- Simulation-based impact assessment framework for driving restriction zone policies. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Volime 141 (April 2025), 2025 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
- Do we all need shared E-scooters? An accessibility-centered spatial equity evaluation approach. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 181, 2024, 103985 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- A game-theoretic approach for modelling pedestrian–vehicle conflict resolutions in uncontrolled traffic environments. Accident Analysis and Prevention 203, 2024, 107604 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
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- Understanding the landscape of shared-e-scooters in North America; Spatiotemporal analysis and policy insights. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 169, 2023, 103602 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
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- Modelling and simulation of (connected) autonomous vehicles longitudinal driving behavior: A state‐of‐the‐art. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
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- Are e-Scooters Parked Near Bus Stops? Findings from Louisville, Kentucky. Findings, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
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- Towards a Game Theoretic Approach to Model Pedestrian Road Crossings. Transportation Research Procedia 52, 2021, 692-699 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
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- Exploring the influence of automated driving styles on network efficiency. Transportation Research Procedia 52, 2021, 380-387 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Explaining demand patterns during COVID-19 using opportunistic data: a case study of the city of Munich. European Transport Research Review 13 (1), 2021, 26 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Potential Urban Air Mobility Travel Time Savings: An Exploratory Analysis of Munich, Paris, and San Francisco. Sustainability 13 (4), 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
- Vehicle dispatching plan for minimizing passenger waiting time in a corridor with buses of different sizes: Model formulation and solution approaches. European Journal of Operational Research, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Factors affecting the adoption and use of urban air mobility. Transportation research part A: policy and practice 132, 2020, 696--712 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Choosing Suitable Indicators for the Assessment of Urban Air Mobility: A Case Study of Upper Bavaria, Germany. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 20 (4), 2020, 214–232 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Incorporating trip chaining within online demand estimation. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 132, 2020, 171 - 187 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Influence of Individual Perceptions on the Decision to Adopt Automated Bus Services. Sustainability 12 (16), 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Network--wide prediction of public transportation ridership using spatio--temporal link--level information. Journal of Transport Geography 82, 2020, 102549 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Hybrid machine learning algorithm and statistical time series model for network-wide traffic forecast. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 111, 2020, 352--372 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Prediction of Lane-Changing Maneuvers with Automatic Labeling and Deep Learning. Transportation Research Record, 2020, 0361198120922210 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Factors affecting traffic flow efficiency implications of connected and autonomous vehicles: A review and policy recommendations. , 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Shared autonomous vehicle services: A comprehensive review. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 111, 2020, 255-293 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Long-term application potential of urban air mobility complementing public transport: an upper Bavaria example. CEAS Aeronautical Journal 11 (4), 2020, 991-1007 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- (accepted, Clustered Tabu Search Optimization for Reservation--based Shared Autonomous Vehicles. Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Predicting Venue Popularity Using Crowd-Sourced and Passive Sensor Data. Smart Cities 3 (3), 2020, 818--841 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Predicting Venue Popularity Using Crowd-Sourced and Passive Sensor Data. Smart Cities 3 (3), 2020, 818-841 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- The economics of automated public transport: Effects on operator cost, travel time, fare and subsidy. Economics of Transportation 21, 2020, 100151 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- The sustainability of shared mobility: Can a platform for shared rides reduce motorized traffic in cities? Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 117, 2020, 102707 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- A low dimensional model for bike sharing demand forecasting. 6th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
