid, Sophia: Literature Review on Bicycle Traffic Flow Theory. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 27.10.2022; End: 27.3.2023. Mentoring: Malcolm, Dr. Kessler. Abstract.
Schneider, Jan: Literature review on the potential of Connected Autonomous Vehicles for system optimum routing. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 10.11.2022; End: 10.4.2023. Mentoring: Sautter, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Sommer, Selina: Literature review and user-specific requirement analysis of mobility-impaired groups in urban traffic scenarios. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 21.11.2022; End: 21.4.2023. Mentoring: Lindner, Dr. Kessler. Abstract.
Tetikel, Zeynep: Estimation of energy demand for traffic flow on the German Autobahn. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 2.11.2022; End: 30.4.2023. Mentoring: Dr. Loder, Schönhofer. Abstract.
Udris, Tom: Rational Choice in Transportation - Really that Reasonable?. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 16.11.2022; End: 16.4.2023. Mentoring: Schönhofer, Sautter. Abstract.
Yu, Qinghui: Realistic Estimation of Bicycle Traffic Demand for Microscopic Simulations. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 8.5.2023; End: 8.10.2023. Mentoring: Dr. Kessler, Steinmetz. Abstract.
Zajic, Viktor: Literature review on Reinforcement Learning in Traffic Signal Control. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 22.11.2022; End: 8.5.2023. Mentoring: Sautter, Stüger. Abstract.
Auer, Michael: Game-Changer Carpooling? Potentials of a higher car occupancy rate in the German freeway network. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 23.5.2022; End: 28.9.2022. Mentoring: Schönhofer, Glöckl. Abstract.
Buter, Rebekka: Literature review on the planning and operations of bicycle traffic in urban road networks. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 4.10.2021; End: 4.3.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Loder, Hamm. Abstract.
Civerny, Sebastian: Literature Review on Tradeable Mobility Schemes. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 5.11.2021; End: 5.4.2022. Mentoring: Hamm, Blum. Abstract.
Cordova Vidal, Edu: International Literature Review on Congestion Mitigation Methods. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 7.10.2021; End: 25.2.2022. Mentoring: Metzger, Kessler. Abstract.
Daskalov, Aleks: Literature Review on Methods for Data Fusion and applications for Traffic Engineering and Control. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 18.10.2021; End: 18.4.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Sautter. Abstract.
Germeaux, Philippe: Open Street Map as data source for bicycle, pedestrian & micro-mobility research: Overview, categorization and quality assessment of relevant content. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 2.5.2022; End: 28.9.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Weikl. Abstract.
Götschl, Daniel: Literature review on the evaluation of charging concepts in public and semi-public spaces. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.1.2022; End: 1.6.2022. Mentoring: Fischer, Hardt. Abstract.
Heiß, Thomas: Literature review of the state of the art in X2X communication and development of experimental designs for the incorporation of VRUs into the communication flow. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.6.2022; End: 1.11.2022. Mentoring: Ilic, Dr. Loder. Abstract.
Helfensdörfer, Dominik: Comparative Analysis of Light Rail Transit with Unidirectional and Bidirectional Vehicles. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 17.1.2022; End: 8.7.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Huber, Hanna: Literature review and concept development to evaluate autonomous public transport systems. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 4.3.2022; End: 4.8.2022. Mentoring: Tsakarestos, Bachmann. Abstract.
Hübinger, Amelie: Literature review and survey on the development and relevance of pop-up cycle paths in German cities during the global corona pandemic with international comparison. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 8.11.2021; End: 8.4.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Malcolm, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Isele, Larissa: Use of microdeposits in parcel logistics and possible contribution to traffic reduction. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 20.6.2022; End: 20.11.2022. Mentoring: Fehn, Sautter. Abstract.
John, Felix: The influence of automated and connected driving on traffic flow: Integration into the HBS. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 13.10.2021; End: 13.3.2022. Mentoring: Tilg, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Kinkela, Corinna: Literature review on the potential impact of different urban traffic control measures. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.11.2021; End: 15.4.2022. Mentoring: Sautter, Ilic. Abstract.
Kolb, Maximilian: Literature Review and Data Analysis in the Field of Lane Jam. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.5.2022; End: 26.9.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Kessler, Metzger. Abstract.
Kraus, Elias: Research and analysis of pricing concepts for public charging infrastructure. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 30.11.2021; End: 11.5.2022. Mentoring: Fischer, Hardt. Abstract.
Kurth, Katharina: Evaluation of the pop-up infrastructure in bicycle traffic as a promising instrument of urban transport planning based on literature review. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 18.10.2021; End: 18.3.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Ludwig, Sylvia: Method development for the visualization of bicycle trajectories and traffic-related parameters using a space-time cube. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 22.10.2021; End: 22.3.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Keler. Abstract.
Michel, Carolin: Literature review about influencing factors in mode and route choice.. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 19.8.2021; End: 19.1.2022. Mentoring: Bachmann, Lippoldt. Abstract.
Obermeier, Daniel: Literature Review on Reliability of travel times in urban networks. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 9.11.2021; End: 9.4.2022. Mentoring: Dandl, Tilg. Abstract.
Peng, Shuyan: International comparison of the design of toll systems in road traffic and their effects on mode and route choice. Start: 15.9.2021; End: 15.2.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Loder, Zhang. Abstract.
Plessner, Anna: Analysis of Historical Air Quality Data in Munich and Comparison With Applied Clean Air Measures. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 5.5.2022; End: 5.10.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Ilic. Abstract.
Preißler, Sebastian: Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the use of public transportation. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 2.11.2021; End: 2.4.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Dandl. Abstract.
