Sharma, Ayush: Analysis of the Irregular Traffic Behavior of Cyclists Based on Drone Videos. Master Thesis. Start: 22.7.2024; End: 22.1.2025. Mentoring: Kutsch, Zhang. Abstract.
Ahmed, Sameer: State Vector Design for Reinforcement Learning in Traffic Signal Control. Master Thesis. Start: 20.1.2024; End: 20.7.2024. Mentoring: Steinmetz, Karalakou. Abstract.
Bachir, Hussein: Adaptive traffic signal control with connected vehicle data. Master Thesis. Start: 23.10.2023; End: 23.4.2024. Mentoring: Steinmetz, Dr. Rostami. Abstract.
Barche, Melanie: Public Transport Goes Autonomous - Identification of Tasks for the Human Vehicle Operator. Master Thesis. Start: 1.10.2023; End: 28.4.2024. Mentoring: Lindner, Ilic, Alvarez. Abstract.
Bradl, Elias: Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Bike-Sharing Demand: A Case Study from Munich. Master Thesis. Start: 29.11.2023; End: 29.5.2024. Mentoring: Alayasreih, Waldorf. Abstract.
Böckle, Markus: Studying the Interaction of Cyclists and Autonomous Shuttle Busses in Dynamic Stop Scenarios Using a Bicycle Simulator. Master Thesis. Start: 13.5.2024; End: 13.11.2024. Mentoring: Lindner, Dr. Pechinger. Abstract.
Cai, Zonglin: Comparative LCA of cable car, bus and streetcar using a synthetic model. Master Thesis. Start: 15.2.2024; End: 13.9.2024. Mentoring: Ilic, Glöckl. Abstract.
Ekwueme, Arinze: Implementation of Different Methods for User Equilibrium and System Optimum Routing in the Microscopic Simulation Platform SUMO. Master Thesis. Start: 19.6.2024; End: 19.12.2024. Mentoring: Steinmetz, Ding. Abstract.
Fuchs, Sophia: Investigating and analyzing the effects of policy instruments such as the 9-Euro-Ticket and the “Deutschlandticket” on activity spaces and mobility patterns. Master Thesis. Start: 14.12.2023; End: 29.5.2024. Mentoring: Waldorf, Alvarez. Abstract.
Gonzalez Andrade, Luis Felipe: Simulation-Based Comparison of On-Demand and Line-Based Public Transport Services. Master Thesis. Start: 22.11.2023; End: 22.5.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Alayasreih. Abstract.
Gritsch, Niklas: Unlocking the potential of Carpooling: Analyzing commuter flexibility for a sustainable mobility future. Master Thesis. Start: 23.5.2024; End: 20.11.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Waldorf. Abstract.
Gupta, Akshay: Optimized Route Planning for Station-Based Ride-Pooling Services using a Digital Twin. Master Thesis. Start: 11.9.2023; End: 11.3.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Engelhardt. Abstract.
Helfensdörfer, Dominik: Use of social media messages for incident analysis and prediction in public transport. Master Thesis. Start: 30.10.2024; End: 30.4.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Loder, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Kerimzhanova, Aishuak: Empricial Investigation of User’s Behavior in Crowdfunding for the MobilityCoin System. Master Thesis. Start: 24.7.2023; End: 24.1.2024. Mentoring: Servatius, Dr. Loder. Abstract.
Kloppstock, Nicole: Potential analysis of a cost-reducing charging strategy at public charging stations for electric vehicles. Master Thesis. Start: 15.5.2024; End: 12.12.2024. Mentoring: Fischer, Fehn. Abstract.
Kotha, Abishek: Data-Driven Perspectives on Urban Congestion: Integrating Autonomous Vehicle Data and Public Sources for Accurate Estimation. Master Thesis. Start: 23.10.2023; End: 23.5.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Sekeran. Abstract.
Kulmurzina, Alua: Method to Identify Potential Corridors for Bus Rapid Transit within an Existing Bus Network. Master Thesis. Start: 6.5.2024; End: 4.11.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Kurz, Chantal: Crowdfunding in the public sector: Infrastructure development based on the MobilityCoin System. Master Thesis. Start: 21.7.2023; End: 2.1.2024. Mentoring: Servatius, Dr. Loder. Abstract.
Köning, Lukas: Implementation and Testing of a Cooperative, Partially Automated Driving Function in a Real Vehicle Considering Influences of Road Traffic. Master Thesis. Start: 15.4.2024; End: 11.10.2024. Mentoring: Lindner, Sekeran. Abstract.
Mamun, Muntasir: Estimation of environmental impacts of bike sharing based on MVG data in Munich. Master Thesis. Start: 21.1.2024; End: 18.7.2024. Mentoring: Ilic, Fehn. Abstract.
Mandaokar, Dnyandeep: Design and Comparison of Human-Machine-Interface Concepts for Investigating the Communication between Bicycles and Automated Shuttle Busses. Master Thesis. Start: 1.12.2023; End: 31.5.2024. Mentoring: Lindner, Dr. Pechinger. Abstract.
Meda Badareesh, Sagar: Integration of a Driving Simulator and SUMO for Evaluation of Safety in UniBwM Campus with future mobility scenarios. Master Thesis. Start: 15.9.2023; End: 14.3.2024. Mentoring: Ilic, Dr. Niels.
Ommachan, Bibin: Assessing the Practicability of Munich’s Existing Bicycle Infrastructure to Accommodate Current and Future Bicycle Types. Master Thesis. Start: 4.6.2024; End: 3.12.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Kessler, Kutsch. Abstract.
Othman, Mohammed: Optimizing the Placement of Roadside ITS-Stations in Urban Intersections Towards Enhanced Collaborative Perception. Master Thesis. Start: 6.5.2024; End: 5.11.2024. Mentoring: Ilic, Dr. Pechinger. Abstract.
Pätzold, Linda Marie: Analysis of Bicycle Riding Behavior at Intersections under Consideration of Infrastructure. Master Thesis. Start: 7.5.2024; End: 7.11.2024. Mentoring: Dahmen, Dr. Kessler. Abstract.
Rahman, Md. Atikur: From Single Intersections to Network Traffic State: Ma-chine Learning in Traffic State Estimation. Master Thesis. Start: 9.10.2023; End: 9.4.2024. Mentoring: Zhang, Steinmetz. Abstract.
Ray, Anirudh: Development of Heuristics and Machine-learning Approaches to Find Transfer Points in Intermodal Travel. Master Thesis. Start: 27.3.2024; End: 26.9.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Alvarez, Ding. Abstract.
Sathya Kumar, Pavithra: Simulation-based Analysis of the Impact of Novel Modes of Transportation at Non-Signalized Intersections. Master Thesis. Start: 21.9.2023; End: 30.4.2024. Mentoring: Stüger, Dr. Takayasu. Abstract.
Schmidt, Katia: Use of Artificial Intelligence to Calibrate Microscopic Driving Behaviour Models. Master Thesis. Start: 19.4.2024; End: 19.10.2024. Mentoring: Stüger, Steinmetz. Abstract.
Schäffner, Peter: Development of a Control Procedure for Public Transport Prioritization Considering Continuous Monitoring of Public Transport Vehicles. Master Thesis. Start: 24.4.2024; End: 31.10.2024. Mentoring: Stüger, Steinmetz. Abstract.
Stein, Sebastian: Analysing Usage Patterns and Carbon Emissions of Public EV Charging Sessions in Munich: A Data-Driven Optimization Approach Using Machine Learning. Master Thesis. Start: 21.6.2024; End: 21.12.2024. Mentoring: Ilic, Fischer. Abstract.
Terrasi, Alfonso: Development of a methodology for quality assess-ment of multimodal hubs. Master Thesis. Start: 1.10.2023; End: 15.3.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Dr. Pechinger. Abstract.
Yan, Dingan: Investigating the Impact of Extreme Weather on Mobility Behavior with RP Data. Master Thesis. Start: 23.11.2024; End: 7.5.2024. Mentoring: Waldorf, Alvarez. Abstract.
Yaseen: Predicting MobilityCoins Users’ Crowdfunding Spending Behavior Using Machine Learning: A Random Forest Modelling Approach. Master Thesis. Start: 15.4.2024; End: 15.10.2024. Mentoring: Servatius, Dr. Loder. Abstract.
Zhang, Hanwen: Analysis of Traffic Flow Characteristics in Lane-Free Traffic. Master Thesis. Start: 10.7.2023; End: 10.1.2024. Mentoring: Dr. Rostami, Malcolm. Abstract.
Andreev, Vladislav: Validity of visualization methods in driving simulation. Master Thesis. Start: 1.8.2022; End: 31.1.2023. Mentoring: Syed, Lindner. Abstract.
Asady, Shariffulah: Simulation of a Ride-Hailing Service in a Digital Twin. Master Thesis. Start: 15.3.2023; End: 15.9.2023. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Engelhardt. Abstract.
Azzam, Mohamed: Modeling and prediction of congestion patterns using deep learning. Master Thesis. Start: 17.5.2023; End: 16.11.2023. Mentoring: Metzger, Dr. Loder. Abstract.
Chan, Cheuk Yin: Application of Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Traf-fic State Estimation. Master Thesis. Start: 15.5.2023; End: 15.11.2023. Mentoring: Kutsch, Dr. Loder. Abstract.
Dar, Nouman: Estimation of the Characteristics of Highway Infrastructure Using Drone Data. Master Thesis. Start: 8.5.2023; End: 8.11.2023. Mentoring: Zhang, Kutsch. Abstract.
Dauda, Abdul-Rahman: Risk Analysis of Accidents involving Cyclists based on Extended Traffic Accident Data. Master Thesis. Start: 1.6.2023; End: 1.12.2023. Mentoring: Lindner, Dr. Takayasu, Ilic. Abstract.
Denno, Anas: Assessment of the effects of single vehicle data for traffic flow harmonization in the scope of V2X systems. Master Thesis. Start: 5.5.2023; End: 19.11.2023. Mentoring: Metzger, Margreiter. Abstract.
El Eid, Fadi: Credit allocation strategies in a tradable mobility credit scheme. Master Thesis. Start: 18.11.2022; End: 1.6.2023. Mentoring: Hamm, Dr. Dandl, Alvarez. Abstract.
Elzahani, Mohamed: Life Cycle Assessment of a Large-Scale Rail Infrastructure Project: A Case Study of ABS 38. Master Thesis. Start: 20.3.2023; End: 20.9.2023. Mentoring: Ilic, Fehn. Abstract.
Faizi, Asadullah: Interactions Between Different Managed Lane Systems, a Comparative Analysis. Master Thesis. Start: 5.5.2023; End: 23.10.2023. Mentoring: Schönhofer, Zhang. Abstract.
Feng, Yu: Quantification of car dependency in Munich. Master Thesis. Start: 16.1.2023; End: 16.7.2023. Mentoring: Servatius, Dr. Loder. Abstract.
Garcia, Walter: Classification of cyclist types. Master Thesis. Start: 20.6.2023; End: 20.12.2023. Mentoring: Dahmen, Dr. Takayasu. Abstract.
Hussain, Maaz: Evaluation of the impact of local regulatory requirements on the usage behavior of public charging infrastructure. Master Thesis. Start: 1.9.2022; End: 15.3.2023. Mentoring: Fischer, Hamm, Lippoldt. Abstract.
Karlitschek, Florian: Development of a methodology for dimensioning car-pool parking spaces, taking into account the potentials of carpooling. Master Thesis. Start: 15.5.2023; End: 15.11.2023. Mentoring: Schönhofer, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Krumbacher, Helena: Route Choice Behavior of Bicyclists based on Objective and Subjective Data Analyses. Master Thesis. Start: 1.6.2023; End: 1.12.2023. Mentoring: Dr. Kessler, Dahmen. Abstract.