- Incorporating trip chaining within online demand estimation. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (Preprint, full article available at sciencedirect.com and on arxiv.org), 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
- Road safety data considerations. Accident; analysis and prevention 130, 2019, 1 more… BibTeX
- Exploring the temporal stability of global road safety statistics. Accident Analysis & Prevention 130, 2019, 38--53 more… BibTeX
- Automated open-source data collection and processing: an example of OpenStreetMap and bike-sharing. Transportation Research Procedia 41, 2019 more… BibTeX
- Built environment factors affecting bike sharing ridership: data-driven approach for multiple cities. Transportation research record 2673 (12), 2019, 55--68 more… BibTeX
- Negotiation and Decision-Making for a Pedestrian Roadway Crossing: A Literature Review. Sustainability 11 (23), 2019, 6713 more… BibTeX
- Modelling mode choice including urban air mobility--a case-study of Munich. Transportation Research Procedia 41, 2019 more… BibTeX
- Exploring preferences for transportation modes in an urban air mobility environment: Munich case study. Transportation Research Record 2673 (10), 2019, 427--442 more… BibTeX
- Travel Time Differences between Cargo Cycles and Cars in Commercial Transport Operations. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2673 (8), 2019, 623-637 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Wider Impacts and Scenarios Evaluation of Autonomous and Connected Transport: the WISE-ACT COST Action. Transportation Research Procedia 41, 2019 more… BibTeX
- A method for the treatment of pedestrian trajectory data noise. Transportation Research Procedia 41, 2019, 782--798 more… BibTeX
- The value of prepositioning in smartphone-based vanpool services under stochastic requests and time-dependent travel times. Transportation Research Record 2673 (2), 2019, 26--37 more… BibTeX
- Dynamic car--following model calibration using SPSA and ISRES algorithms. Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering 47 (2), 2019, 146--156 more… BibTeX
- Which factors affect accident probability at unexpected incidents? A structural equation model approach. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 11 (5), 2019, 544--561 more… BibTeX
- Towards an integrated longitudinal and lateral movement data-driven model for mixed traffic. Transportation Research Procedia 37, 2019, 489--496 more… BibTeX
- PC--SPSA: Employing dimensionality reduction to limit SPSA search noise in DTA model calibration. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 21 (4), 2019, 1635--1645 more… BibTeX
- Modelling and evaluating urban air mobility--an early research approach. Transportation Research Procedia 41, 2019 more… BibTeX
- Analysis of European airports’ access and egress travel times using Google Maps. Transport Policy 81, 2019, 148--162 more… BibTeX
- Comparing machine learning and deep learning methods for real-time crash prediction. Transportation research record 2673 (8), 2019, 169--178 more… BibTeX
- Special issue on simulation of traffic safety in the era of advances in technologies. , 2018 more… BibTeX
- A framework for risk reduction for indoor parking facilities under constraints using positioning technologies. International journal of disaster risk reduction 31, 2018, 1166--1176 more… BibTeX
- Utility-Based Kalman Filtering for real-time estimation of daily demand flows. , 2018 more… BibTeX
- Saving lives through faster emergency unit response times: Role of accessibility and environmental factors. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems 144 (9), 2018, 04018053 more… BibTeX
- Modeling the impact of large-scale transportation infrastructure development on land cover. Transportation Letters 10 (1), 2018, 26--42 more… BibTeX
- Factors affecting bus users’ satisfaction in times of economic crisis. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 114, 2018, 3--12 more… BibTeX
- Exploring Preferences for Transportation Modes in an Urban Air Mobility Environment: a Munich Case Study. , 2018 more… BibTeX
- Revisiting the application of simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation towards signal timing optimization. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (5), 2018, 365--375 more… BibTeX
- International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology. , 2018 more… BibTeX
- Pedestrian simulation: Theoretical models vs. data driven techniques. International journal of transportation science and technology 7 (4), 2018, 241--253 more… BibTeX
- Dynamic factor model for network traffic state forecast. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 118, 2018, 281--317 more… BibTeX
- Towards data-driven microscopic traffic simulation models. , 2018 more… BibTeX
- Flexible car--following models for mixed traffic and weak lane--discipline conditions. European transport research review 10 (2), 2018, 62 more… BibTeX
- Social network analysis in future transportation systems: Contributions on observability, behaviour and structure. Transportation Research. Part C: Emerging Technologies 91, 2018, 369--370 more… BibTeX
- Improving scalability of generic online calibration for real-time dynamic traffic assignment systems. Transportation Research Record 2672 (48), 2018, 79--92 more… BibTeX