Puchner, Sophie: Estimation of energy savings potential in Munich's mobility system. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 19.4.2022; End: 12.8.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Loder, Fischer. Abstract.
Queener, Alyssa: Literature review on behaviour models regarding the interactions of vulnerable road users (VRU) and automated vehicles. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.10.2021; End: 15.3.2022. Mentoring: Hamm, Ilic. Abstract.
Schuch, Christina: Evaluation of a field test for an integrated transport system for passengers and parcels. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 23.5.2022; End: 23.10.2022. Mentoring: Fehn, Metzger. Abstract.
Sergejevs, Sergejs: Literature review on co-simulation strategies for autonomous driving studies. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.6.2022; End: 30.9.2022. Mentoring: Sekeran, Margreiter, Syed. Abstract.
Sojer, Magdalena: International comparison of the design of toll systems in road traffic and analysis of their effects. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.9.2021; End: 15.2.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Loder, Zhang. Abstract.
Somakala Subbaraman: Automatic Detection, Classification, and Analysis of Traffic Conflicts from Trajectory Data. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 13.5.2022; End: 28.9.2022. Mentoring: Malcolm, Ilic. Abstract.
Stangl, Julia: Literature review on positive and negative impacts of vehicle platooning. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 20.9.2021; End: 1.2.2022. Mentoring: Kutsch, Margreiter. Abstract.
Steinbach, Jennifer: Literature Review on Multi-intersection Control for Connected Autonomous Vehicles. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.4.2022; End: 15.9.2022. Mentoring: Sautter, Niels. Abstract.
Tellioglu, Selin: Literature review on the application of social force models for mixed traffic. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 14.10.2021; End: 14.3.2022. Mentoring: Malcolm, Ilic. Abstract.
Tummel, Sonja: Expert interviews and user survey on the sustainable design of passenger transport as well as urban logistics by means of transport bicycles. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.11.2021; End: 15.4.2022. Mentoring: Fehn, Kutsch. Abstract.
Walter, Daniel: Development of evaluation criteria for existing urban traffic control systems. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 9.12.2021; End: 9.5.2022. Mentoring: Sautter, Dr. Kessler. Abstract.
Weweck, Annika: Literature review about and comparison of pricing strategies and payment techniques in public transport. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 29.4.2022; End: 29.9.2022. Mentoring: Bachmann, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Wölfl, Manuel: Literature review on the impact of the Corona pandemic on individual transport. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 9.12.2021; End: 9.5.2022. Mentoring: Fischer, Lippoldt. Abstract.
Zelder, Luisa: Calibration of microscopic traffic simulations in „Aimsun Next“ with a focus on connected and automated vehicles. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 17.6.2022; End: 24.11.2022. Mentoring: Stüger, Kutsch. Abstract.
Albu, Veaceslav: Drone based aerial observation and resulting extraction of traffic parameters - Current state of the art and existing solutions. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 14.6.2021; End: 13.10.2021. Mentoring: Margreiter, Dr. Loder. Abstract.
Amer Mahgoub, Nora: Analyzing the State of Electric Mobility in Germany – Market Trends, Usage, Constraints. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.12.2020; End: 28.6.2021. Mentoring: Hardt, Fehn. Abstract.
Baur, Paula: Literature research on the potential benefits and risks of connected technologies for vulnerable road users. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 8.12.2020; End: 7.5.2021. Mentoring: Niels, Malcolm. Abstract.
Borowski, Max: Literature research on spatio-temporal congestion patterns in road networks. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 8.6.2020; End: 20.12.2020. Mentoring: Metzger, Amini. Abstract.
Bourkkadi, Hicham: From Bus lane to Managed Lane – Literature Review on the state of the art of Managed Lanes. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.6.2021; End: 27.8.2021. Mentoring: Schönhofer, Metzger. Abstract.
Bremerich, Josephin: Literature review about the operational combination of last-mile passenger and freight transport. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.9.2020; End: 28.1.2021. Mentoring: Fehn, Engelhardt. Abstract.
Doberenz, Magnus: Determination of demand hotspots for the MVG Rad bike sharing service - comparison of the inner-city areas with the district of Munich. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 10.5.2021; End: 9.10.2021. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Grigoropoulos, Malcolm. Abstract.
Dreier, Stephan: Literature review on automated and connected driving and its effects on urban traffic. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 8.11.2020; End: 1.4.2021. Mentoring: Tilg, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Gartmeier, Helena: Sustainable mobility concepts in rural areas: an analysis of the state of the art. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 2.11.2020; End: 29.3.2021. Mentoring: Tilg, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Gautier, Yannick: Literature review on clustering approaches for urban areas based on public transport, bus and road networks. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 6.5.2021; End: 23.9.2021. Mentoring: Dr. Loder, Hamm. Abstract.
Gester, Hannah: Spatio-temporal analysis of taxi and TNC trip number in New York from 2009 to today. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 5.10.2020; End: 4.3.2021. Mentoring: Dandl, Fehn. Abstract.
Hanssen Marquez, Hillary: Literature research on the acceptance of on-demand ride-hailing and ride-pooling services. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 3.11.2020; End: 2.4.2021. Mentoring: Engelhardt, Dandl. Abstract.
Hoffmann, Sandra: Comparative view of the implementation of noise protection in the EU. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.10.2020; End: 4.1.2021. Mentoring: Schönhofer, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Hurler, Tim: New ways in public transport-a comparison of new means of transport. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.5.2021; End: 30.9.2021. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Glöckl. Abstract.