Kundan, Kumar: Smart Infrastructure Planning of Electrical Vehicles Charging Stations and Evaluation of Service Quality and Utilization. Master Thesis. Start: 15.7.2022; End: 4.4.2023. Mentoring: Fischer, Hardt, Zhang. Abstract.
Mustafa, Fuad: Development of a space utilization concept for a test in-tersection for automated and connected mobility and implementation in traffic simulation. Master Thesis. Start: 8.5.2023; End: 8.11.2023. Mentoring: Margreiter, Ilic. Abstract.
Rahman, Md. Manjurur: Demand Generation and Calibration for Microscopic Traffic Simulation using OD Matrices. Master Thesis. Start: 27.9.2022; End: 21.4.2023. Mentoring: Sautter, Dr. Kessler. Abstract.
Rashid, Sameera: Impact of trip planning apps on mode choice decisions. Master Thesis. Start: 14.10.2022; End: 14.4.2023. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Lippoldt, Hamm. Abstract.
Sandoval Avila, Francisco Julian: On-Demand Suspended railway systems: Evaluation for Urban Contexts. Master Thesis. Start: 15.5.2023; End: 15.11.2023. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Alayasreih. Abstract.
Sindhu, Gourav: Comparison of congestion charge systems (tokens vs tolls vs taxes) from a modeling perspective: how can we measure efficiency, effectiveness, and equity?. Master Thesis. Start: 15.2.2023; End: 15.8.2023. Mentoring: Servatius, Dr. Loder. Abstract.
Sultani, Murtaza: Simulative investigation of measures for shockwave damping on freeways. Master Thesis. Start: 16.5.2023; End: 16.11.2023. Mentoring: Metzger, Stüger, Kutsch. Abstract.
Sulthana, Parveen: Quality and potential analysis of traffic signal switching time pre-diction based on finite state theory. Master Thesis. Start: 14.4.2023; End: 14.10.2023. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Sautter. Abstract.
Thun, Felix: Development of a Map Matching Algorithm for Bicycle Trajectories. Master Thesis. Start: 7.11.2022; End: 7.5.2023. Mentoring: Dahmen, Dr. Weikl, Dr. Loder. Abstract.
Uerel, Kerimcan: A suitability analysis of on-demand mobility services using the example of Munich's metropolitan area. Master Thesis. Start: 1.3.2023; End: 31.8.2023. Mentoring: Dr. Dandl, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Waldmann, Marina: The 9 Euro-Ticket experiment: Analysis of travel behavior in the Mobilität.Leben study. Master Thesis. Start: 28.11.2022; End: 26.5.2023. Mentoring: Dr. Loder, Hamm. Abstract.
Wanitschek, Laura: Development of a qualitative and quantitative evaluation method for the comparison of material delivery by road and rail at linear construction projects in urban environments. Master Thesis. Start: 13.2.2023; End: 8.8.2023. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Schönhofer. Abstract.
Yu, Jingyao: Building a Digitial Twin of a LiDAR-Based 3D-Point-Cloud for AI-Perception Training Purposes. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2023; End: 30.11.2023. Mentoring: Ilic, Alvarez. Abstract.
Zaglauer, Maria: Adaptations to operation control in public transport caused by the use of automated and connected vehicles. Master Thesis. Start: 15.5.2023; End: 15.12.2023. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Glöckl. Abstract.
Zhang, Tong: Understanding The Disapproval of the Policy Instrument of the 9-Euro-Ticket. Master Thesis. Start: 28.11.2022; End: 28.5.2023. Mentoring: Dr. Loder. Abstract.
Zhu, Chenxin: Behavioral models of the interaction between non-motorized and motorized road users - focus on automated vehicles. Master Thesis. Start: 1.1.2023; End: 1.8.2023. Mentoring: Kutsch, Stüger, Ilic. Abstract.
Zimmermann, Benjamin: Comparison of the energy consumption of ropeways with other means of transport. Master Thesis. Start: 1.10.2022; End: 31.3.2023. Mentoring: Glöckl, Lippoldt. Abstract.
Zubair, Mohammed: Automatic Detection of Traffic Streams with Machine Vision. Master Thesis. Start: 31.1.2023; End: 31.7.2023. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Kutsch. Abstract.
Abdelhamid, Mohamed: Visibility Analysis in Urban Driving Situations. Master Thesis. Start: 18.8.2021; End: 18.2.2022. Mentoring: Malcolm, Grigoropoulos, Dr. Keler. Abstract.
Alayasreih, Yamam: Performance of MFD-Based Traffic Models: Impacts of Different Network Clustering Methods. Master Thesis. Start: 6.5.2022; End: 6.11.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Tilg, Dandl. Abstract.
Alimohammadi, Amin: A generative modelling framework for network-wide traf-fic state estimation: a macroscopic fundamental diagram approach. Master Thesis. Start: 15.11.2021; End: 11.6.2022. Mentoring: Amini, Dr. Loder. Abstract.
Anisimova, Mariia: Analysis of user behavior at public charging stations based on vehicle data and infrastructure data. Master Thesis. Start: 15.6.2022; End: 14.12.2022. Mentoring: Fischer, Hardt. Abstract.
Bampoh, Benjamin: Empirical assignment of congestion causes to congestion events. Master Thesis. Start: 17.5.2022; End: 17.11.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Kessler, Metzger. Abstract.
Baraya, Mohand: Development of a decision-making tool for the implementation of pop-up bike lanes. Master Thesis. Start: 13.7.2021; End: 30.4.2022. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Dr. Keler, Malcolm. Abstract.
Belikhov, Danil: Development of a machine learning model for the extrapolation of short-term bicycle counts with the inclusion of meteorological data. Master Thesis. Start: 10.6.2022; End: 10.12.2022. Mentoring: Ilic, Dr. Weikl, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Cheong, Pui: Bottleneck identification with machine learning using large-scale drone data. Master Thesis. Start: 18.10.2021; End: 25.4.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Loder, Kutsch. Abstract.
Chowdhury, Sudipta: Shareability of Regional Logistics Trips Based on Real-World Data Analysis. Master Thesis. Start: 14.2.2022; End: 12.8.2022. Mentoring: Fehn, Engelhardt. Abstract.
Dahmen, Victoria: Methods for multimodal traffic state estimation to identify the optimal sensor distribution in urban road networks. Master Thesis. Start: 4.10.2021; End: 4.4.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Loder, Tilg. Abstract.
Esfahani, Seyed: Development of an Open-Source Framework for Modeling Traffic-Related Emission Concentrations in Urban Areas. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2022; End: 9.11.2022. Mentoring: Ilic, Amini. Abstract.
Hanekamp, Griffin: Comparing the Effects of Ride-Hailing and Ride-Pooling on Urban Network Capacities Using Microsimulation Tools. Master Thesis. Start: 31.8.2021; End: 28.2.2022. Mentoring: Tilg, Dandl. Abstract.
Hrabia, Nadine: Methodological Prioritization of Road Users in Urban Traffic Control Considering Different Request Types. Master Thesis. Start: 16.3.2022; End: 14.9.2022. Mentoring: Margreiter, Sautter. Abstract.
Hu, Ren: Trajectory Planning Based on Artificial Potential Fields: Evaluation of an Application for Connected and Automated Vehicles. Master Thesis. Start: 30.5.2022; End: 30.11.2022. Mentoring: Stüger, Malcolm. Abstract.
Huck, Christian: Analysis of Dependencies between Traffic Flow Parameters and Pollutant Emissions with regard to the Classification of a Population of Vehicles. Master Thesis. Start: 15.10.2021; End: 15.4.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Bachmann. Abstract.
Husain, Ashhar: Traffic Simulation-based Analysis of Operational Requirements for a Fleet of Autonomous Shuttles (HEAT) in Hamburg HafenCity. Master Thesis. Start: 28.6.2021; End: 1.3.2022. Mentoring: Dandl, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Ibbeedu Vijayendra Gowda, Arpitha: Development of an Emission and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Tool for different Ride-Pooling Vehicle Types. Master Thesis. Start: 15.3.2022; End: 20.9.2022. Mentoring: Fehn, Ilic. Abstract.
Julio, Marc: Methodology Development for the Calibration of Microscopic Traffic Simulations Focusing on Connected Automated Driving. Master Thesis. Start: 15.11.2021; End: 15.5.2022. Mentoring: Stüger, Tilg. Abstract.
Junges Schmidt, Arthur: Traffic state and level of service estimation on major roads using the google traffic API. Master Thesis. Start: 28.2.2022; End: 28.9.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Loder, Metzger. Abstract.
Lang, Alexandra: Investigation of System Boundaries of a Tradable Credit Scheme. Master Thesis. Start: 21.2.2022; End: 21.8.2022. Mentoring: Blum, Dr. Loder. Abstract.
Lattemann, Felix: Learning rough road conditions from the fleet sensor data. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2022; End: 29.9.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Kessler, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Lindvers, Geraldine: Future Technologies for the modernization, expansion and adaptation of Traffic Light Systems for Travel Management in Megacities. Master Thesis. Start: 20.8.2021; End: 20.2.2022. Mentoring: , Dr. Spangler.
Mayer, Patricia: The Munich Bicycle Network: Data-Driven Quality Assessment. Master Thesis. Start: 25.4.2022; End: 25.10.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Weikl, Dr. Keler. Abstract.
Merrath, Thomas: Bicycle traffic state estimation in Munich using MVG Rad data. Master Thesis. Start: 8.11.2021; End: 8.5.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Loder, Dr. Keler. Abstract.
Murasova, Maria: Analysis of natural experiments in Munich's micro-mobility system - new services and demand surges. Master Thesis. Start: 31.1.2022; End: 31.7.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Loder, Dr. Keler, Weikl. Abstract.
Okang, Wilson: Identifying Lane Congestion from non Lane Resolutive Data. Master Thesis. Start: 17.5.2022; End: 17.11.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Kessler, Metzger. Abstract.
Ostarhild, Julius: Identification and categorization of 'edge cases' for geo-based speed adaptiation of S-Pedelecs. Master Thesis. Start: 16.5.2022; End: 5.12.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Weikl, Dr. Kessler, Dr. Keler. Abstract.
Payyampalli, Sravan: Analysis of Parameters Involving Transport Impact Assessments Classification in Singapore. Master Thesis. Start: 20.8.2021; End: 19.2.2022. Mentoring: Margreiter. Abstract.
Pfeiffer, Lukas: Simulation analysis of the influence of the communication of fully automated vehicles with the infrastructure as well as other road users on the subjective safety perception of vulnerable road users. Master Thesis. Start: 15.4.2022; End: 14.10.2022. Mentoring: Ilic, Margreiter, Lindner. Abstract.
Pfundstein, Christof: Investigating the traffic impact of on-demand ride-pooling services with a microscopic traffic simulation (Master TRL). Master Thesis. Start: 23.6.2021; End: 6.1.2022. Mentoring: Engelhardt, Dandl. Abstract.
Rahman, Azizur: Measures for Improving the Safety of Bicyclists at Signalized Intersections. Master Thesis. Start: 15.11.2021; End: 21.7.2022. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Dr. Keler. Abstract.
Saini, Kashish: Data and simulation-based study of crowding in public transportation. Master Thesis. Start: 3.5.2022; End: 3.11.2022. Mentoring: Dandl, Zhang. Abstract.
Sari, Rahmi Puspita: E-Bike city Munich: Gains in accessibility, capacity and energy savings. Master Thesis. Start: 11.5.2022; End: 18.11.2022. Mentoring: Loder, Ilic. Abstract.