- Simulation-based evacuation planning using state-of-the-art sensitivity analysis techniques. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 89, 2018, 160--174 more… BibTeX
- Time series and support vector machines to predict powered-two-wheeler accident risk and accident type propensity: A combined approach. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 10 (5), 2018, 471--490 more… BibTeX
- How may external information affect traffic risk perception? Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 9 (3), 2017, 347--368 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- How may external information affect traffic risk perception? Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 9 (3), 2017, 347--368 more… BibTeX
- Forecasting the number of road traffic fatalities in Greece. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION 5 (2), 2017, 1--14 more… BibTeX
- Inferring activities from social media data. Transportation research record 2666 (1), 2017, 29--37 more… BibTeX
- Monitoring social network formation and information content analysis of transport anomalies: The case of airline crashes. Journal of Air Transport Management 65, 2017, 127--141 more… BibTeX
- Policy-Driven Investigation of Sectoral Latent Information Regarding Global Road Fatalities. Transportation research procedia 22, 2017, 685--694 more… BibTeX
- Understanding the effects of economic crisis on public transport users’ satisfaction and demand. Transport Policy 53, 2017, 89--97 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Understanding the effects of economic crisis on public transport users’ satisfaction and demand. Transport Policy 53, 2017, 89--97 more… BibTeX
- Indoor Parking Facilities Management Based on RFID CoO Positioning in Combination with Wi--Fi and UWB. FIG Working Week 2017, 2017 more… BibTeX
- Revisiting the Application of Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation towards Signal Timing Optimization. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems (just-accepted), 2017 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Validating data-driven models at the network level. , 2017 more… BibTeX
- David Durán Rodas. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 101, 2017, 123--139 more… BibTeX
- Simulation-based evaluation of evacuation effectiveness using driving behavior sensitivity analysis. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 70, 2017, 135--148 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Simulation-based evaluation of evacuation effectiveness using driving behavior sensitivity analysis. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 70, 2017, 135--148 more… BibTeX
- Quantifying demand dynamics for supporting optimal taxi services strategies. Transportation research procedia 22, 2017, 675--684 more… BibTeX
- Systematic review of pedestrian simulation models with a focus on emergency situations. Transportation Research Record 2604 (1), 2017, 111--119 more… BibTeX
- Built environment, travel attitudes and travel behaviour: quasi-longitudinal analysis of links in the case of Greeks relocating from US to Greece. Sustainability 9 (10), 2017, 1774 more… BibTeX
- Exploratory analysis of the effect of distraction on driving behaviour through a driving simulator experiment. International journal of transportation 5 (1), 2017, 35--46 more… BibTeX
- Comparative assessment of the behaviour of drivers with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Alzheimer’s disease in different road and traffic conditions. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 47, 2017, 122--131 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Comparative assessment of the behaviour of drivers with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Alzheimer’s disease in different road and traffic conditions. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 47, 2017, 122--131 more… BibTeX
- Stochastic user equilibrium traffic assignment with equilibrated parking search routes. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 101, 2017, 123-139 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Reducing the dimension of online calibration in dynamic traffic assignment systems. Transportation Research Record 2667 (1), 2017, 96--107 more… BibTeX
- Time series and support vector machines to predict powered-two-wheeler accident risk and accident type propensity: A combined approach. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 2017, 1--20 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- How did the economic recession (2008--2010) influence traffic fatalities in OECD-countries? Accident Analysis & Prevention 102, 2017, 51--59 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- How did the economic recession (2008--2010) influence traffic fatalities in OECD-countries? Accident Analysis & Prevention 102, 2017, 51--59 more… BibTeX
- Improved calibration method for dynamic traffic assignment models: constrained extended Kalman filter. Transportation Research Record 2667 (1), 2017, 142--153 more… BibTeX