Khalifeh, Omar: Standards, reliability and latency of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication: Literature research. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 26.6.2021; End: 26.11.2021. Mentoring: Niels, Krause. Abstract.
Korkmaz, Arman: Literature review on types of network-wide traffic control in urban areas with special consideration of artificial intelligence methods. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 17.5.2021; End: 5.10.2021. Mentoring: Ilic, Margreiter. Abstract.
Landmark, Tim: State of the art of multi-modal design methods for urban transport systems. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 14.6.2021; End: 4.10.2021. Mentoring: Tilg, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Martineau, Clemens: Analysis of the Shared-Mobility Services in Munich. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.5.2021; End: 30.9.2021. Mentoring: Hardt, Lippoldt. Abstract.
Müller, Sarah: Measurement and calculation of road traffic noise using the example of an existing federal motorway (Validation of prognosis calculations by means of sound level measurements). Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.2.2021; End: 29.6.2021. Mentoring: Dr. Dumler, Schönhofer. Abstract.
Neudendorf, Clara: Elaboration of country-specific differences in the characteristics of "expressways". Bachelor Thesis. Start: 5.4.2021; End: 5.9.2021. Mentoring: Metzger, Schönhofer. Abstract.
Sailer, Anton: Literature review on long-term and short-term predictability of congestion for expressways (non urban). Bachelor Thesis. Start: 10.5.2021; End: 5.10.2021. Mentoring: Metzger, Dr. Loder. Abstract.
Schäffner, Peter: Impacts of lane changing maneuvers on traffic flow. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.12.2020; End: 30.4.2021. Mentoring: Niels, Stüger. Abstract.
Zeier, Kilian: Electrification of Bus Networks – Synergies Between Conventional Busses and Trolleys. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.12.2021; End: 30.6.2021. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Zitzlsperger, Andrea: Literature research to define and calculate various costs of transport (Traffic jam costs). Bachelor Thesis. Start: 7.4.2021; End: 7.9.2021. Mentoring: Metzger, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Dimitrov, Aleksandar: The Kalman Filter for Applications for Urban Traffic Control - A Literature Research. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.5.2020; End: 30.9.2020. Mentoring: Stüger, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Du Bovis, Daniel: Literature review: Utility Function for Urban Air Mobility. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 22.5.2020; End: 21.10.2020. Mentoring: Krause, Peksa. Abstract.
Erkurt, Lukas: Literature review and practical investigation on the propagation of delays in a public transport network as result of an incident. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.5.2020; End: 12.10.2020. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Bachmann. Abstract.
Franke, Leonhard: Investigation of the realistic representation of interactions between cyclists and other road users in urban areas in bicycle simulators. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 27.1.2020; End: 7.8.2020. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Grigoropoulos, Malcolm. Abstract.
Fuchs, Lena: Comparison of Activity and Mobility Patterns Between Urban and Rural Areas. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.11.2019; End: 1.4.2020. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Holler, Lisa: Use Criteria for Urban Cableways as a Basis for Decisions for/against Follow-up. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.4.2020; End: 31.8.2020. Mentoring: Glöckl, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Polakiewicz, Sara: Control of passenger flows in urban cableway stations. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 20.4.2020; End: 19.9.2020. Mentoring: Glöckl, Stüger. Abstract.
Pätzold, Linda: Analysis of the cycling network in Munich - planning of a network uncoupled from motor vehicle traffic. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.6.2020; End: 31.10.2020. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Dr. Kaths, Malcolm. Abstract.
Rötzer, Lina: Method to find a representative sample of bicyclists. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.6.2020; End: 31.10.2020. Mentoring: Malcolm, Dr. Kaths. Abstract.
Szczepurek, Arlene: Variants of Cableway Systems for the Urban Environment and their Technical Specifications. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.4.2020; End: 31.8.2020. Mentoring: Glöckl, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Tocheva, Violektka: Implementation and evaluation of automated driving functions in microscopic traffic simulation. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 5.9.2019; End: 4.2.2020. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Dr. Keler. Abstract.
Wanitschek, Laura: Mobility Concepts for Communities between Town and Country. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.4.2020; End: 31.8.2020. Mentoring: Glöckl, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Brodersen, Joel: Evaluation of the Hyperloop Concept From a Transport Engineering Perspective: State of Research Analysis. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 3.5.2019; End: 25.9.2019. Mentoring: Tilg, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Degenhart, Julia: Research of Successful Sharing Services and Alternative Mobility Concepts in Rural Areas. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 6.5.2019; End: 5.10.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Graf, Johanndes: Comparative description of currently implemented methods of motorway traffic control and concepts for future extensions. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.11.2018; End: 31.3.2019. Mentoring: Gabloner. Abstract.
Hageneier, Moritz: Literature research on potential and possibilities of integrating electric vehicles into the smart power grid. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 8.4.2019; End: 6.9.2019. Mentoring: Fehn. Abstract.
Höllinger, Veronika: Analysis of various methods and algorithm in network control on motorways. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.1.2019; End: 14.6.2019. Mentoring: Gabloner, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Musaku, Sonja: Data-driven analysis of public transport. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.5.2019; End: 30.9.2019. Mentoring: Tilg, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Nagel, Caroline: Literature research towards existing methods of vehicle-based detection of traffic states on motorways by means of sensor data. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 19.11.2018; End: 18.4.2019. Mentoring: Gabloner. Abstract.
