Physics-informed Deep Learning for OD Demand Prediction. Mentoring: Dr. Rostami, Dr. Niels.
MobilityCoins - A Comparative Study of Multinomial Logit Models and Neural Networks Using Survey Data. Mentoring: Servatius, Dr. Loder.
Online Survey Analysis of Perceived Traffic Stress and Trip Decision-Making Among Cyclists in Munich. Mentoring: Dr. Takayasu, Dr. Kessler.
Development and Implementation of multi-lane configu-ration concept in SUMO. Mentoring: Dr. Rostami, Dr. Syed.
Comparing the microscopic behavior of bicycle, scooter, and cargo bike riders based on urban drone videos. Mentoring: Kutsch, Dr. Kessler.
All-encompassing Evaluation of Cost-benefit Analysis Methods for the Crowdfunding Feature of the MobilityCoin System. Mentoring: Servatius, Dr. Loder.
Quantifying Impacts of Mobility Policy Measures Using the Example of Paris. Mentoring: Natterer, Dr. Dandl, Dr. Loder.
Microsimulation-based analysis of the Effect of Hard Shoulder Opening on Motorway Traffic. Mentoring: Dr. Rostami, Karalakou.
Sustainability analysis of urban public spaces: Case studies on different European cities. Mentoring: Ilic, Waldorf.
Research into traffic dynamics in public transport: Clustering of bus speed profiles in Munich. Mentoring: Alayasreih, Dr. Loder.
E-Scooter Sharing: A Study of Traffic, Economic and Environmental Implications and Target Group Analysis. Mentoring: Dr. Müller, Peksa.
Evaluating the impact of Speed Limit Reductions on Urban Air Quality. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Ilic.
Dynamic Pricing in Ridepooling Services. Mentoring: Ding, Dr. Dandl.
Simulation-based Assessment of the Traffic Impacts of Ride-Pooling Systems. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Engelhardt.
Network Clustering Using Detector Data Considering Road Classes. Mentoring: Zhang, Alayasreih.
Implementation of a max pressure control for urban networks. Mentoring: Steinmetz, Malcolm.
Investigation into Traffic Performance under MFD-based Perimeter Control. Mentoring: Steinmetz, Alayasreih.
Identification of Vehicle Trajectories using Machine Learning Approaches. Mentoring: Karalakou, Dr. Syed.
Infrastructure Analysis and Classification for Modelling Dynamic Boarding Locations for Autonomous Busses. Mentoring: Lindner, Alvarez, Dr. Niels.
Implementation of an Urban Traffic Signal Control Based on Reinforcement Learning. Mentoring: Steinmetz, Karalakou.
Evaluation of Recorded Trajectories in the Greater Munich Area Against Safety Specifications Using Signal Temporal Logic. Mentoring: Zhang, Nexhipi.
Design and Retrofitting of Urban Intersections for Safe CAV Deployment: Enhancing VRU Interaction through Intersection Layout and Intelligent Roadside Infrastructure. Mentoring: Ilic, Dr. Niels.
Comprehensive Traffic Impact Analysis of a Pedestrian Scramble Intersection: Analysis of a Pilot Project in Munich. Mentoring: Ilic, Steinmetz.
Development and Evaluation of a Novel Routing Method for Use with Pedestrian Social Force Models. Mentoring: Malcolm, Lindner.
Impact of Vehicle Breakdown in Lane-Free Traffic with Connected and Automated Vehicles. Mentoring: Sekeran, Dr. Niels.
Equitable Allocation of MobilityCoins Aimed at Maximizing the Reduction of CO2 emissions. Mentoring: Servatius, Waldorf.
Development and implementation of plausibility filters for trajectories in urban environments. Mentoring: Kutsch.
Multi-Modal Traffic Stress Analysis of Road Network Quality: A Comparative Study of Athens and Munich. Mentoring: Dr. Takayasu, Dahmen.
A Multi-period Tradable Credit Scheme to Manage Traffic Network Demand. Mentoring: Servatius, Waldorf.
Optimization of Streetcar Prioritization in Mixed Traffic Considering Various Influencing Factors. Mentoring: Steinmetz, Dr. Tsakarestos.
Evaluating the Chances and Risks of Machine Learning in Predicting Mode Choice Decisions for MobilityCoin System Based on Stated-Preference Survey Data Topic. Mentoring: Servatius, Waldorf.
Analysis of Cycling Behavior in Bicycle Simulator Studies. Mentoring: Zheng, Ilic.
Optimizing Energy Efficiency in Electric Bus Networks: A Scenario-Based Analytical Framework for Transition to Electric Buses Based on Energy Consumption. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Fischer.
Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Hamburg Smala Project in Terms of Traffic-Relevant KPIs. Mentoring: Dr. Fehn, Zhang.
Analyzing the Effects of Mobility-On-Demand Pick-up and Drop-off Processes on Link Capacity. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Alvarez.
Adapting Road Infrastructure for Lane-Free Movement in the Era of Connected and Automated Vehicles. Mentoring: , Dr. Dandl.
Understanding Cyclist Attention in Urban Traffic Envi-ronments. Mentoring: Dr. Takayasu, Sekeran.
Adaptive Optimization of On-Demand Feeder Bus Sys-tems with Stop-Skipping Strategies. Mentoring: , Dr. Rau, Dr. Dandl.
Exploring Key Factors Influencing the Acceptance of the MobilityCoin System. Mentoring: Waldorf, Servatius.
Development of an Optimized Network of Charging and Refuelling Stations for Sustainable Road Freight Transport. Mentoring: Fischer.
Evaluation of Traffic Stress Measurement in a VR-Based Micromobility Simulator. Mentoring: Dr. Takayasu, Zheng.