- Towards a generic benchmarking platform for origin--destination flows estimation/updating algorithms: Design, demonstration and validation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 66, 2016, 79--98 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Towards a generic benchmarking platform for origin--destination flows estimation/updating algorithms: Design, demonstration and validation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 66, 2016, 79--98 more… BibTeX
- Special issue on advanced network traffic management: From dynamic state estimation to traffic control. Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies 66 (ARTICLE), 2016, 1--2 more… BibTeX
- Relating traffic fatalities to GDP in Europe on the long term. Accident Analysis & Prevention 92, 2016, 89--96 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Relating traffic fatalities to GDP in Europe on the long term. Accident Analysis & Prevention 92, 2016, 89--96 more… BibTeX
- Mapping social media for transportation studies. IEEE Intelligent Systems 31 (6), 2016, 64--70 more… BibTeX
- Mapping Social Media for Transportation Studies. IEEE Intelligent Systems 31 (6), 2016, 64-70 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Estimating and Predicting Spatial Crash Frequency Utilizing Multivariate Datasets. , 2016 more… BibTeX
- Understanding the impact of accessibility and weather on emergency unit reaction times. , 2016 more… BibTeX
- Modeling the propensity to join carsharing using hybrid choice models and mixed survey data. Transport Policy 51, 2016, 143--149 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Modeling the propensity to join carsharing using hybrid choice models and mixed survey data. Transport Policy 51, 2016, 143--149 more… BibTeX
- Modeling the impact of large-scale transportation infrastructure development on land cover. Transportation Letters, 2016, 1--17 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- A low-cost wireless sensors positioning solution for indoor parking facilities management. Journal of Location Based Services 10 (4), 2016, 241--261 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- A low-cost wireless sensors positioning solution for indoor parking facilities management. Journal of Location Based Services 10 (4), 2016, 241--261 more… BibTeX
- Integration of images and laser scanning data for automated 3D road feature extraction. Surveying and Land Information Science 75 (2), 2016, 49--63 more… BibTeX
- Integration of images and laser scanning data for automated 3D road feature extraction. Surveying and Land Information Science 75 (2), 2016, 49--63 more… BibTeX
- Investigating the effect of area type and traffic conditions on distracted driving performance. Transportation research procedia 14, 2016, 3839--3848 more… BibTeX
- Online calibration for microscopic traffic simulation and dynamic multi-step prediction of traffic speed. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 68, 2016, 144--159 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Online calibration for microscopic traffic simulation and dynamic multi-step prediction of traffic speed. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 68, 2016, 144--159 more… BibTeX
- Which are the effects of driver distraction and brain pathologies on reaction time and accident risk? Advances in Transportation Studies (1), 2016 more… BibTeX
- Which are the effects of driver distraction and brain pathologies on reaction time and accident risk? Advances in Transportation Studies (1), 2016 more… BibTeX
- Which are the critical measures to assess the driving performance of drivers with brain pathologies? Transportation research procedia 14, 2016, 4393--4402 more… BibTeX
- A classification of driver assistance systems. , 2016 more… BibTeX
- Road Safety Data, Collection, Transfer and Analysis DaCoTa. Workpackage 4, Decision Support: Deliverable 4.4: Forecasting road traffic fatalities in European countries. , 2015 more… BibTeX
- W--SPSA in practice: Approximation of weight matrices and calibration of traffic simulation models. Transportation Research Procedia 7, 2015, 233--253 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- W--SPSA in practice: Approximation of weight matrices and calibration of traffic simulation models. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 59, 2015, 129--146 more… BibTeX
- Localization and Driving Behavior Classification with Smartphone Sensors in Direct Absence of Global Navigation Satellite Systems. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2489), 2015, 66--76 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Localization and driving behavior classification with smartphone sensors in direct absence of global navigation satellite systems. Transportation Research Record 2489 (1), 2015, 66--76 more… BibTeX
- Urban sustainability and individual/household well-being. Quality of Life in Cities. Equity, Sustainable Development and Happiness from a Policy Perspective. Routledge, 2015, 110--142 more… BibTeX
- The value of privacy: Evidence from the use of mobile devices for traveler information systems. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (2), 2015, 167--180 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- The value of privacy: Evidence from the use of mobile devices for traveler information systems. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (2), 2015, 167--180 more… BibTeX
- Improving fatalities forecasting in times of recession in Europe. Why Does Road Safety Improve When Economic Times are Hard; ITF/IRTAD: Paris, France, 2015, 143--168 more… BibTeX