Pritscher, Michael: Analysis and Comparison of Planned Service Quality of Public Transport Services in German Cities. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 5.6.2019; End: 5.10.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Ruf, Mara: Optimization of the design and process of an existing bicycle simulator study using test subjects for the evaluation of countdown timer displays. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.12.2018; End: 31.5.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Scheer, Julian: Demand-responsive transport in Germany: overview and success factors. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 19.5.2019; End: 23.9.2019. Mentoring: Tilg, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Schmid-Querg, Jonas: Literature review of estimating bikeability in urban regions. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.11.2018; End: 31.3.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Taray, Aylin: Identification and evaluation of communication strategies of cyclists in urban areas through empirical studies. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 8.1.2019; End: 7.6.2019. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Dr. Keler. Abstract.
Urgibl, Christina: Review of international literature on Traffic Control Systems using Weather Information. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.6.2019; End: 4.11.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Wiedemann, Alexandra: Analysis of possible Challenges in Mixed Traffic Consisting of Automated and not Automated Road Users. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 20.3.2019; End: 19.8.2019. Mentoring: Krause, Fehn. Abstract.
Zirkelbach, Alina: Quality Indicators for the Public Transport in Cities of 100 to 300 Thousand Inhabitants – a Case Study on Würzburg. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 20.11.2018; End: 3.5.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Best, Benjamin: Routing strategies of bicyclists at complex urban road intersections without traffic lights. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 3.4.2018; End: 2.9.2018. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Chemnitz, Helene: International State of the Art Analysis of Protection of Privacy in Traffic Data Collection. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.11.2017; End: 11.4.2018. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Conrad, Richard: Implementation and evaluation of Ring-and-Barrier control in microscopic simulation. Start: 23.10.2017; End: 22.3.2018. Mentoring: Papapanagiotou. Abstract.
Kowalsky, Clara: Analyzing the utilization of bike-sharing system in Munich. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.5.2018; End: 5.10.2018. Mentoring: Amini, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Kutsch, Alexander: Development of a methodology for the criticality assessment of traffic signals. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 6.11.2017; End: 5.4.2018. Mentoring: Krause. Abstract.
Legner, Nicolas: Analysis of time gaps at a signalized intersection for different traffic user groups. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 12.1.2018; End: 11.6.2018. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Dr. Dumler. Abstract.
Lindner, Johannes: Extraction of Urban Driving Situations from Video and Location Data of a Dashcam. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 4.8.2018; End: 18.12.2018. Mentoring: Krause, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Mussack, Dominik: Enriching and extending OpenStreetMap data extracts with traffic-related behavioral information. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 22.6.2018; End: 21.11.2018. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Nies, Veronika: Literature review on the interaction between autonomous vehicles and vulnerable road users in urban environments. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 21.4.2018; End: 12.9.2018. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Quach, Ngoc My Lena Maria: Literature review on prediction and modeling of lane-changing with machine learning method. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 16.10.2017; End: 15.3.2018. Mentoring: Motamedidehkordi, Dr. Hoffmann. Abstract.
Salmannsberger, Maximilian: Literature review on the Evaluation of Economic Effects of Intelligent Transportation Systems. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.4.2018; End: 14.9.2018. Mentoring: Krause. Abstract.
Özdogan, Buket: Literature search towards availability of various data sources in today’s ITS world. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.12.2017; End: 30.4.2018. Mentoring: Gabloner, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Amann, Daniel: Potential Technologies for Detection of Electric Vehicles for Traffic Management Applications (9 Cr). Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.12.2017; End: 31.3.2017. Mentoring: Celikkaya, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Blachnik, Niklas: Review and analysis of machine learning approaches used in traffic state estimation. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 24.10.2016; End: 23.3.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Hoffmann. Abstract.
Dang, Viviane: Literature review on the safety analysis for driver assistance systems and possibilites for automated driving. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 10.5.2017; End: 9.10.2017. Mentoring: Krause. Abstract.
Decher, Moritz: Compliance and Impact Analysis of non-obligatory Traffic Management Measures for Reducing Road Traffic Emissions. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 19.5.2017; End: 18.10.2017. Mentoring: Celikkaya. Abstract.
Frank, Alexander: State of the Art Analysis of Dynamic Traffic Management in Germany. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.5.2017; End: 28.9.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Freimoser, Christian: State of the Art Analysis of Fully Automated Bus Systems. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 20.4.2017; End: 19.9.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Hoffmann, Dr. Tsakarestos.
Grabke, Hanna: Analysis of the composition of bicycle traffic in Munich using onsite data collection. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.6.2017; End: 31.10.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths. Abstract.
Greiderer, Dominik: Potentials of e-mobility to reduce road traffic noise in urban areas. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 17.8.2016; End: 9.1.2017. Mentoring: Celikkaya. Abstract.
Hagen Martin: Measurement of road traffic noise in urban areas: Procedures and comparison of tools. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 22.3.2017; End: 21.8.2017. Mentoring: Celikkaya, Dr. Dumler. Abstract.
Helbig, Nicole: Literature search towards macroscopic traffic flow and traffic assignment models and applications of these methods in traffic state prognosis. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.12.2016; End: 30.4.2017. Mentoring: Gabloner, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Hertle, Christof: Design and evaluation of a Green Wave for bicyclists in microscopic traffic simulation. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 13.4.2017; End: 12.9.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Hock, Andreas: Protection against traffic noise immissions on outdoor living areas – determination of a sound field on a (partially) glassed loggia. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 26.4.2017; End: 25.9.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Dumler. Abstract.
Kergl, Tobias: Evaluation of GPS based methods for determining the dynamic characteristics of traffic participants (9 Cr). Bachelor Thesis. Start: 3.4.2017; End: 1.9.2017. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Dr. Dumler. Abstract.