She, Yajun: Investigating the Capacity of Autonomous Intersection Management for Different Intersection Approach Demand Ratios. Master Thesis. Start: 26.10.2021; End: 26.4.2022. Mentoring: Stüger, Niels. Abstract.
Sheik Khaja Mohideen, Mohamed Arshad: Effects of Automated Driving on Traffic Flow in Roundabouts. Master Thesis. Start: 16.11.2021; End: 16.5.2022. Mentoring: Tilg, Stüger. Abstract.
Sun, Youjie: Filter Algorithms for Low-Resolution Travel Time Data. Master Thesis. Start: 15.7.2021; End: 15.1.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Kessler, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Venneklass, Lukas: Methodology for identification, design and evaluation of tangential bus connections to relieve the inner city rail-based public transport system. Master Thesis. Start: 15.11.2022; End: 15.5.2022. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Dandl. Abstract.
Vollmer, Marie: Comparison of VRU Perception of the Driving Behavior of Automated and Manually Driven Vehicles. Master Thesis. Start: 16.11.2021; End: 24.6.2022. Mentoring: Hamm, Ilic, Lindner. Abstract.
Waghani, Akash: Investigating different ways of organizing pedestrian operations in automated traffic. Master Thesis. Start: 10.1.2022; End: 31.7.2022. Mentoring: Niels, Malcolm. Abstract.
Weigold, Julia: Blue Lane - A contribution to the transportation revolution in local traffic?. Master Thesis. Start: 23.11.2021; End: 23.5.2022. Mentoring: Schönhofer, Metzger. Abstract.
Wu, Hsuan-Ting: Pedestrian Flow Simulation and Capacity Analysis of Stations and Pods of Ultra-High-Speed Ground Transportation (Hyperloop). Master Thesis. Start: 11.4.2022; End: 10.10.2022. Mentoring: Margreiter, Stüger. Abstract.
Xia, Yujie: Development and Application of an Evaluation Tool for Data Quality Assessment of different Sensor Systems. Master Thesis. Start: 15.5.2022; End: 24.10.2022. Mentoring: Ilic, Kutsch. Abstract.
Brauch, Natalie: Development of a method for estimating demand for urban cable cars using PTV VISUM. Master Thesis. Start: 15.12.2020; End: 15.6.2021. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Glöckl. Abstract.
Caspers, Julian: Simulation-based analysis of the effects of automated driving on urban traffic parameters. Master Thesis. Start: 7.10.2020; End: 6.4.2021. Mentoring: Tilg, Stüger, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Coskun, Itir: Link vulnerability analysis of the suburban railway network in Munich before and after the opening of "Trunk line 2” (“Zweite Stammstrecke”). Master Thesis. Start: 1.11.2020; End: 30.4.2021. Mentoring: Bachmann, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Dang, Viviane: Simulation analysis of the effects of advanced traffic control methods on urban traffic parameters under consideration of automated driving. Master Thesis. Start: 16.11.2020; End: 13.6.2021. Mentoring: Tilg, Stüger, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Hu, Yuzhong: Investigation of the seasonality of congestion events. Master Thesis. Start: 1.5.2021; End: 31.10.2021. Mentoring: Kessler, Metzger. Abstract.
Huttard, Ranjana: Optimal Planning for an Urban Air Mobility Transport System – Placement of Vertiports in Munich. Master Thesis. Start: 25.1.2021; End: 31.7.2021. Mentoring: Peksa, Lippoldt. Abstract.
Lindner, Johannes: Implementation and Conducting of an Interconnected Simulator Study for Valid Data Collection in Urban Environments. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2021; End: 29.10.2021. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Grigoropoulos, Malcolm. Abstract.
Ling, Xuebo: Collection and Empirical Analysis of Demand and Travel-Time Data for Agent-Based Mobility-on-Demand Simulations. Master Thesis. Start: 15.2.2021; End: 9.8.2021. Mentoring: Dandl, Fehn. Abstract.
Melaky, Ossama: Data analysis on charging processes at public charging infrastructure in Germany and Europe. Master Thesis. Start: 15.6.2021; End: 25.11.2021. Mentoring: Fischer, Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Mohd Faizan Parvez: Lane-Changing Behavior on Motorways. Master Thesis. Start: 15.3.2021; End: 20.10.2021. Mentoring: Stüger, Dandl. Abstract.
Omar, Sayed Hedayatullah: Development of a concept for the simulative evaluation of the effect of platooning on urban junction capacity. Master Thesis. Start: 1.12.2020; End: 1.7.2021. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Stüger, Bachmann. Abstract.
Patil, Anand: Adaptive Traffic Control with Connected Vehicle Data. Master Thesis. Start: 15.12.2020; End: 15.6.2021. Mentoring: Dr. Rostami Shahrbabaki, Stüger. Abstract.
Raihan, Muminul: Evaluation of the impact of bus lane preemption on traffic flow in highways. Master Thesis. Start: 21.8.2020; End: 11.4.2021. Mentoring: Rostami, Niels. Abstract.
Sautter, Natalie: Optimized traffic signal control strategies for emergency vehicles based on Vehicle-to-X communication. Master Thesis. Start: 1.6.2020; End: 2.2.2021. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Rostami. Abstract.
Schmid-Querg, Jonas: Development of EV charging concepts for Park and Ride facilities in Munich. Master Thesis. Start: 30.5.2021; End: 13.11.2021. Mentoring: Fischer, Hardt. Abstract.
Steger, Benedikt: Potential analysis of a transfer pre-booking application for urban public transport: A Hambuerger Hochbahn case study. Master Thesis. Start: 1.10.2020; End: 26.2.2021. Mentoring: Tilg, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Thoma, Alexandra: Investigating the impact of autonomous vehicles on the macroscopic parameters of traffic flow. Master Thesis. Start: 1.1.2021; End: 30.6.2021. Mentoring: Amini, Tilg. Abstract.
Vinogradova, Kseniia: Analyzing Traffic Flow Data using Sensors at Signalized Intersections. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2020; End: 31.1.2021. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Weinsziehr, Max: Methodology for identification of bus bunching using public transport control data. Master Thesis. Start: 21.6.2021; End: 21.12.2021. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Bachmann. Abstract.
Altvater, Daniela: Development of an emission model for the optimization of intra-urban delivery traffic in the city of Munich. Master Thesis. Start: 4.5.2020; End: 9.12.2020. Mentoring: Fehn, Niels. Abstract.
Batista Soares, Lucas: Sensitivity Analysis of Transport Modelling and Simulation to the Quantity and Quality of Data. Master Thesis. Start: 9.3.2020; End: 9.12.2020. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Bernthaler, Vanessa: Analysis of the effects of a mobility platform on mode choice. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2020; End: 30.9.2020. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths, Niels. Abstract.
Das, Tonmoy: The effects of ride-pooling on network capacities: A microscopic simulation approach. Master Thesis. Start: 11.5.2020; End: 10.11.2020. Mentoring: Tilg, Dandl. Abstract.
Erpf, Jakob: The search for predictability and correlations between traffic-data based congestion and incident characteristics. Master Thesis. Start: 15.4.2020; End: 8.12.2020. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Metzger. Abstract.
Fang, Yumeng: Collaborative Vehicle Control for the Operation of Autonomous Bus Platoons near Stops. Master Thesis. Start: 2.3.2020; End: 2.8.2020. Mentoring: Stüger, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Freimoser, Christian: Assessment of the necessity of roadside sensor infrastructure equipment for the operation of autonomous shuttles in public transport. Master Thesis. Start: 1.5.2020; End: 30.10.2020. Mentoring: Glöckl, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Grigorenko, Denis: Comparison of bicycle communication and operational behaviour between empirical and simulation studies. Master Thesis. Start: 24.2.2020; End: 23.8.2020. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Malcolm, Dr. Keler. Abstract.
Helbig, Nicole: Designing a scenario catalogue and prototypic implementation of a interconnected vehicle-bicycle simulator study for autonomous driving in the city. Master Thesis. Start: 6.11.2020; End: 29.5.2020. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Islam, Arifin: Influence of implementing an urban bicycle highway on pedestrian traffic – finding a traffic control strategy with optimal coordination. Start: 6.11.2019; End: 5.5.2020. Mentoring: Dr. Keler. Abstract.
Khabibulin, Nikita: Analysis and Classification of the Group Behavior of Bicyclists in Typical Urban Traffic Scenarios for AV Applications. Master Thesis. Start: 9.3.2020; End: 2.9.2020. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Dr. Keler. Abstract.
Kies, Moritz: Prediction of Traffic User Behavior using Trajectory Data. Master Thesis. Start: 20.11.2019; End: 19.5.2020. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Dr. Keler. Abstract.
Kutsch, Alexander: Analysis and comparison of Fuzzy Inference Systems. Master Thesis. Start: 28.4.2020; End: 23.10.2020. Mentoring: Krause, Stüger. Abstract.
Miksch, Franziska: Recommendations for the development of strategies in dynamic traffic management across different responsibilities. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2020; End: 30.9.2020. Mentoring: Stüger, Dr. Dumler. Abstract.
Ozen, Deniz: A control method for the coordination of urban bicycle highways and public transport prioritization at signalized intersections. Master Thesis. Start: 10.12.2019; End: 9.6.2020. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Pabst, Paul: Conception and implementation of an interface between microscopic traffic flow simulation and driving and sensor simulation. Master Thesis. Start: 4.3.2020; End: 3.8.2020. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Malcolm. Abstract.
Pawlowski, Antonia: The effects of optimizing public transport on the bi-modal network capacity: A microscopic simulation approach. Master Thesis. Start: 12.5.2020; End: 10.12.2020. Mentoring: Tilg, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Petkov, Adrian: Investigating the influences of automated vehicles on a coordinated road section via microsimulation. Master Thesis. Start: 21.10.2019; End: 8.5.2020. Mentoring: Fehn, Stüger. Abstract.
Pobudzei, Maryna: Performance Evaluation of Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) for Non-Lane-Based Heterogeneous Traffic in the Asia-Pacific Region using Microscopic Traffic Simulation. Master Thesis. Start: 20.4.2020; End: 19.10.2020. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Popovych, Dmytro: The effects of vehicle automation on network capacities: A microscopic simulation approach. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2020; End: 29.10.2020. Mentoring: Tilg, Amini. Abstract.
Pries, Anna: Describing and Detecting Congestion Objects using different Sources of Traffic Data. Master Thesis. Start: 9.3.2020; End: 8.9.2020. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Metzger. Abstract.
Ramesh Prabhu, Ayashwarya: A map-data based assessment of potential routes for the operation of autonomous shuttles. Master Thesis. Start: 1.2.2020; End: 1.10.2020. Mentoring: Tilg, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Rampf, Felix: Development of an autonomous vehicle model in SUMO for resolving traffic situations. Master Thesis. Start: 29.10.2019; End: 28.4.2020. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Dr. Keler. Abstract.
Schießl, Johannes: Research on Limitations of the Methods for Traffic Signal Program Design in HBS 2015 using Microscopic Simulation on a Co-ordinated Urban Route and Development of Simulative and Analytic Supplements and Solutions Statements. Master Thesis. Start: 15.1.2020; End: 19.8.2020. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Schmidt, David: Identification and Analysis of Constraints for Urban Air Mobility Transportation Systems. Master Thesis. Start: 20.4.2020; End: 19.10.2020. Mentoring: Peksa, Fehn. Abstract.
Soza Santiestevez, Raiza Carla: Using aggregated floating car data for real-time traffic signal optimisation in non-lane-based heterogeneous traffic. Master Thesis. Start: 1.11.2020; End: 30.4.2020. Mentoring: Amini, Stüger. Abstract.