- Drivers’ parking location choice under uncertain parking availability and search times: A stated preference experiment. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 82, 2015, 228-239 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Spatial road safety modeling leveraging “crowd-sourced” publicly available geographic data. , 2015 more… BibTeX
- Investigating the impact of recession on transportation cost capitalization: a spatial analysis. Journal of Transport Geography 42, 2015, 1--9 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Investigating the impact of recession on transportation cost capitalization: a spatial analysis. Journal of Transport Geography 42, 2015, 1--9 more… BibTeX
- Optimization-based assisted calibration of traffic simulation models. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 55, 2015, 100--115 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Optimization-based assisted calibration of traffic simulation models. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 55, 2015, 100--115 more… BibTeX
- An enhanced SPSA algorithm for the calibration of Dynamic Traffic Assignment models. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 51, 2015, 149--166 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- An enhanced SPSA algorithm for the calibration of Dynamic Traffic Assignment models. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 51, 2015, 149--166 more… BibTeX
- P10 how cell phone use affects reaction time of older drivers. Journal of Transport & Health 2 (2), 2015, S68--S69 more… BibTeX
- Towards data-driven car-following models. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 55, 2015, 496--509 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Towards data-driven car-following models. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 55, 2015, 496--509 more… BibTeX
- In-vehicle distraction and brain pathologies: Effects on reaction time and accident probability. , 2015 more… BibTeX
- Peak Car effects on scheme appraisal. , 2015 more… BibTeX
- P14 Investigating the different distraction mechanism between cell phone use and conversation with the passenger, through a driving simulator experiment. Journal of Transport & Health 2 (2), 2015, S70--S71 more… BibTeX
- A stated-preference study of the willingness-to-pay to reduce traffic risk in urban vs. rural roads. European Transport Research Review 6 (1), 2014, 31--42 more… BibTeX
- A stated-preference study of the willingness-to-pay to reduce traffic risk in urban vs. rural roads. European Transport Research Review 6 (1), 2014, 31--42 more… BibTeX
- Traffic simulation: case for guidelines. , 2014 more… BibTeX
- Traffic simulation: case for guidelines. , 2014 more… BibTeX
- Road safety forecasts in five European countries using structural time series models. Traffic injury prevention 15 (6), 2014, 598--605 more… BibTeX
- Road safety forecasts in five European countries using structural time series models. Traffic injury prevention 15 (6), 2014, 598--605 more… BibTeX
- Data collection techniques. Traffic simulation and data: Validation methods and applications, 2014, 5--32 more… BibTeX
- Powered two-wheeler rider eye-height determination. Transportation letters 6 (2), 2014, 67--77 more… BibTeX
- Powered two-wheeler rider eye-height determination. Transportation letters 6 (2), 2014, 67--77 more… BibTeX
- Latent risk and trend models for the evolution of annual fatality numbers in 30 European countries. Accident Analysis & Prevention 71, 2014, 327--336 more… BibTeX
- Latent risk and trend models for the evolution of annual fatality numbers in 30 European countries. Accident Analysis & Prevention 71, 2014, 327--336 more… BibTeX
- Measuring the effects of transportation infrastructure location on real estate prices and rents: investigating the current impact of a planned metro line. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics 3 (3-4), 2014, 179--204 more… BibTeX
- Measuring the effects of transportation infrastructure location on real estate prices and rents: investigating the current impact of a planned metro line. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics 3 (3-4), 2014, 179--204 more… BibTeX
- Multidimensional indicator analysis for transport policy evaluation. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2430), 2014, 83--94 more… BibTeX
- Multidimensional indicator analysis for transport policy evaluation. Transportation Research Record 2430 (1), 2014, 83--94 more… BibTeX
- Measuring the Effects of Economic Crisis on Users’ Perceptions of Public Transport Quality. Transportation Research Record 2415 (1), 2014, 1--12 more… BibTeX
- Measuring the effects of economic crisis on public transport quality user perception. Transp. Res. Rec.: J. Transp. Res. Board 2415, 2014, 1--12 more… BibTeX
- Measuring the effects of economic crisis on public transport quality user perception. Transp. Res. Rec.: J. Transp. Res. Board 2415, 2014, 1--12 more… BibTeX
- Development of hybrid models of teenagers’ travel patterns to school and to after-school activities. , 2014 more… BibTeX
- Environmental impact assessment methodological framework for liquefied natural gas terminal and transport network planning. Energy Policy 68, 2014, 306--319 more… BibTeX
- Environmental impact assessment methodological framework for liquefied natural gas terminal and transport network planning. Energy policy 68, 2014, 306--319 more… BibTeX