Kluzik, Michael: Statistical analysis of weather data and displays in traffic control systems. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.11.2016; End: 31.3.2017. Mentoring: Haug, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Miksch, Franziska: Analysis of safety indicators in microscopic traffic software tool (9 Cr). Bachelor Thesis. Start: 18.4.2017; End: 18.9.2017. Mentoring: Motamedidehkordi, Dr. Hoffmann. Abstract.
Pries, Anna Lea: Study of bicycle-friendly traffic control through a survey. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.4.2017; End: 14.9.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths. Abstract.
Riedmaier, Michael: Literature Review of Evaluation Methodologies for Bicycle Facilities. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 22.12.2016; End: 31.3.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Ruf, Constanze: Integration von Verkehrsmanagementstrategien in Fahrerassistenzsysteme – Analyse möglicher Anwendungsfelder und Wirkungen. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.4.2017; End: 31.8.2017. Mentoring: Krause. Abstract.
Sautter, Natalie: Interaction of automated driving functions and vehicle-to-X applications to improve driving and traffic safety in urban areas. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 3.5.2017; End: 2.10.2017. Mentoring: Geßenhardt, Dr. Hoffmann. Abstract.
Staudt, Magdalena: International Comparison of Urban Intersection Control Schemes for bycicle traffic (signalized and unsignalized). Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.8.2017; End: 1.12.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Telger, Stephanie: Analysis and Overview on Machine Learning Approaches used for Automated Driving. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 30.10.2016; End: 9.2.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Hoffmann.
Treis, Lara: Influences on stop dwelling times of public transport vehicles - methods for quantification and evaluation. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.7.2017; End: 13.10.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Vier, Gabriel: Investigation of the length and dissolving rate of bicycle queues at signalised intersections. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 10.11.2016; End: 31.3.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths, Dr. Dumler. Abstract.
Vogl, Benedikt: Analysis of needs for adjustment of traffic control-related guidelines in relation with the deployment of automated driving. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 27.4.2017; End: 26.9.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Hoffmann. Abstract.
Weinert, Jessica: Topology of access roads on light signalised intersections – German and global approaches. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 9.1.2017; End: 8.6.2017. Mentoring: Geßenhardt, Dr. Dumler. Abstract.
Wüst, Ramona: Simulation study concerning the impact of lane width on speed-flow relationship on urban road segments. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 7.10.2016; End: 8.2.2017. Mentoring: Jakob, Dr. Dumler. Abstract.
Albert, Larissa: Standardised evaluation methods in the transport sector – a comparison. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.5.2016; End: 30.9.2016. Mentoring: Geßenhardt, Dr. Dumler. Abstract.
Arman, Hilal: Literature Review for the Analysis and Evaluation of the effects of countdown timers on traffic. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 23.3.2016; End: 22.8.2016. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Dr. Kaths. Abstract.
Bekiroglu, Elif: Operation of intelligent transportation systems in developing and newly industrializing countries. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 6.5.2016; End: 5.10.2016. Mentoring: Kaths. Abstract.
Diederich, Lynn: Technical review of the state-of-the-art emission models for road traffic. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.3.2016; End: 31.7.2016. Mentoring: Dr. So, Celikkaya. Abstract.
Dietrich, Hanna: Current Use of Detection Technologies based on WiFi and Bluetooth Sensing in the Field of Transportation. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.10.2015; End: 14.3.2016. Mentoring: Margreiter. Abstract.
Durner, Alexander: On-board Sensors for latest Driver Assistant Systems and Highly Automated Vehicles. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.10.2015; End: 14.3.2016. Mentoring: Margreiter, Krause. Abstract.
Erbasi, Burak: Literature research about traffic safety indicators and their threshold- which indicators are suitable for highly automated vehicles?. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.4.2016; End: 31.8.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Hoffmann, Motamedidehkordi. Abstract.
Fackler, Anna-Lena: Analysis of the gap acceptance behavior of bicyclists with conflicting streams of pedestrians at signal controlled intersections. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 16.9.2015; End: 13.1.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths, Krause. Abstract.
Fries, Elisabeth: Subjective evaluation of computational models for sound propagation. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.1.2016; End: 14.6.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Dumler. Abstract.
Grall, Tobias: Best-Practice Analysis of Mobility Solutions for Rural Areas. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 10.5.2016; End: 9.10.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
He, Jiaying: Definition and measurement of congestion for non-motorized transport modes. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.11.2015; End: 31.3.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Held, Marius: E-mobility in motorized private transport – A comparison of pure-electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.7.2016; End: 30.11.2016. Mentoring: Celikkaya. Abstract.
Ilic, Mario: Potential of electric vehicles for air pollution control in private transport: Emission comparison to vehicles with internal combustion engine. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.4.2016; End: 14.9.2016. Mentoring: Celikkaya. Abstract.
Keller, Yvonne: Methods of traffic control and traffic management in urban area. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.5.2016; End: 30.9.2016. Mentoring: Geßenhardt, Dr. Dumler. Abstract.
Kindler, Veronika: Analysis of international bicycle crash data in comparison with local bicycle infrastructure types and bicycle use. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.7.2016; End: 14.12.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths.
Klinger, Vanessa: Illustration of the characteristics of Bluetooth data by means of a corresponding criteria catalogue. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 17.6.2015; End: 16.3.2016. Mentoring: Jakob. Abstract.
Knysak, Christian: State of the art in modelling the driving behavior in merging areas. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.6.2016; End: 14.11.2016. Mentoring: Krause. Abstract.