Staudt, Magdalena: Analysis oft the correlation between air quality measurement and traffic volume on nearby roads using measuring points of Nordallianz München. Master Thesis. Start: 1.7.2020; End: 31.12.2020. Mentoring: Glöckl, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Türk, Hannah: Analysis of human perception and decision making in urban driving situations. Master Thesis. Start: 21.10.2019; End: 20.4.2020. Mentoring: Krause, Fehn. Abstract.
Vier, Gabriel: Analysis of the interactions between bicyclists and public transport passengers at public transport stops. Master Thesis. Start: 19.9.2020; End: 30.4.2020. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Amann, Daniel: Development of a Parking Management Scheme for a Small Town in the Times of Digitalisation – Innovative Technologies and Solutions for Traffic Planning on the Case Study of the County Centre Dinkelsbühl. Master Thesis. Start: 15.5.2019; End: 25.9.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Azeem, Abdul: Calibration and validation of a bicycle simulator using real bicycle trajectories. Master Thesis. Start: 19.4.2019; End: 18.10.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths. Abstract.
Blakaj, Laura: Potential Emission Reduction in Urban Areas by Modification of the Bus Fleet Composition. Master Thesis. Start: 2.10.2018; End: 1.4.2019. Mentoring: Celikkaya, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Butt, Muhammad: Integration of a new type of side radar sensors in a Vissim Simulation and development of a trajectory based incident detection on motorways. Master Thesis. Start: 10.10.2018; End: 9.4.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Chu, Tian: Analysis and Comparison of different Merging Strategies with Regard to the Efficiency of Traffic Flow on Motorways. Master Thesis. Start: 15.6.2019; End: 14.12.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Krause. Abstract.
Cogan, Baris: Integration of Connected Vehicles in Traffic Actuated Signal Control based on Extended Kalman Filter. Master Thesis. Start: 1.11.2018; End: 22.5.2019. Mentoring: Papapanagiotou, Amini. Abstract.
E, Riti: Application of reinforcement learning in adaptive traffic signal control. Master Thesis. Start: 1.11.2018; End: 18.4.2019. Mentoring: Amini, Papapanagiotou. Abstract.
Fackler, Anna-Lena: Using long-term data extracts from bike-sharing services for defining urban mobility hotspots. Master Thesis. Start: 9.1.2019; End: 12.8.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Gama Lins de Araujo, Thais: Automatic identification of bus drivers using driving behavior data collected by on-board units. Master Thesis. Start: 17.6.2019; End: 16.12.2019. Mentoring: Amini, Fehn. Abstract.
Göbel, Mara: Development of a method for the validation of a bicycle simulator. Master Thesis. Start: 3.5.2019; End: 2.11.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths, Dr. Keler. Abstract.
Hariharan, Supraja: Implementation of an Algorithm for Ride-Sharing in an Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand System. Master Thesis. Start: 1.8.2018; End: 31.1.2019. Mentoring: Margreiter. Abstract.
Heiß, Alexander: Evaluation and Optimization of the Charging Strategies for Electric Vehicles Based on Dynamic Electricity Prices. Master Thesis. Start: 1.3.2019; End: 2.8.2019. Mentoring: Fehn, Celikkaya. Abstract.
Huber, Lena: Analysis of urban driving situations for the evaluation and validation of automated vehicles’ driving functions. Start: 1.4.2019; End: 23.9.2019. Mentoring: Krause, Fehn. Abstract.
Jang, Sunghyun: Re-Adaptive Alternative Stages for Traffic Signal Control. Master Thesis. Start: 1.9.2018; End: 28.2.2019. Mentoring: Papapanagiotou, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Malcolm, Patrick: Analysis of Bicyclist Communication Patterns Using a Simulator Environment for AV Applications. Master Thesis. Start: 17.6.2019; End: 16.12.2019. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Dr. Keler. Abstract.
Neubauer, Nina: Implementation of a path planning algorithm for automated vehicles using model predictive control in a simulated environment. Master Thesis. Start: 1.2.2019; End: 14.8.2019. Mentoring: Krause, Papapanagiotou. Abstract.
Rampalli, Shyam: Using data extracts from an electric bicycle fleet for defining mobility hotspots and evaluating operational quality. Master Thesis. Start: 24.10.2018; End: 23.4.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Reichert, Max: Data-driven analysis of the planning process of demand-responsive public transport system in rural areas. Master Thesis. Start: 1.6.2019; End: 30.11.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Tilg. Abstract.
Rohe, Tony: Ground Truth Test Automatization by Artificial Intelligence Using Convolutional Neural Networks. Master Thesis. Start: 15.2.2019; End: 7.8.2019. Mentoring: Margreiter.
Roshani Kalkhoran Amirhossein: Analysis of Traffic State Definitions towards the Determination and Evaluation of Traffic Congestion Costs using Floating Car Data. Master Thesis. Start: 28.9.2018; End: 27.3.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Dr. Dumler. Abstract.
Schanen, Tom: Investigation of Minimising Time Loss at Signalised Intersections for Public Transport, Cars and Bicycles by the Means of Dynamic Green Waves – a Case Study on the Avenue de la Liberté in Luxemburg. Master Thesis. Start: 1.2.2019; End: 31.7.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Schmidt, Quirin: Analysis and Modelling of Potential Road Traffic Noise Reduction through Electric Vehicles in Cities. Master Thesis. Start: 11.12.2018; End: 10.6.2019. Mentoring: Celikkaya, Dr. Dumler. Abstract.
Schmiedlau, Florian: Using bicycle trip counter information for understanding the spatiotemporal bicycle flow distribution at selected urban locations. Master Thesis. Start: 16.8.2018; End: 15.2.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Sibel, Aydogdu: Analysis of parameters for electric vehicles through microscopic simulation tools and assessment of their impacts. Master Thesis. Start: 18.7.2018; End: 17.1.2019. Mentoring: Celikkaya. Abstract.
Stüger, Philipp: Negotiable Collaborative Public Transport Signal Priority. Master Thesis. Start: 1.9.2018; End: 31.3.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Sädtler, Isabel: Implementation and analysis of a bicycle simulator study for evaluating urban bicycle highway designs. Master Thesis. Start: 28.5.2019; End: 27.11.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Keler. Abstract.
Tekin, Ahmed: Data-driven calibration of the fundamental diagram for real-time traffic simulation models. Master Thesis. Start: 15.10.2018; End: 14.4.2019. Mentoring: Amini, Tilg. Abstract.
Vo, Minh: Implementation of a vehicle redistribution algorithm for Mobility-On-Demand fleets according predicted travel demand. Master Thesis. Start: 1.9.2018; End: 22.3.2019. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Tilg. Abstract.
Yeola, Pooja: Impact of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) on the Urban Road Network Performance of Singapore. Master Thesis. Start: 30.10.2018; End: 29.4.2019. Mentoring: Margreiter. Abstract.
Aziz, Md Tariq: Comparing two different traffic simulation environments for simulating urban bicycle highway traffic – the case of SUMO and PTV VISSIM. Master Thesis. Start: 20.6.2018; End: 19.12.2018. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Bagehorn, Tom: Green Time Split Optimization by Dynamic Programming. Master Thesis. Start: 1.8.2017; End: 31.1.2018. Mentoring: Papapanagiotou, Eftychios. Abstract.
Beiersdorf, Stefanie: Application and Evaluation of Countdown Timers for Bicycle Traffic in a Simulator Environment. Master Thesis. Start: 9.3.2018; End: 19.10.2018. Mentoring: Dr. Keler, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Boateng, Adjei: Calibration and Comparison of Mesoscopic and Microscopic Traffic Simulation in Urban Network. Master Thesis. Start: 15.8.2017; End: 14.2.2018. Mentoring: Celikkaya, Amini. Abstract.
Egger, Franziska: Implementation of a bidirectional interface for the representation of road objects and attributes in traffic simulation and CityGML. Master Thesis. Start: 2.10.2017; End: 1.4.2018. Mentoring: Margreiter. Abstract.
Ezzeddine, Mohammad: Geospatial Indicators for the Evaluation of Accessibility by Flexible Mobility Services in Rural Areas. Master Thesis. Start: 15.9.2017; End: 14.3.2018. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Fehn, Fabian: Use of Backend Data in Connected Vehicles in BMW Customer-Oriented Testing. Master Thesis. Start: 1.9.2017; End: 28.2.2018. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Gebresilassie, Helen: Integration of arterial Fundamental Diagrams in traffic signal control in connected vehicle environments. Master Thesis. Start: 15.12.2017; End: 14.7.2018. Mentoring: Papapanagiotou, Amini. Abstract.
Grimmer, Florian: Microscopic Simulation of Road Traffic in an Urban Network with multiple Control Scenarios and an Evaluation of the Effects on Traffic Flow and Air Quality. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2018; End: 30.9.2018. Mentoring: Celikkaya, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Hosseini, Seyed Abdollah: Development of a traffic control strategy for urban bicycle highways. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2018; End: 12.10.2018. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Dr. Keler. Abstract.
Köhler, Olivia: Traffic related Information via Virtual Signs. Master Thesis. Start: 1.8.2017; End: 31.1.2018. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Meng, Xie: Analysis of imperfections of vehicular communication on cooperative intelligent transportation systems. Master Thesis. Start: 1.10.2017; End: 15.1.2018. Mentoring: Papapanagiotou, Eftychios. Abstract.
Nawaz, Muhammad Azhar: Level of Service of Traffic Signal Coordination in Urban Networks. Master Thesis. Start: 15.9.2017; End: 23.2.2018. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Plutka, Christoph: Investigating the Predictability of Public Transport Arrival Times at Traffic Signals by Using Prioritization Request Points. Master Thesis. Start: 15.11.2017; End: 14.5.2018. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Rank, Alisa: Effects and Acceptance of Alternative Routing – Developing Methods using data from the mesh A3-A7-A6. Master Thesis. Start: 1.11.2017; End: 30.4.2018. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Sadid, Hashmatullah: Integration of public transport prioritization and bicycle signal coordination in traffic signal control. Master Thesis. Start: 6.9.2017; End: 29.3.2018. Mentoring: Grigoropoulos, Papapanagiotou. Abstract.
Schaffhäuser, Vera: Analysis and Evaluation of Traffic Accident Data for the Evaluation of the Safety Relevance of Urban Driving Situations. Master Thesis. Start: 25.5.2018; End: 23.11.2018. Mentoring: Krause, Fehn. Abstract.
Veit, Julian: Simulative Analysis of Routing Algorithms for the Operation of an Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand System. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2018; End: 21.9.2018. Mentoring: Motamedidehkordi, Krause. Abstract.
Xin, Ying: Simulation-based evaluation of the potential of local adaptive traffic signal control for controlling urban networks. Master Thesis. Start: 24.8.2017; End: 23.3.2018. Mentoring: Papapanagiotou. Abstract.
Alalem, Shaker: Analysis of the modal shift from road freight transportation to alternative transportation modes between Germany and the UK to improve the environmental balance. Master Thesis. Start: 1.2.2017; End: 31.7.2017. Mentoring: Geßenhardt, Dr. Dumler. Abstract.
Bachmann, Frederik: Simulative impact assessment of a Platooning on the capacity of motorway infrastructure. Master Thesis. Start: 24.10.2016; End: 24.3.2017. Mentoring: Krause, Motamedidehkordi. Abstract.
Bezjak, Stefanie: Aufbau einer „intelligenten“ zukunftssicheren und performanten Datenbank – Sichtung und Zusammenführung unterschiedlichster Daten für IVS auf Autobahnen. Master Thesis. Start: 10.2.2017; End: 9.8.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Margreiter. Abstract.