- A Metamodel for Estimating Error Bounds in Real-Time Traffic Prediction Systems. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 15 (3), 2014, 1310-1322 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- A metamodel for estimating error bounds in real-time traffic prediction systems. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 15 (3), 2014, 1310--1322 more… BibTeX
- Econometric Methods For Land Use Microsimulation. , 2014 more… BibTeX
- Econometric Methods For Land Use Microsimulation. , 2014 more… BibTeX
- Determinants of driver response to variable message sign information in Athens. IET intelligent transport systems 9 (4), 2014, 453--466 more… BibTeX
- Determinants of driver response to variable message sign information in Athens. IET intelligent transport systems 9 (4), 2014, 453--466 more… BibTeX
- Exploratory assessment of the limiting extended Kalman filter properties. Transport and Telecommunication 14 (1), 2013, 1--12 more… BibTeX
- Exploratory assessment of the limiting extended Kalman filter properties. Transport and Telecommunication Journal 14 (1), 2013, 1--12 more… BibTeX
- Dynamic data-driven local traffic state estimation and prediction. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 34, 2013, 89--107 more… BibTeX
- Dynamic data-driven local traffic state estimation and prediction. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 34, 2013, 89--107 more… BibTeX
- Factors affecting public transport use in touristic areas. International Journal of Transportation 1 (1), 2013 more… BibTeX
- Factors affecting public transport use in touristic areas. International Journal of Transportation 1 (1), 2013 more… BibTeX
- Assessment of exposure proxies for macroscopic road safety prediction. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2386), 2013, 81--94 more… BibTeX
- Assessment of exposure proxies for macroscopic road safety prediction. Transportation research record 2386 (1), 2013, 81--94 more… BibTeX
- State-space based analysis and forecasting of macroscopic road safety trends in Greece. Accident Analysis & Prevention 60, 2013, 268--276 more… BibTeX
- Explaining the road accident risk: weather effects. Accident Analysis & Prevention 60, 2013, 456--465 more… BibTeX
- Explaining the road accident risk: weather effects. Accident Analysis & Prevention 60, 2013, 456--465 more… BibTeX
- On statistical inference in time series analysis of the evolution of road safety. Accident Analysis & Prevention 60, 2013, 424--434 more… BibTeX
- On statistical inference in time series analysis of the evolution of road safety. Accident Analysis & Prevention 60, 2013, 424--434 more… BibTeX
- How do transport infrastructure and policies affect house prices and rents? Evidence from Athens, Greece. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 52, 2013, 1--22 more… BibTeX
- How do transport infrastructure and policies affect house prices and rents? Evidence from Athens, Greece. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 52, 2013, 1--22 more… BibTeX
- Factors affecting the adoption of vehicle sharing systems by young drivers. Transport policy 29, 2013, 64--73 more… BibTeX
- Factors affecting the adoption of vehicle sharing systems by young drivers. Transport policy 29, 2013, 64--73 more… BibTeX
- A Multidimensional Analysis of Agent-Based Policy Evaluation Indicators. , 2013 more… BibTeX
- Simulation-based assessment of double-parking impacts on traffic and environmental conditions. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2390), 2013, 121--130 more… BibTeX
- Simulation-based assessment of double-parking impacts on traffic and environmental conditions. Transportation research record 2390 (1), 2013, 121--130 more… BibTeX
- Investigation of lane flow distribution on hard shoulder running freeways. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2396), 2013, 133--142 more… BibTeX
- Investigation of lane flow distribution on hard shoulder running freeways. Transportation research record 2396 (1), 2013, 133--142 more… BibTeX
- Lane flow distribution investigation of hard shoulder running freeways. Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2013 more… BibTeX
- Simulation-Based Analysis of Road-Pricing Prospects for Athens, Greece. Journal of urban planning and development 139 (3), 2013, 206--215 more… BibTeX
- Simulation-based analysis of road-pricing prospects for athens, greece. Journal of urban planning and development 139 (3), 2013, 206--215 more… BibTeX
- Factors affecting modal choice in urban mobility. European Transport Research Review 5 (1), 2013, 27--39 more… BibTeX
- Factors affecting modal choice in urban mobility. European Transport Research Review 5 (1), 2013, 27--39 more… BibTeX
- Towards human-centred flood evacuation for cities under climate change. , 2012 more… BibTeX
- Towards human-centred flood evacuation for cities under climate change. , 2012 more… BibTeX
- State-space based analysis and forecasting of macroscopic road safety trends in Greece. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 48, 2012, 1589--1598 more… BibTeX
- State-space based analysis and forecasting of macroscopic road safety trends in Greece. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 48, 2012, 1589--1598 more… BibTeX