Neubauer, Nina: State of the art methods for extraction of vehicles trajectories from the video data. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 10.11.2015; End: 9.4.2016. Mentoring: Motamedidehkordi, Krause. Abstract.
Pabst, Paul: Definition and estimation of conflicts between parking and cycling – Case study on Maxvorstadt. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.11.2015; End: 4.3.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Petkov, Adrian: Examples for microeconomical assessments in transportation. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.4.2016; End: 31.8.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Hoffmann. Abstract.
Pinter, Saskia: Comparison of the existing methods for travel time prediction in different traffic networks. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 3.5.2016; End: 2.10.2016. Mentoring: Orfanou.
Rath, Meike: State of scientific knowledge in modelling lateral driving behavior. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.6.2016; End: 31.10.2016. Mentoring: Krause. Abstract.
Reichert, Max: Quality Indicators for Detectors at Traffic Signals. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 16.11.2015; End: 12.7.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Margreiter. Abstract.
Ritzinger, Moritz: Literature review on measuring the human behaviour of drivers. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 4.1.2016; End: 3.6.2016. Mentoring: Motamedidehkordi. Abstract.
Rosenfeld, Oliver: Analysis of the Equipment of Testbeds for Highly Automated Vehicles. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 6.11.2015; End: 23.3.2016. Mentoring: Motamedidehkordi, Krause. Abstract.
Schanen, Tom: Implementation and Evaluation of a Green Wave for Bicycles Using Microscopic Traffic Simulation Tools. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 11.4.2016; End: 10.9.2016. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Papapanagiotou. Abstract.
Schmiedlau, Florian: Evaluation of traffic efficiency on urban roads by the means of Key Performance indicators. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.8.2015; End: 15.2.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Scholz, Martin: Analysis of the tactical behavior of bicyclists using an onsite questionnaire. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.5.2016; End: 16.9.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths.
Speth, Carolin: Bluetooth Sensing and its Application in in the Field of Transportation – Implementations, Research Projects and Research Ideas. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.11.2015; End: 14.4.2016. Mentoring: Margreiter. Abstract.
Stetter, Matthias: Analysis of possible traffic situation in different types of urban intersections. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 2.11.2015; End: 30.3.2016. Mentoring: Motamedidehkordi, Krause. Abstract.
Sturm, Daniel: Intermodal mobility and information supported by apps - State of the art. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.11.2015; End: 14.4.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Türk, Hanna: Analysis and comparison of different simulation tools for modelling driving behavior. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.5.2016; End: 29.9.2016. Mentoring: Krause, Jakob. Abstract.
Vo, Vu Le Minh: Investigation of the surrogate safety validation practices. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 10.5.2016; End: 23.9.2016. Mentoring: Dr. So. Abstract.
Zafeiriou, Paraskevi: Analysis of the gap acceptance behavior of vehicle drivers with conflicting streams of bicycles at signal controlled intersections. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.11.2015; End: 21.4.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths.
Zaman, Adnan: Analysis and prediction of the penetration rate of driver assistance systems in the vehicle fleet in Germany. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.9.2015; End: 15.2.2016. Mentoring: Krause, Motamedidehkordi. Abstract.
Ansel, Lisa: Literature Review of international methods for public transport prioritization at signalized intersections. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.5.2015; End: 19.8.2015. Mentoring: Papapanagiotou.
Aydogdu, Sibel: Literature review on state of the art of Bluetooth sensors for traffic engineering. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 21.7.2015; End: 21.12.2015. Mentoring: Margreiter. Abstract.
Berger, Lukas: Evaluation of Available Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Supporting the Driver when Searching for a Parking Place. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 31.10.2015; End: 31.3.2015. Mentoring: Margreiter, Orfanou. Abstract.
Bruhn, Adrian: Safety Issues with Electric Vehicles and Possible Solutions. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 11.6.2015; End: 10.11.2015. Mentoring: Celikkaya, Jakob. Abstract.
Diebl, Yasmin: Analysis of the distribution of signalized intersections in German cities. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 27.10.2014; End: 3.3.2015. Mentoring: Geßenhardt.
Fehn, Fabian: Economic comparison of different vehicle propulsion concepts in carsharing. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 14.11.2015; End: 13.4.2015. Mentoring: Celikkaya, Jakob. Abstract.
Friedl, Simon: Literature Review of Galileo-applications in transportation. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.4.2015; End: 21.8.2015. Mentoring: Papapanagiotou.
Gall, Sarah: Approaches for the impact assessment of driver assistant systems. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 14.11.2014; End: 27.3.2015. Mentoring: Geßenhardt.
Heine, Felicia: Dimensioning of signalized intersections - a statistical analysis. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 14.12.2014; End: 31.3.2015. Mentoring: Geßenhardt.
Heiß, Thomas: Use of „Section Control“ – an international comparison by means of selected criteria. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 19.12.2014; End: 18.5.2015. Mentoring: Jakob.
Heldrung, Peter: Analysis of road streches of German cities concerning traffic engineering aspects. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 12.2.2015; End: 29.6.2015. Mentoring: Geßenhardt. Abstract.
Herrmann, Johann: Comparison of rule-based traffic actuated signal control in Germany and the USA. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.4.2015; End: 15.9.2015. Mentoring: Kaths, Papapanagiotou. Abstract.
Hudeczek, Daniel: Illustration of the characteristics of floating car data by means of a corresponding criteria catalogue. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 14.11.2015; End: 30.3.2015. Mentoring: Jakob.
Kirn, Frieder: Literature review on state of the art of WLAN/WiFi sensors for traffic engineering. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.5.2015; End: 30.9.2015. Mentoring: Margreiter. Abstract.