Bilali, Aledia: Analyzing the Impact of Anticipatory Vehicle Routing on the Network Performance. Master Thesis. Start: 17.11.2016; End: 16.5.2017. Mentoring: Motamedidehkordi, Amini. Abstract.
Braun, Johannes: Extension of the 2011 Simulation Study „ costs of congestions at the motorway interchange A99/A8“ to the year 2016.. Master Thesis. Start: 18.12.2016; End: 18.7.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Dimitriadou, Anestina: Simulation Study with different Planning Scenarios of Motorway A8 near Munich`s Südkreuz. Master Thesis. Start: 1.7.2017; End: 20.12.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Hartwig, Cornelius: Evaluation and Calibration of a Quality Management System for Public Transport Prioritisation at Traffic Signals. Master Thesis. Start: 15.11.2016; End: 14.6.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Papapanagiotou. Abstract.
Herb, Frank: Meta-Analysis of Future car Traffic and the Corresponding Energy Supply Infrastructure in Germany and Description, Comparison and Evaluation of Selected Infrastructure Analysis Models. Master Thesis. Start: 24.2.2017; End: 23.8.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Celikkaya.
Jovanovic, Vukan: Simulating the Influence of Traffic Conditions on the Run Cutting of Public Transport Services. Master Thesis. Start: 15.11.2016; End: 31.5.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Kagerer, Raimund: Analysis of driving behavior in varying traffic conditions. Master Thesis. Start: 15.9.2016; End: 14.3.2017. Mentoring: Krause. Abstract.
Kazakovtsev, Stefan: Design and Evaluation of Signal Coordination for Bicyclists within the Framework of Different Traffic Control Policies. Master Thesis. Start: 3.5.2017; End: 2.11.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Kobler, Thomas: Offset Driving on tight Freeway Lanes at Construction Sites. Master Thesis. Start: 1.2.2017; End: 30.8.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Dr. Dumler. Abstract.
Leisch, Melanie: Analysis of driver behaviors in specific urban driving situations. Master Thesis. Start: 1.5.2017; End: 31.10.2017. Mentoring: Krause, Dr. Hoffmann. Abstract.
Li, Le: Deriving potential Environmental Goals for the Life Cycle analysis of Heavy Duty Vehicles. Master Thesis. Start: 15.12.2016; End: 14.6.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Celikkaya. Abstract.
Papatzikas, Georgios: Development of a Data Model for Traffic Infrastructure on Motorways. Master Thesis. Start: 1.12.2016; End: 31.5.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Gabloner. Abstract.
Parlic, Aldijana: Analysis of driver’s perception of traffic states. Master Thesis. Start: 20.9.2016; End: 19.3.2017. Mentoring: Krause. Abstract.
Pürckhauer, Sophie: Simulative Impact Assessment of the Influence of Automated Electric Vehicles on Urban Areas. Master Thesis. Start: 26.10.2016; End: 17.5.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Hoffmann, Motamedidehkordi. Abstract.
Ranz, Alexandra: Microscopic traffic simulation and analysis of the external effects generated from guided parking search traffic. Master Thesis. Start: 1.8.2016; End: 31.1.2017. Mentoring: Margreiter, Dr. Hoffmann. Abstract.
Raps, Anna: Evaluation of small scale re-routing systems. Master Thesis. Start: 2.1.2017; End: 14.6.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Riedl, Tim: Development of a Multi-Criteria Performance Index for Evaluation of Pedestrian Emergency Evacuation. Master Thesis. Start: 1.12.2016; End: 31.5.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Amini. Abstract.
Shovon, Mahmudul: Prediction method of public transport travel times based on current timetable data, real time data and historical data - an application of Max-Plus Algebra. Master Thesis. Start: 2.1.2017; End: 1.7.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Sikka, Mayookh: Development of a Decision Support System using the Cell Transmission Model for Optimal Selection of Signal Timing Plans. Master Thesis. Start: 15.12.2017; End: 30.6.2017. Mentoring: Kaths, Papapanagiotou. Abstract.
Sperber, Anton: Method for dynamic rerouting of traffic demand in an urban street network with microscopic traffic simulation by taking into consideration the traffic signal control. Master Thesis. Start: 1.11.2016; End: 30.4.2017. Mentoring: Papapanagiotou, Amini. Abstract.
Strehl, Anna: Modeling of inter-vehicle gaps on bridges as input data for structural models. Master Thesis. Start: 28.11.2016; End: 27.5.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Hoffmann. Abstract.
Tang, Joshua Kern: Identification of semi-rapid transit corridors in Singapore. Master Thesis. Start: 29.7.2016; End: 28.1.2017. Mentoring: Dr. Rau. Abstract.
Zhang, Huimin: Estimation of turning ratios at intersections based on detector data using Kalman Filter. Master Thesis. Start: 15.12.2016; End: 14.7.2017. Mentoring: Papapanagiotou. Abstract.
Zhang, Qin: Development of a local traffic control optimization algorithm using the Cell Transmission Model. Master Thesis. Start: 25.10.2016; End: 24.4.2017. Mentoring: Kaths, Papapanagiotou. Abstract.
Zhu, Jie: Analysis of the impact of lane changing behavior on the capacity of freeway segments. Master Thesis. Start: 3.4.2017; End: 2.10.2017. Mentoring: Krause, Dr. Hoffmann. Abstract.
Ali, Mohammad: Heuristic Offset Optimization in Urban Signalized Corridors based on Cell Transmission Model. Master Thesis. Start: 13.6.2016; End: 12.12.2016. Mentoring: Papapanagiotou. Abstract.
Arunachalam, Nimal: Sensitivity analysis of driving behaviors to emissions at signalized intersections. Master Thesis. Start: 3.3.2016; End: 2.9.2016. Mentoring: Celikkaya. Abstract.
Aslam, Muhammad: Improvement of Bus Operations at the Boon Lay Bus Interchange. Master Thesis. Start: 1.10.2015; End: 23.3.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Rau. Abstract.
Bellhäuser, Laura: Aircraft Productivity Analysis and Fleet Development Planning. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2016; End: 30.9.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Dabbas, Hekmat: Simulation-based evaluation of a new method to improve the real time Origin-Demand matrix estimation using Floating Car Data. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2016; End: 30.9.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Hoffmann, Margreiter. Abstract.
Diamantaki, Olympia: Development and evaluation of traffic management strategies in the event of road blockage. Master Thesis. Start: 23.5.2016; End: 22.11.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Hoffmann, Grigoropoulos. Abstract.
Elizaga Lopez-Jurado, Juan: Development of a dynamic internal shuttle bus network for the BMW FIZ in Munich. Master Thesis. Start: 15.10.2015; End: 14.4.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Girwidz, Alisa: A Method for the Evaluation of Quality Management Processes for Solving Problems. Master Thesis. Start: 1.10.2015; End: 31.3.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Gutmann, Sebastian: Using traffic signal control in a connected vehicle environment to influence multiple performance indicators. Master Thesis. Start: 20.4.2016; End: 19.10.2016. Mentoring: Kaths, Papapanagiotou. Abstract.
Helmis, Laura: Evaluation of the Traffic-related Impacts of Filling and Emptying of Audi Car Parks on the Traffic Network in Ingolstadt-North. Master Thesis. Start: 4.5.2016; End: 3.11.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Hoffmann, Margreiter. Abstract.
Hollfelder, Verena: Sustainability Assessment of Acceleration Control of Automated Vehicles at a Curved Section. Master Thesis. Start: 1.9.2015; End: 29.2.2016. Mentoring: Dr. So, Motamedidehkordi. Abstract.
Hölderle, Sophia: Capacity Analysis on Motorways on- and off-ramps. Master Thesis. Start: 15.10.2015; End: 14.4.2016. Mentoring: Krause, Motamedidehkordi. Abstract.
Loder, Thomas: Scenario-based site selection analysis for distribution of charging infrastructure for electric car sharing vehicles. Master Thesis. Start: 9.5.2016; End: 8.11.2016. Mentoring: Celikkaya, Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Lu, Jason: Simulative Analysis of Various Traffic Management Strategies for the Traffic Generated at the End of Shifts at Audi in Ingolstadt. Master Thesis. Start: 21.4.2016; End: 18.10.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Hoffmann, Margreiter. Abstract.
Martinez, Marina: Determination of the Perception of Driving Safety by Users. Master Thesis. Start: 1.5.2016; End: 30.9.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Hoffmann. Abstract.
Michalski, Georg-Maximilian: Assignment method for Singapore’s public transport network based on smart card data. Master Thesis. Start: 7.9.2015; End: 28.3.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Rau. Abstract.
Nagy, Tekla: Effects of highly automated vehicles from the user’s perspective. Master Thesis. Start: 8.12.2015; End: 7.6.2016. Mentoring: Motamedidehkordi, Krause. Abstract.
Pinilih, Dhimas: Integration of Paratransit Systems into a Coherent Public Transport Networks in Developing Countries. Master Thesis. Start: 17.2.2016; End: 16.8.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Celikkaya. Abstract.
Ramesh, Mehendra: Investigation of the safety impact of land-use characteristics based on a case study in Coimbatore, India. Master Thesis. Start: 10.10.2015; End: 9.4.2016. Mentoring: Dr. So. Abstract.
Sharma, Salil: Traffic signal re-timing strategy using floating car data. Master Thesis. Start: 24.6.2015; End: 11.1.2016. Mentoring: Dr. So. Abstract.
Sklavounos, Ioannis: Success factors and impact of Self-Driving-Buses in an urban environment. Master Thesis. Start: 6.6.2016; End: 5.12.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Hoffmann. Abstract.
Vega Perez, Julio: Evaluation of Technical System of Systems Approach for Signal Control based on Real Field Data. Master Thesis. Start: 11.1.2016; End: 1.8.2016. Mentoring: Papapanagiotou, Kaths. Abstract.
Yasin, Muhammad: Scalable Simulation of the Filling and Emptying of a Car Park – by the Example of a Large Audi Car Park in Ingolstadt. Master Thesis. Start: 21.4.2016; End: 20.10.2016. Mentoring: Dr. Hoffmann, Margreiter. Abstract.
Aliubavicius, Ugnius: TSoS Control Approach-based Traffic Flow Optimization Method by means of a Microscopic Traffic Simulation Model. Master Thesis. Start: 15.4.2015; End: 15.10.2015. Mentoring: Dr. So, Papapanagiotou. Abstract.
Armas Guadalupe, Isabel: Estimation of the Traffic State on a Multisensor Basis Using a Kalman Filter. Master Thesis. Start: 30.6.2015; End: 21.12.2015. Mentoring: Kaths, Margreiter. Abstract.
Borde, Pauline Marie-Pia: Definition and evaluation of railway time table and operation robustness by the means of dynamic microsimulation - a case study for Paris Region's eastern railway network. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2015; End: 30.9.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Corral Martinez, Roberto: Improving real-time public transport trip planners through the consideration of the travelers' subjective route expectations. Master Thesis. Start: 1.11.2014; End: 30.4.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Gigl, Andrea: Analysis of the Energy Consumption of an Electric Vehicle and the according Driving and Traffic Profile. Master Thesis. Start: 1.7.2015; End: 22.12.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Grigoropoulos, Georgios: Extension, implementation and validation of a driver model for bicycles in VISSIM. Master Thesis. Start: 15.4.2015; End: 5.11.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths, Dr. Hoffmann. Abstract.