- Macroscopic traffic safety data analysis and prediction. Journal of Shipping and Transport 5, 2012, 97--116 more… BibTeX
- Macroscopic traffic safety data analysis and prediction. Journal of Shipping and Transport 5, 2012, 97--116 more… BibTeX
- Use of social media for transport data collection. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 48, 2012, 775--785 more… BibTeX
- Spatially aware model for optimal site selection: method and application in a greek mobility center. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2276), 2012, 146--155 more… BibTeX
- Spatially aware model for optimal site selection: method and application in a greek mobility center. Transportation research record 2276 (1), 2012, 146--155 more… BibTeX
- Spatial Exploration of Effective electric vehicle infrastructure location. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 48, 2012, 765--774 more… BibTeX
- Analysis of illegal parking behavior in Greece. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 48, 2012, 1622--1631 more… BibTeX
- Available online at www. sciencedirect. com. Procedia Engineering 44, 2012, 278--280 more… BibTeX
- Characteristics and causes of power two wheeler accidents in Europe. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 48, 2012, 1535--1544 more… BibTeX
- journal homepage: www. elsevier. com/locate/trc. Transportation Research Part C 19, 2011, 552--555 more… BibTeX
- A synthesis of emerging data collection technologies and their impact on traffic management applications. European Transport Research Review 3 (3), 2011, 139--148 more… BibTeX
- A synthesis of emerging data collection technologies and their impact on traffic management applications. European Transport Research Review 3 (3), 2011, 139--148 more… BibTeX
- Calibration methods for simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment systems. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 31 (3), 2011, 227--233 more… BibTeX
- Calibration methods for simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment systems. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 31 (3), 2011, 227--233 more… BibTeX
- Evaluation of diversion strategies using dynamic traffic assignment. Transportation planning and technology 34 (3), 2011, 199--216 more… BibTeX
- Evaluation of diversion strategies using dynamic traffic assignment. Transportation planning and technology 34 (3), 2011, 199--216 more… BibTeX
- Induced traffic prediction inaccuracies as a source of traffic forecasting failure. Transportation Letters 3 (4), 2011, 253--264 more… BibTeX
- Induced traffic prediction inaccuracies as a source of traffic forecasting failure. Transportation Letters 3 (4), 2011, 253--264 more… BibTeX
- Simulation-based time-space management of workzone construction scheduling. Application in the Korinth-Patras motorway. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 16, 2011, 440--449 more… BibTeX
- Forecasting Road Traffic Fatalities in European Countries: Model Definition and First Results. DACOTA project deliverable 4.2. , 2011 more… BibTeX
- Predicting motorway traffic performance by data fusion of local sensor data and electronic toll collection data. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 26 (6), 2011, 451--463 more… BibTeX
- Econometric guidance. SustainCity Deliverable 5, 2011 more… BibTeX
- Econometric guidance for developing UrbanSim models. First lessons from the SustainCity project. , 2011 more… BibTeX
- Simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment for short-term planning applications. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (1), 2011, 450--462 more… BibTeX
- Simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment for short-term planning applications. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (1), 2011, 450--462 more… BibTeX
- Autoregressive nonlinear time-series modeling of traffic fatalities in Europe. European transport research review 3 (3), 2011, 113--127 more… BibTeX
- Autoregressive nonlinear time-series modeling of traffic fatalities in Europe. European transport research review 3 (3), 2011, 113--127 more… BibTeX
- When may road fatalities start to decrease? Journal of Safety Research 42 (1), 2011, 17--25 more… BibTeX
- When may road fatalities start to decrease? Journal of Safety Research 42 (1), 2011, 17--25 more… BibTeX
- International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems [Society News]. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 2 (3), 2010, 45--46 more… BibTeX
- Econometric models. SustainCity Deliverable 2, 2010 more… BibTeX
- Development of a latent variable model to capture the impact of risk aversion on travelers' switching behavior. Journal of Choice Modelling 3 (1), 2010, 127--148 more… BibTeX
- Development of a latent variable model to capture the impact of risk aversion on travelers' switching behavior. Journal of Choice Modelling 3 (1), 2010, 127--148 more… BibTeX
- Older drivers’ perception and acceptance of in-vehicle devices for traffic safety and traffic efficiency. Journal of transportation engineering 136 (5), 2010, 472--479 more… BibTeX
- Off--line and on--line calibration of dynamic traffic assignment systems. IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42 (15), 2009, 104--111 more… BibTeX
- Calibration of dynamic traffic assignment models with point-to-point traffic surveillance. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2090), 2009, 1--9 more… BibTeX