Köhler, Olivia: Data analysis for the evaluation of impacts of a highly automated vehicle guidance system on traffic flow. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 31.10.2014; End: 31.3.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths.
Menhofer, Anton: Analysis of the geometric shape of signalized intersections of German cities. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.10.2014; End: 14.3.2015. Mentoring: Geßenhardt.
Mönch, Sven: Analysis of the public transport line management at signalized intersections of German cities. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.10.2014; End: 28.2.2015. Mentoring: Geßenhardt.
Pfau, Nico: Analysis of operation technologies for fully automated public transport systems. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.6.2015; End: 30.9.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Quambusch Gil, Daniel: Overview about prognosis of future traffic demand and comparison with the reality. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 6.5.2015; End: 5.10.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Hoffmann. Abstract.
Rosenwirth, Bianca: Analysis of effects of dynamic street lighting on traffic flow and traffic safety on a section in the City of Düsseldorf. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.9.2014; End: 27.1.2015. Mentoring: Gerstenberger.
Schaffhauser, Timo: Potential Impact of Transport Related Measures for Emission Reduction - Case Studies of Low emission Zones and Congestion Charge. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 14.11.2014; End: 14.4.2015. Mentoring: Tsakarestos.
Scharnagl, Jakob: Detection of road traffic – a structured illustration of the technologies and their areas of application. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 8.12.2014; End: 7.5.2015. Mentoring: Jakob. Abstract.
Schnorpfeil, Tobias: State-of-the art in science and technology for bicycle simulators. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.6.2015; End: 31.10.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths.
Stumpp, Patrick: Comparison of the use of different vehicle propulsion concepts from the user’s perspective. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.10.2015; End: 14.3.2015. Mentoring: Celikkaya, Gerstenberger. Abstract.
Swolana, Patrick: Simulation of traffic actuated signal control with VISVAP using the example of the city Dusseldorf. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 14.12.2014; End: 13.5.2015. Mentoring: Geßenhardt. Abstract.
Veit, Lukas: State of the art of Highly Automated Vehicles – worldwide analysis with special focus on USA, Europe and Japan. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 20.4.2015; End: 30.7.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Margreiter. Abstract.
Watzlowik, Jonas: Simulation of traffic actuated signal control with VISVAP using the example of the city Kassel. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 14.12.2014; End: 8.5.2015. Mentoring: Geßenhardt. Abstract.
Weinmann, Lina: Survey of uncertainty and sensitivity analyses in traffic engineering. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.4.2015; End: 31.8.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Hoffmann. Abstract.
Bauer, Veronika: Comparison of different approaches for the extrapolation of traffic related impacts of driver assistant systems. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 21.5.2014; End: 20.10.2014. Mentoring: Geßenhardt.
Bierbach, Sandra: Applicability of a method for the generation of a strategic road network and the analysis of existing traffic data collection for the implementation of traffic measures in an urban area. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 2.12.2014; End: 24.4.2014. Mentoring: Gerstenberger.
Braun, Johannes: Use of "Social Networks" as a Data Source for Assessing the Quality of Public Transport Systems. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.11.2013; End: 30.3.2014. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Fenner, Christian: Comparison of non-invasive sensors and road sensors for determining road weather for the usage in section control systems. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.4.2014; End: 1.9.2014. Mentoring: Rascher.
Hartwig, Cornelius: Influence of Different Parameters on the Cost of Public Transport and Comparison of LRT and BRT. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.11.2013; End: 30.3.2014. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Hohma, Julia: Survey of the economic perspective on traffic related impacts of Intelligent Transportation Systems. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 18.7.2014; End: 17.12.2014. Mentoring: Baur.
Höbel, Melanie: Comparison of different models for determining the traffic state. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 7.11.2013; End: 7.4.2014. Mentoring: Margreiter. Abstract.
Lindholm, Katharina: Worldwide analysis and comparison of state-of-the-art traffic control systems on freeways. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 8.11.2013; End: 7.4.2014. Mentoring: Gabloner.
Loder, Thomas: Classification of Bus Systems According to Quality Characteristics of Public Transport Operations. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.11.2013; End: 30.3.2014. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Müller, Anna: Analysis and qualitative assessment of eco-sensitive traffic management measures under consideration of boundary conditions of traffic flow and urban climate. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.8.2014; End: 9.12.2014. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Schirrmacher, Yannik: Systematic Description of Accelatering Measures for Urban Public Transport. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 7.11.2013; End: 7.4.2014. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Schoepplenberg, Paul: Overview and recommendations for the development of advanced safety indicators on Intelligent Transport Systems using the example of a cooperative obstacle warning system. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 2.5.2014; End: 30.9.2014. Mentoring: Baur, Gerstenberger. Abstract.
Sperber, Anton: Analysis of the correlation between turning relations and the number of lanes at traffic light signalized urban intersections. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 8.11.2013; End: 7.4.2014. Mentoring: Geßenhardt.
Thiel, Paul: Cluster analysis of traffic relevant characteristics of German cities. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 8.11.2013; End: 7.4.2014. Mentoring: Geßenhardt, Gerstenberger.
Windpassinger, Michael: Train and remote bus - an integrated comparison of the travel supplier. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 8.11.2013; End: 31.3.2014. Mentoring: Geßenhardt.
Bachmann, Frederik: Bluetooth-Sensors for measuring traffic flow - Developing Sensors as well as Designing and Carrying out field tests. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 2.5.2013; End: 20.9.2013. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Margreiter. Abstract.