Haarbach, Larissa: Identification of typical disturbance patterns in the prioritization requests of public transport vehicles at traffic signals. Master Thesis. Start: 1.5.2015; End: 28.10.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Ingvarsson, Bjarni: Estimation of Benefits for an Approximation Approach on Cost-Benefit Analyses for an Underground Railroad System - Case Study in the Greater Reykjavik Area. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2015; End: 3.10.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Karakikes, Ioannis: Designing a VISSIM-Model for a Motorway Network with systematic Calibration on the Basis of Travel Time Measurements. Master Thesis. Start: 1.5.2015; End: 30.11.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Margreiter. Abstract.
Karatsoli, Maria: Bluetooth-based travel times for automatic incident detection – A systematic description of the characteristics for traffic management purposes. Master Thesis. Start: 1.5.2015; End: 30.11.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Margreiter. Abstract.
Keen, Umair Hamid: Sensitivity analysis of traffic-based influencing factors of travel speeds on urban road segments with fixed-time traffic signal controlled intersections. Master Thesis. Start: 8.6.2015; End: 7.12.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Gerstenberger, Jakob. Abstract.
Klementz, Stephan: Managing Traffic Signs – Designing a Central Data Base and Developing and Testing a Concept for Automatic Detection using On-Board Cameras. Master Thesis. Start: 12.1.2015; End: 11.7.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Krause, Sabine: Applicability of Traffic Simulation as Contribution to the Development of Driver Assistance Systems. Master Thesis. Start: 22.9.2014; End: 8.4.2015. Mentoring: Margreiter. Abstract.
Lin, Xiongfeng: Integration of a Macroscopic Cycle Based Split Adaptation and a Microscopic Stage Skipping Traffic Control Method. Master Thesis. Start: 1.8.2014; End: 31.1.2015. Mentoring: Kaths.
Mahardhika, Hita: Passenger's Actual Time versus Perceived Time in Public Transport's Transfer within Singapore Context. Master Thesis. Start: 1.1.2015; End: 1.8.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Mendler, Julia: Measuring and Evaluating Mobility Behaviour and Social Inclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities in Multi-Modal Transportation Systems. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2014; End: 31.1.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Mneimne, Ramadan: Development of a Model to Estimate Turning Rates for Urban Traffic Control. Master Thesis. Start: 30.1.2015; End: 30.7.2015. Mentoring: Kaths.
Motamedidehkordi, Nassim: Analysis of Shockwaves on Motorways and Possibilities for Damping by C2X Applications. Master Thesis. Start: 31.10.2014; End: 27.4.2015. Mentoring: Margreiter. Abstract.
Obermaier, Julia: Simulation based Impact Evaluation of a Technical System of Systems (TSoS) Control Approach for a Traffic Use Case. Master Thesis. Start: 1.10.2014; End: 31.3.2015. Mentoring: Santa.
Orozco Idrobo, Ana Maria: Extension of the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL/OGR) for OpenDRIVE Support in GIS Applications for Visualisation and Data Accumulation for Driving Simulators. Master Thesis. Start: 29.6.2015; End: 11.12.2015. Mentoring: Margreiter. Abstract.
Pellekoorne, Paul-Gerard: Critical Review of a Predictive KPI-based Evaluation Methodology for ITS upon the Case Study of Driver Route Information in Haifa. Master Thesis. Start: 1.5.2015; End: 31.10.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Pendharkar, Sayalee: Pedestrian Safety Indices at signalized intersections in urban environment - A case study in the city of Munich -. Master Thesis. Start: 1.5.2015; End: 31.8.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Gerstenberger.
Politi, Stamatia: Integration of floating vehicle data for online traffic signal control optimization. Master Thesis. Start: 15.6.2015; End: 14.12.2015. Mentoring: Kaths, Papapanagiotou. Abstract.
Riggins, Gary: Analysis of driver compliance to displayed Variable Advisory Speed signs along Highway 217 in Portland, Oregon. Master Thesis. Start: 12.5.2015; End: 21.9.2015. Mentoring: Margreiter. Abstract.
Staudigl, Nino: Traffic study of a bike-prioritization based on a microscopic simulation. Master Thesis. Start: 15.5.2015; End: 30.9.2015. Mentoring: Papapanagiotou. Abstract.
Sulzinger, Mario: Sensitivity analysis of network-based influencing factors of travel speeds on urban road segments with fixed-time traffic signal controlled intersections. Master Thesis. Start: 8.6.2015; End: 7.12.2015. Mentoring: Dr. Gerstenberger, Jakob. Abstract.
Tian, Liangyuan: An Advanced Emergency Vehicle Control Strategy based on Automated Driving Technology. Master Thesis. Start: 15.4.2015; End: 15.10.2015. Mentoring: Dr. So. Abstract.
Wenzel, Marc: Impact Assessment of the function "Kreuzungslotse Einfahrt- und Halteassistenz" - comparison of real and virtual network elements. Master Thesis. Start: 6.11.2014; End: 5.5.2015. Mentoring: Geßenhardt.
Zeitler, Christopher: Space Requirement for Transshipment Terminals with Adjacent Service Areas and the Resulting Effects on City Planning in Regensburg. Master Thesis. Start: 21.5.2015; End: 9.10.2015. Mentoring: Celikkaya, Jakob. Abstract.
Amini, Sasan: Modelling of the tactical path selection of bicyclists at urban intersections. Master Thesis. Start: 1.7.2014; End: 31.12.2014. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths.
Chatzipanagiotidou, Ypatia: Data analysis of driving behavior on motorways during weather situations with reduced visibility. Master Thesis. Start: 25.3.2014; End: 25.9.2014. Mentoring: Rascher.
Demmel, Tatjana: Research and assessment of data and information services for road traffic available on the market. Master Thesis. Start: 13.11.2013; End: 12.5.2014. Mentoring: Jakob.
Ghandeharioun, Zahra: Impact Evaluation of Highly Automated Vehicles in Traffic Flow on Highways by means of Microscopic Traffic Simulation. Master Thesis. Start: 16.9.2013; End: 14.3.2014. Mentoring: Baur.
Heidegger, Fabian: Noise modeling and noise cost calculation for different scenarios in Munich. Master Thesis. Start: 23.8.2013; End: 31.3.2014. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Hoffmann, David: Analysis of the potential for Floating Car Data based traffic information supply with regard to highly automated driving systems. Master Thesis. Start: 1.8.2013; End: 14.2.2014. Mentoring: Baur, Gabloner. Abstract.
Islam, Faqhrul: Cooperative ITS(C-ITS) for energy efficient intersection. Master Thesis. Start: 11.11.2013; End: 25.5.2014. Mentoring: Kaths.
Lee, Wai Yu: Statistical Correlations of Detector Data, Traffic Light Signalization and other Traffic Control Information. Master Thesis. Start: 1.8.2013; End: 31.1.2014. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Leonhard, Michaela: Before and after comparison of the effects of a traffic control system with variable hard shoulder usage on A9 north of AK Neufahrn. Master Thesis. Start: 1.6.2014; End: 25.9.2014. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Nguyen, Huu Tiep: Investigation of the propagation velocity of shock waves on highways - real data analysis and model development. Master Thesis. Start: 2.6.2014; End: 1.12.2014. Mentoring: Margreiter.
Nguyen, Van Te Ron: Route-estimate methods based on detector data. Master Thesis. Start: 9.12.2013; End: 22.4.2014. Mentoring: Fullerton.
Sabau, Florica: Analysis of the best route for trucks based on fuel consumption, emission and traffic lights functioning. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2014; End: 30.9.2014. Mentoring: Santa, Baur.
Skaramagkas, Argyrios: Analysis and Evaluation of Transportation and Access Aspects of Logistics Centers - Case Study on a New Logistics Center in the Marshalling Yard in Munich North. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2014; End: 30.9.2014. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Stamatakis, Ioannis: Traffic Signal Prediction and Analysis of the Related Data Availability and Usability for Different Types of Traffic Signal Assistance Services. Master Thesis. Start: 2.6.2014; End: 21.11.2014. Mentoring: Margreiter. Abstract.
Stjepanovic, Benjamin: Design, Implementation and Evaluation of an ANPR Measurement Concept on Motorways. Master Thesis. Start: 2.6.2014; End: 3.11.2014. Mentoring: Margreiter. Abstract.
Tahedl, Julia: Measuring the operational behaviour of bicyclists at stop lines at signal controlled intersections. Master Thesis. Start: 1.5.2014; End: 14.11.2014. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths.
Wang, Ge: Weighting the pedestrian safety indicators at street level-A case study in winter in the city of Munich. Master Thesis. Start: 11.11.2013; End: 11.3.2014. Mentoring: Fullerton, Gerstenberger.
Yang, Yao: Evaluating the operational impact of bus stop design through statistical analysis in the context of Singapore. Master Thesis. Start: 1.3.2014; End: 31.10.2014. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Yetik, Görkem: Development of a decentralized Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Method for Local Application in Traffic Signal Controllers. Master Thesis. Start: 2.9.2013; End: 31.3.2014. Mentoring: Zeng.
Aitken, Ricardo: Analysis of Factors Leading to Rule Breaking Behaviour of Bicyclists at Urban Intersections. Master Thesis. Start: 25.2.2013; End: 9.7.2013. Mentoring: Schendzielorz, Dr. Kaths. Abstract.
Alam, Mahbub: Impact Assessment of ITS Solution. Master Thesis. Start: 1.11.2012; End: 1.3.2013. Mentoring: Lüßmann. Abstract.
Armas Guadalupe, Francisco: Analysis of the correlation of distinct precipitation events and the traffic flow. Master Thesis. Start: 12.11.2012; End: 12.3.2013. Mentoring: Grosanic, Margreiter. Abstract.
Cernetcova, Natalia: Development of a hands-on approach for the estimation of logistics costs in the supplier pre-nomination phase of the sourcing process for the automotive industry. Master Thesis. Start: 18.2.2013; End: 16.6.2013. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler.
Daniel, Patricia: Model-Development for analysing influences on acceptance and safety in urban cycling. Master Thesis. Start: 18.12.2012; End: 17.4.2013. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths, Gerstenberger. Abstract.
Gehm, August: Modelling Bicycle Traffic using a Macroscopic Traffic Model: An Example of the City of Dachau. Master Thesis. Start: 2.11.2012; End: 15.4.2013. Mentoring: Dr. Dumler, Dr. Kaths. Abstract.
Imhof, Harald: Impacts of short-term lane closures on the traffic flow on motorways. Master Thesis. Start: 2.5.2013; End: 18.10.2013. Mentoring: Margreiter. Abstract.
Kretz, Hanna: Development and Calibration of a Model for Estimating the Quality of Public Transport Priority at Traffic Signals and Application within the Test Environment of VTassist. Master Thesis. Start: 7.1.2013; End: 7.5.2013. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Lin, Fei: International requirements on interurban solutions-analysis of market trends. Master Thesis. Start: 1.11.2012; End: 1.3.2013. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos. Abstract.
Müller, Simon: Evaluating the Benefits of First-Last Mile Solutions. Master Thesis. Start: 15.10.2012; End: 15.2.2013. Mentoring: Dr. Rau. Abstract.
Orfanou, Foteini: Comparison of travel time measurements from different stationary and link-based detectors. Master Thesis. Start: 8.5.2013; End: 6.11.2013. Mentoring: Margreiter, Rascher. Abstract.
Papapanagiotou, Eftychios: Cell Transmission Model in Sitraffic Motion: Calculation of Performance Indices. Master Thesis. Start: 15.10.2012; End: 1.3.2013. Mentoring: Zeng.
Petry, Axel: Analyze of the application of FREEVAL on German motorways. Master Thesis. Start: 17.12.2012; End: 17.6.2013. Mentoring: Schendzielorz, Grosanic. Abstract.
Pranckus, Vytautas: Estimating the Service Level on Signalized Intersections. Master Thesis. Start: 17.9.2012; End: 31.1.2013. Mentoring: Kaths. Abstract.
Qi, Pan: Calculation of macroscopic traffic flow parameters from samples of measured Bluetooth data. Master Thesis. Start: 15.10.2012; End: 7.3.2013. Mentoring: Margreiter. Abstract.
Shah, Mihir: Accurate Estimation of Travel Times from Traffic Data extracted from Aerial Image Time Series. Master Thesis. Start: 1.6.2013; End: 30.11.2013. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Singh, Akshay: A framework for Fast Cooperative Traffic Signal Control. Master Thesis. Start: 8.10.2012; End: 25.2.2013. Mentoring: Lüßmann. Abstract.
Szabo, Nora: Analysis of macroscopic signal optimization for urban road networks. Master Thesis. Start: 1.11.2012; End: 28.2.2013. Mentoring: Schendzielorz. Abstract.
Szanto, Agnes: Effect of the Bicycle Traffic on the Capacity of the Road Network and Intersections. Master Thesis. Start: 22.2.2013; End: 22.8.2013. Mentoring: Dr. Kaths.
Tsirigotis, Lykourgos: Design of Alignment and Operation for Express Bus Lines in Urban Areas - a Case Study for Munich North. Master Thesis. Start: 21.3.2013; End: 21.7.2013. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Priester.
Xin, Fang: Developing a Method for Calibrating Micro-Simulation on the Basis of Travel Time Data with Demonstration on Motorways in the North of Munich. Master Thesis. Start: 21.6.2013; End: 20.12.2013. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Rascher. Abstract.
Anton, Veronika: Reisezeitermittlung - Eine Grundlage für Verkehrslageberechnungen? Anwendungen für strategische und operative Zwecke in der Verkehrsinformation und -steuerung. Master Thesis. Start: 1.6.2012; End: 7.9.2012. Mentoring: Grosanic.
Böhm, Carolina: Comparison of short term and long term impacts of public transport priority at signalised junctions in terms of emession levels. Master Thesis. Start: 1.6.2012; End: 30.11.2012. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Campos Beltran, Vicente: Traffic data collection and statistical analysis of parameters used for urban traffic flow simulation within VISSIM (for the test site Munich). Master Thesis. Start: 1.10.2011; End: 31.1.2012. Mentoring: Santa, Lüßmann.
Celikkaya, Nihan: Optimization of stadium emptying process through traffic simulation: Case Allianz Arena. Master Thesis. Start: 9.1.2012; End: 13.6.2012. Mentoring: Fullerton.
Deimann, Sandra: Betreibermodelle für verkehrstechnische Dienste - Entwicklung eines Betreibermodells zur Mobilitätsunterstützung für Blinde und Sehbehinderte. Master Thesis. Start: 13.8.2012; End: 13.12.2012. Mentoring: Dr. Hoffmann, Monninger.
Ettinger, Roland: Untersuchung unterschiedlicher Ansätze zur Lichtsignalsteuerung auf Landstraßen anhand einer Mikrosimulationsstudie. Master Thesis. Start: 15.6.2012; End: 15.10.2012. Mentoring: Lüßmann.
Korakidis, Nikos: Assessment of the renovation and modernisation of the Sendlinger Tor underground station through pedestrian flow simulation. Master Thesis. Start: 9.1.2012; End: 13.6.2012. Mentoring: Fullerton.
Lam, Kristina: Accurate simulation of and possible improvement measures to merging area: Case of Ingolstadt North. Master Thesis. Start: 25.1.2012; End: 25.5.2012. Mentoring: Fullerton, Baur.
Liu, Xiaodong: Network Control with Traffic Lights Modeled in Microscopic Traffic Simulation. Master Thesis. Start: 19.3.2012; End: 18.9.2012. Mentoring: Riemann. Abstract.
Luts, Hannes: Strategies for the development of feasible transport plans for international single wagonload traffic. Master Thesis. Start: 15.5.2012; End: 15.9.2012. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Recker, Christina: Temporäre Seitenstreifenfreigabe - Analyse der verkehrlichen Wirkungen und Ableitung von Schaltstrategien. Master Thesis. Start: 1.12.2011; End: 23.4.2012. Mentoring: Grosanic, Fiedler.
Rubio, Estrella: Measures for the full integration of a new BRT system in an existing environment considering aspects of transport network, operational and organisational forms - a case study for Puebla, Mexico. Master Thesis. Start: 1.6.2012; End: 31.10.2012. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Sabatie, Carine: Business Mobility: An analysis of trends, regimes and pattern. Master Thesis. Start: 1.8.2012; End: 30.11.2012. Mentoring: Dr. Kesselring.
Ungureanu, Tudor: Untersuchung einer SBA-Steuerung im Hinblick auf die Akzeptanz von Witterungsschaltungen. Master Thesis. Start: 1.11.2011; End: 13.4.2012. Mentoring: Grosanic, Fiedler.
Wei, Wang: How do electric cars fit in a after peak oil? A hypothetical lool at urban mobility in 2040. Master Thesis. Start: 15.7.2011; End: 15.1.2012. Mentoring: Dr. Rau.
Zain-Ul-Abetin: Modelling Wireless Charging Facility for Electric Vehicles in MATSim. Master Thesis. Start: 1.5.2012; End: 31.8.2012. Mentoring: Schendzielorz, Riemann.
Zeng, Maoyan: Modelling horizontal queues for offset optimization: Adapting the Cell Transmission Model für signalized urban networks. Master Thesis. Start: 3.10.2011; End: 29.2.2012. Mentoring: Lüßmann.
Abu Bakar, Mohd Kamal Hisham: Internalisation of external costs of road transport: Case study of Munich. Master Thesis. Start: 4.4.2011; End: 4.8.2011. Mentoring: Prof. Gerike.
Cheng, Runlei: Evaluation of new detectors by automatic data comparison with reference detectors. Master Thesis. Start: 1.6.2011; End: 16.9.2011. Mentoring: Margreiter.
Jimenez Soto, Octavio Serafin: Analysis of dynamic simulation tools to determine suitability for light rail operational modelling. Master Thesis. Start: 8.7.2011; End: 8.11.2011. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos, Fullerton.
Liu, Wenqiao: Development of an aggregated indicator for assessing overall environmental impacts of transport system. Master Thesis. Start: 10.9.2010; End: 28.2.2011. Mentoring: Prof. Gerike.
Rascher, Andrea: Ermittlung der volkswirtschaftlichen (Stau-)kosten im Südkreuz A99/A8 bei München. Master Thesis. Start: 6.12.2010; End: 6.4.2011. Mentoring: Baur, Grosanic.
Riemann, Raffaela: Analysis of parameter sensitivity for the evaluation of cooperative systems by means of microscopic traffic simulation. Master Thesis. Start: 1.8.2011; End: 30.11.2011. Mentoring: Baur, Fullerton.
Saliara, Klotildi: Public Transport Integration - the study case of Thessaloniki, Greece. Master Thesis. Start: 15.6.2011; End: 15.10.2011. Mentoring: Priester, Tsakarestos.
Savliev, Oleksandr: Intra-urban acoustic impact study of a two-way system for speed reduction. Master Thesis. Start: 12.3.2011; End: 11.7.2011. Mentoring: Schendzielorz.
Tewes, Christoph: Betriebsdatenanalyse des Sektorbetriebs zur Verifizierung maßgeblicher Planungsannahmen. Master Thesis. Start: 29.12.2010; End: 29.4.2011. Mentoring: Hanitzsch.
Twaddle, Heather: Stated preference survey design and pre-test for valueing influencing factors for bicycle use. Master Thesis. Start: 11.7.2011; End: 11.11.2011. Mentoring: Prof. Gerike.
Ying, Yang: Empirical Analysis of the Queuing Process at Signalized Intersections. Master Thesis. Start: 1.6.2011; End: 30.9.2011. Mentoring: Dittrich.
Cen, Zhiming: Analysis and performance evaluation of high-end and low-end traffic controllers. Master Thesis. Start: 1.7.2010; End: 30.11.2010. Mentoring: Schendzielorz.
Chen, Bing: Development of a traffic management concept localized for Chinese cities, including the evaluation of impact and benefits, using one city as example. Master Thesis. Start: 16.7.2010; End: 18.12.2010. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler.
Cheng, Xin: Automatic calibration procedure for Autobahn A9: VISSIM simulation model based on genetic algorithm. Master Thesis. Start: 18.6.2010; End: 10.12.2010. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler, Leonhardt.
Gabloner, Sebastian: Analyse von Methoden zur Erkennung eines Fahrstreifenwechsels aus Fahrzeugdaten. Master Thesis. Start: 12.10.2009; End: 12.2.2010. Mentoring: Dr. Braun.
Ge, Qiao: Split optimization and cycle-time selection for sitraffic motion. Master Thesis. Start: 1.7.2010; End: 31.10.2010. Mentoring: Lüßmann.
Guo, Sijie: Development and testing of algorithms for automatic calibration and parameter adjustment of incident systems. Master Thesis. Start: 15.7.2010; End: 15.11.2010. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler.
Jiang, Pengpeng: Simulation of sitraffic motion and virtual test drive. Master Thesis. Start: 1.6.2010; End: 30.9.2010. Mentoring: Lüßmann.
Kümmel, Michal: Efficient driving strategy based on the velocity prediction of a front vehicle. Master Thesis. Start: 1.7.2010; End: 31.10.2010. Mentoring: Schendzielorz.
Li, Yamin: Construction of microscopic traffic simulation and evaluation environment - a case study of signal program switching and synchronization in green waves. Master Thesis. Start: 1.7.2010; End: 1.11.2010. Mentoring: Lüßmann.
Margreiter, Martin: Reisezeitberechnung und Störungserkennung mit Bluetooth-Kennungen. Master Thesis. Start: 1.6.2010; End: 24.9.2010. Mentoring: Dr. Spangler. Abstract.
Neukart, Gernot: Modellanalyse für Fahrerverhalten im Bereich von Engstellen und Hindernissen auf Schnellstraßen. Master Thesis. Start: 28.6.2010; End: 28.9.2010. Mentoring: Baur, Fullerton.
Osama, Muhhamad: Situation analysis and strategies to solve public transport problems of a mega city: case of Karachi City. Master Thesis. Start: 25.4.2010; End: 25.8.2010. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Triantafyllos, Dimitrios: Evacuation times estimation with dynamic traffic simulation systems: the case of nuclear plant. Master Thesis. Start: 30.6.2010; End: 30.10.2010. Mentoring: Dr. Tsakarestos.
Arslan, Oytun: Investigating the stochastic breakdown distributions of surrounding motorways of Munich using the product limit method. Master Thesis. Start: 1.6.2009; End: 30.9.2009. Mentoring: Leonhardt.
Maget, Christoph: Untersuchung des Wettereinflusses auf den Verkehr; Diplomarbeit Meteorologie (LMU). Master Thesis. Start: 1.1.2009; End: 1.1.2009. Mentoring: Grosanic.
Stamos, Iraklis: The investigation of a bus rapid system in Athens. Master Thesis. Start: 1.6.2009; End: 20.10.2009. Mentoring: Tsakarestos.
Xiao, Xindong: Comparison of pedestrian crossing at signalized intersections between Germany und China and case study of one intersection in Beijing. Master Thesis. Start: 25.6.2009; End: 25.10.2009. Mentoring: Li.