Bauersachs, Lisa: Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit von Staukenngrößen bei lokaler und streckenbezogener Detektion - Vergleich mittels mikroskopischer Simulation. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 13.11.2012; End: 12.4.2013. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Margreiter. Abstract.
Gigl, Andrea: Use of Titanium for Solving the Problem of NO2 in Urban Canyons. A Critical Literature Review.. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 27.5.2013; End: 27.10.2013. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Gutjahr, Carolina: Determination of Travel Time during overloaded ramps using simulation. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 13.5.2013; End: 9.10.2013. Mentoring: Rascher, Grosanic.
Honigl, Eva-Maria: Study of the impact of fog on traffic flow on motorways. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.5.2013; End: 26.8.2013. Mentoring: Rascher, Grosanic. Abstract.
Kopmann, Moritz: Untersuchung der verkehrlichen Wirkung von Verkehrsführungen bei stationären Arbeitsstellen auf Autobahnen mittels Simulation. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 29.5.2013; End: 29.10.2013. Mentoring: Rascher, Fullerton.
Pürckhauer, Sophie: Identification of specific sensor parameters and characteristics of Bluetooth detectors. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 2.5.2013; End: 19.9.2013. Mentoring: Margreiter. Abstract.
Staudigl, Nino: Development of a Methodology for Analysing the Traffic Impacts of Car Sharing. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 8.5.2013; End: 30.9.2013. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Wolff, Alexander: Analysis of different traffic light control strategies for low traffic demand at night. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 6.6.2013; End: 26.9.2013. Mentoring: Lüßmann.
Leipold, Michaela: Erstellen einer validen mikroskopischen Verkehrssimulation mit dem Simulationsprogramm AIMSUN der Anschlussstelle Oberschleißheim an der A 92. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 14.5.2012; End: 13.10.2012. Mentoring: Rascher, Schendzielorz. Abstract.
Obermaier, Julia: Untersuchung der Qualität des Verkehrsablaufs an einer LSA-geregelten Kreuzung mit ÖPNV-Priorisierungsmaßnahmen unter variablen Bedingungen. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 11.11.2011; End: 11.4.2012. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Monninger.
Bui Anh, Ngoc: Elektrofahrzeuge für den Taxiverkehr - Randbedingungen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 23.5.2011; End: 22.9.2011. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Demmel, Tatjana: Mobilität von Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung in Europa - Bestandsanalyse und Untersuchung von Best-Practice-Beispielen. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 18.5.2011; End: 18.10.2011. Mentoring: Monninger. Abstract.
Heyse, Anna-Lisa: Aspekte der Verkehrssicherheit an Knotenpunkten. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 19.5.2011; End: 19.10.2011. Mentoring: Gerstenberger, Schendzielorz. Abstract.
Hoffmann, David: Analyse der Parkraumnutzung im öffentlichen Straßenraum in unmittelbarer Nähe des Stammgeländes der TU München. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.7.2011; End: 30.11.2011. Mentoring: Hanitzsch. Abstract.
Imhof, Harald: Einfluss der temporären Seitenstreifenfreigabe auf den Verkerhrsfluss. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 9.5.2011; End: 5.10.2011. Mentoring: Grosanic, Fiedler. Abstract.
Resch, Anton: Elektrofahrzeuge für den Taxiverkehr - Analyse von Fahrprofilen aus Floating Car Data einer Münchner Taxiflotte und Ableitung eines Anforderungsprofils für Elektrofahrzeuge. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 1.6.2011; End: 30.9.2011. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Stjepanovic, Benjamin: Analyse der Befolgung der temporären Seitenstreifenfreigabe am Beispiel der A8 Ost. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 10.1.2011; End: 7.3.2011. Mentoring: Grosanic. Abstract.
Daniel, Patricia: Entwicklung eines Konzeptes zur Erhöhung der Attraktivität des Zentralen Omnibusbahnhofs der Stadt Nordhorn. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 19.4.2010; End: 23.7.2010. Mentoring: Monninger. Abstract.
Gehm, August: Untersuchung und Bewertung einer Bus-Ringlinie im Münchner Umland. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 17.6.2010; End: 12.8.2010. Mentoring: Monninger. Abstract.
Müller, Nicole: Verkehrssimulationsstudie zur Ermittlung von Wirkungen der C2X-Anwendung „Elektronisches Bremslicht“ auf die Verkehrssicherheit. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 15.10.2010; End: 10.12.2010. Mentoring: Baur, Müller.
Widmer, Ludmila: Untersuchung des Wettergeschehens entlang eines Abschnitts der A 92. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 6.8.2010; End: 30.9.2010. Mentoring: Grosanic. Abstract.
Bracher, Benedikt: Qualitätsanalyse und Aufbereitung von städtischen Detektordaten. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 9.5.2008; End: 18.7.2008. Mentoring: Fiedler.
Geisler, Konstantin: Untersuchung der Fahrgastverteilung in den U-Bahnzügen der Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft (MVG). Bachelor Thesis. Start: 29.5.2008; End: 18.7.2008. Mentoring: Monninger, Leonhardt.
Rascher, Andrea: Test von potentiellen Standorten für die Fahrzeugwiederer-kennung und die Bewertung des Verkehrsablaufs anhand von Testdaten. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 28.4.2008; End: 18.7.2008. Mentoring: Fiedler, Müller.
Tewes, Christoph: Warteschlangentheorie - Beschreibung der Warteprozesse am Beispiel einer Großkantine. Bachelor Thesis. Start: 13.5.2008; End: 19.7.2008. Mentoring: Lüßmann, Maier.