Zellner, Alois: Erarbeitung von Empfehlungen für die Installation eines automatischen Kennzeichenerfassungssystems. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2009; End: 31.7.2009. Mentoring: Fiedler, Spangler.
Zhang, Xuejing: Closed-loop coupling of motorway control system with VISSIM. Master Thesis. Start: 10.5.2009; End: 10.10.2009. Mentoring: Leonhardt.
Schlotter, Christian: Analyse historischer Verkehrsmeldungen zur Identifikation von Mustern in ihrer räumlich-zeitlichen Verteilung. Master Thesis. Start: 9.6.2008; End: 31.10.2008. Mentoring: Maier.
Grosanic, Slavica: Simulationsgestützte Untersuchung des Nutzens von Fahrzeug-Fahrzeug- und Fahrzeug-Infrastruktur-Kommunikation am Beispiel der BAB A 5 bei Frankfurt. Master Thesis. Start: 6.11.2006; End: 28.3.2007. Mentoring: Assenmacher, Leonhardt.
Kappl, Markus: Parkraummanagement-Konzept für den Hauptbahnhof München. Master Thesis. Start: 1.12.2006; End: 1.3.2007. Mentoring: Grötsch.
Lukas, Katharina: Untersuchung der Stoßwellengeschwindigkeit auf Autobahnen am Beispiel der A9 München-Nürnberg. Master Thesis. Start: 14.5.2007; End: 13.8.2007. Mentoring: Maier, Leonhardt.
Rustanbegovic, Armin: Analyse der Auswirkungen des Parkleitsystems auf die Verhaltensmuster von Parkern in Parkierungseinrichtungen im Bereich der Altstadt und des Bahnhofsviertels in München. Master Thesis. Start: 6.11.2006; End: 15.6.2007. Mentoring: Grötsch.
Siebentritt, Frank: Entwicklung und Test eines Verfahrens zur verkehrsabhängigen Knotenpunktssteuerung am Beispiel des "Autobahnkreuz München-Nord". Master Thesis. Start: 1.12.2006; End: 5.4.2007. Mentoring: Assenmacher, Leonhardt.
Steinbacher, Bettina: Evaluation von Maßnahmenpaketen zur Stauvermeidung auf stadtregionaler Ebene im Hinblick auf Energieverbrauch und Luftreinhaltung. Master Thesis. Start: 2.5.2007; End: 2.8.2007. Mentoring: Assenmacher.
Wandelt, Eva: Überprüfung der Genauigkeit technischer Fahrgastzählgeräte bei der MVG in Abhängigkeit spezieller Erhebungssituationen. Master Thesis. Start: 7.5.2007; End: 7.8.2007. Mentoring: Monninger, Leonhardt.
Xalter, Sonja: Organisationsformen der Mitarbeiterbeförderung eines Industriekonzerns. Rahmenbedingungen und Umsetzung am Beispiel des BMW Standorts Leipzig. Master Thesis. Start: 28.6.2007; End: 28.9.2007. Mentoring: Tsakarestos.
Lüßmann, Jonas: Simulation und Vergleich verschiedener LSA-Steuerungsverfahren – verkehrliche Wirkungen und Wahrnehmungen in der Öffentlichkeit. Master Thesis. Start: 17.5.2005; End: 17.8.2006. Mentoring: Braun.
Mohr, Tobias: Erschließung des Münchner Hauptbahnhofs für Radfahrer – Vorbereitende Untersuchungen und Konzeptfindung. Master Thesis. Start: 16.6.2005; End: 17.10.2006. Mentoring: Tsakarestos.
Schimandl, Florian: Aufbereitung und Analyse von Daten zur Reisezeitschätzung im städtischen Netz. Master Thesis. Start: 15.11.2005; End: 15.5.2006. Mentoring: Leonhardt, Tsakarestos.
Weiser, Christian: Untersuchung der Erreichbarkeit des Hauptbahnhofs während der Baumaßnahmen zur zweiten S-Bahn Stammstrecke. Master Thesis. Start: 15.6.2005; End: 16.10.2006. Mentoring: Tsakarestos.
Weiß, Ulrich: Darstellung und Bewertung der verkehrlichen und der betrieblichen Randbedingungen einer Verlängerung der geplanten Straßenbahnlinie 23 südlich der Münchner Freiheit. Master Thesis. Start: 16.12.2005; End: 16.3.2006. Mentoring: Monninger, Tsakarestos.
Barci, Edwige: Technische und wirtschaftliche Machbarkeit von bedarfsgesteuerten Busbetrieben im urbanen Raum. Master Thesis. Start: 1.10.2004; End: 31.5.2005. Mentoring: Tsakarestos.
Dellner, Silke: Verhaltensmuster von Parkern in Parkierungseinrichtungen im Bereich der Altstadt und des Bahnhofsviertels in München vor Einführung des Parkleitsystems. Master Thesis. Start: 23.6.2005; End: 23.9.2005. Mentoring: Grötsch.
Gürtler, Stefan: Mikroskopische Simulation des Verkehrsablaufs in Ballungsräumen mit zellularen Automaten – objektorientiertes Konzept und Implementierung des Grundmodells. Master Thesis. Start: 15.11.2004; End: 15.2.2005. Mentoring: Spangler.
Hübner, Jeanette (LMU): Gefahrenwarnung im Verkehr und ihre Umsetzung im digitalen Medium. Master Thesis. Start: 4.4.2005; End: 4.10.2005. Mentoring: Assenmacher.
Hübsch, Nicolas: Untersuchung zur Abhängigkeit von Verkehrsablauf und Wettersituation. Master Thesis. Start: 15.11.2004; End: 15.6.2005. Mentoring: Leonhardt.
Li, Yining: Analyse des Verkehrsablaufs auf der Basis von Detektormesswerten mit verschiedenen Methoden. Master Thesis. Start: 25.4.2005; End: 25.7.2005. Mentoring: Spangler.
Schmitz, Martin: Ermittlung verkehrlicher Kenngrößen aus der Verkehrslage/-qualität. Master Thesis. Start: 16.11.2004; End: 15.2.2005. Mentoring: Bermann, Glas.
Stoilas, Georgios: Untersuchung der Streuung der Reisezeiten auf Autobahnen durch Variation der Nachfrage mittels mikroskopischer Simulation. Master Thesis. Start: 15.11.2004; End: 23.5.2005. Mentoring: Leonhardt.
Utschig, Christian: Untersuchung des Parksuchverkehrs im Bereich der Innenstadt von München. Master Thesis. Start: 9.5.2005; End: 29.8.2005. Mentoring: Grötsch, Tsakarestos.
Dinkel, Alexander: Simulation der Effekte von intelligenten Streckenbeeinflussungsanlagen auf den Verkehrsablauf auf Autobahnen. Master Thesis. Start: 7.5.2004; End: 7.8.2004. Mentoring: Spangler.
Heßler, Andreas: Die Entwicklung des Verkehrswesens und dessen Bedeutung für Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik im Spiegel der Zeit. Master Thesis. Start: 3.5.2004; End: 10.11.2004. Mentoring: Dr. Dumler.
Krombholz, Alexander: Nutzung FCD-basierter Verkehrsdaten (Floating Car Data) für Information und Steuerung. Master Thesis. Start: 15.10.2003; End: 15.1.2004. Mentoring: Glas.
Mauss, Andreas: Verbesserung der Erschließungswirkung der S-Bahn München. Master Thesis. Start: 8.12.2003; End: 3.5.2004. Mentoring: Lange.
Meschendörfer, Jörg: Analyse und Einsatz von Mikrodaten lokaler Detektoren. Master Thesis. Start: 13.10.2003; End: 13.1.2004. Mentoring: Leonhardt.
Preidel, Andreas: Stau in Europa. Master Thesis. Start: 13.10.2003; End: 13.1.2004. Mentoring: Spangler.
Prüfling, Christian: Verkehrsabhängige Steuerung von Lichtsignalanlagen in Europa. Master Thesis. Start: 22.10.2003; End: 22.1.2004. Mentoring: Braun, Spangler.
Schubert, Florian: Evaluierung eines Verfahren zur Schätzung der Koordinierungs¬qualität an Lichtsignalanlagen mittels haltliniennaher Detektoren auf Basis aggregierter Messwerte. Master Thesis. Start: 19.4.2004; End: 19.7.2004. Mentoring: Braun.
Ziegler, Jochen: Patentierung von Software am Beispiel des Bereiches Verkehrstechnik. Master Thesis. Start: 2.1.2004; End: 2.4.2004. Mentoring: Glas.
Assenmacher, Silja: Bewertung des Netzsteuerungsverfahrens BALANCE in Feldversuchen. Master Thesis. Start: 1.5.2003; End: 1.8.2003. Mentoring: Spangler.
Borgo, Carlo: Test des Knotenpunktsteuerungsverfahrens SPIRIT. Master Thesis. Start: 8.7.2003; End: 8.11.2003. Mentoring: Braun, Spangler.
Breitsameter, Claudia: Beschreibung und Nutzungsmöglichkeiten des unkonventionellen Systems Anrufbus. Master Thesis. Start: 14.5.2003; End: 27.8.2003. Mentoring: Nocera.
Buschmann, Alexander: Wirkungsanalyse eines Parkraummanagement-Konzepts in München anhand von Interviews im Straßenraum. Master Thesis. Start: 3.1.2003; End: 3.4.2003. Mentoring: Grötsch.
Erny, Alexander: Konzeptionierung eines Zubringerbusnetzes zu einem Stadt-Umland-Bahn-System am Beispiel der Vorschläge der Initiative ROREGIO für ein solches System im Landkreis Rosenheim. Master Thesis. Start: 23.5.2003; End: 19.8.2003. Mentoring: Lange.
Jahn, Iris: Nutzerakzeptanz und Wirkungspotentiale des multimodalen Freizeitverkehrsinformationsdienstes Fun-Info. Master Thesis. Start: 3.1.2003; End: 3.6.2003. Mentoring: Steinhoff.
Köglmaier, Andreas: Vergleich der Erschließung neuer Entwicklungsflächen durch alternative ÖPNV-Verkehrsmittel am Beispiel eines Industrie- und Gewerbegebietes am Stadtrand von München. Master Thesis. Start: 28.4.2003; End: 19.7.2003. Mentoring: Lange.
Schendzielorz, Tobias: Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Bewertungsverfahrens für DINO. Master Thesis. Start: 22.4.2003; End: 17.9.2003. Mentoring: Spangler.
Schuhmann, Marco: Sensitivitätsanalyse der Parameter beim Sektorbetrieb von Bussen im ländlichen Raum. Master Thesis. Start: 1.4.2003; End: 1.7.2003. Mentoring: Nocera.
Stroh, Stephan: Vergleichende Bewertung der Anmeldeverfahren bei heute existierenden nachfrageorientierten Bussystemen und Entwicklung eines kundenfreundlichen und wirtschaftlichen Anmeldeverfahrens für die einzuführenden Anrufbusbetriebe im Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim und der Stadt Lingen. Master Thesis. Start: 7.5.2003; End: 7.8.2003. Mentoring: Tsakarestos.
Wallas, Daniel: Verkehrssimulation der Individualvorfahrt des Terminal 2 am Flughafen München. Master Thesis. Start: 3.1.2003; End: 15.4.2003. Mentoring: Fornasier, Dr. Dumler.
Wittek, Peter: Recherche über Entwicklung und Stand der Technik automatischer Parkgaragen und Analyse der verkehrlichen und ökonomischen Randbedingungen, die deren wirtschaftlichen Einsatz im Markt erschweren. Master Thesis. Start: 2.6.2003; End: 9.9.2003. Mentoring: Grötsch, Tsakarestos.