- Calibration of dynamic traffic assignment models with point-to-point traffic surveillance. Transportation Research Record 2090 (1), 2009, 1--9 more… BibTeX
- Older drivers’ perception and acceptance of in-vehicle devices for traffic safety and traffic efficiency. Journal of transportation engineering 136 (5), 2009, 472--479 more… BibTeX
- Available online at www. sciencedirect. com. Transportation Research Part C 16, 2008, 137--139 more… BibTeX
- Calibrating Speed-Density Functions for Mesoscopic Traffic Simulation. the Fundamental Diagram for Traffic Flow Theory, 2008, 199 more… BibTeX
- Simulation-based framework for transportation network management in emergencies. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2041), 2008, 80--88 more… BibTeX
- Simulation-based framework for transportation network management in emergencies. Transportation Research Record 2041 (1), 2008, 80--88 more… BibTeX
- Public transit user satisfaction: Variability and policy implications. Transport Policy 15 (4), 2008, 260--272 more… BibTeX
- Public transit user satisfaction: Variability and policy implications. Transport Policy 15 (4), 2008, 260--272 more… BibTeX
- Impact of enforcement on traffic accidents and fatalities: A multivariate multilevel analysis. Safety Science 46 (5), 2008, 738--750 more… BibTeX
- Impact of enforcement on traffic accidents and fatalities: A multivariate multilevel analysis. Safety Science 46 (5), 2008, 738--750 more… BibTeX
- Nonlinear Kalman filtering algorithms for on-line calibration of dynamic traffic assignment models. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 8 (4), 2007, 661--670 more… BibTeX
- Nonlinear Kalman filtering algorithms for on-line calibration of dynamic traffic assignment models. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 8 (4), 2007, 661--670 more… BibTeX
- A methodology for the estimation of value-of-time using state-of-the-art econometric models. Journal of public transportation 10 (3), 2007, 1 more… BibTeX
- A methodology for the estimation of value-of-time using state-of-the-art econometric models. Journal of public transportation 10 (3), 2007, 1 more… BibTeX
- A methodology for the estimation of value-of-time using state-of-the-art econometric models. Journal of public transportation 10 (3), 2007, 1 more… BibTeX
- Calibration of microscopic traffic simulation models: Methods and application. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (1999), 2007, 198--207 more… BibTeX
- Calibration of microscopic traffic simulation models: Methods and application. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1999, 2007, 198--207 more… BibTeX
- Development of a mixed multi-nomial logit model to capture the impact of information systems on travelers' switching behavior. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 11 (2), 2007, 79--89 more… BibTeX
- Development of a mixed multi-nomial logit model to capture the impact of information systems on travelers' switching behavior. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 11 (2), 2007, 79--89 more… BibTeX
- A mixed logit model for the sensitivity analysis of Greek drivers' behaviour towards enforcement for road safety. , 2007 more… BibTeX
- A mixed logit model for the sensitivity analysis of Greek drivers' behaviour towards enforcement for road safety. , 2007 more… BibTeX
- A mixed logit model for the sensitivity analysis of Greek drivers' behaviour towards enforcement for road safety. European Transport$\backslash$ Trasporti Europei 37, 2007, 62--77 more… BibTeX
- Road casualties and enforcement: distributional assumptions of serially correlated count data. Traffic injury prevention 8 (3), 2007, 300--308 more… BibTeX
- Road casualties and enforcement: distributional assumptions of serially correlated count data. Traffic injury prevention 8 (3), 2007, 300--308 more… BibTeX
- Multilevel modelling for the regional effect of enforcement on road accidents. Accident Analysis & Prevention 39 (4), 2007, 818--825 more… BibTeX
- Multilevel modelling for the regional effect of enforcement on road accidents. Accident Analysis & Prevention 39 (4), 2007, 818--825 more… BibTeX
- Estimation of traffic dynamics models with machine-learning methods. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (1965), 2006, 103--111 more… BibTeX
- Estimation of traffic dynamics models with machine-learning methods. Transportation research record 1965 (1), 2006, 103--111 more… BibTeX
- Allocating revenues to public transit operators under an integrated fare system. Transportation research record 1986 (1), 2006, 29--37 more… BibTeX
- Allocating revenues to public transit operators under an integrated fare system. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (1986), 2006, 29--37 more… BibTeX
- Effects of urban delivery restrictions on traffic movements. Transportation Planning and Technology 29 (4), 2006, 295--311 more… BibTeX
- Effects of urban delivery restrictions on traffic movements. Transportation Planning and Technology 29 (4), 2006, 295--311 more… BibTeX
- Online calibration of traffic prediction models. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (1934), 2005, 235--245 more… BibTeX
- Online calibration of traffic prediction models. Transportation research record 1934 (1), 2005, 235--245 more… BibTeX
- Integration of weigh-in-motion technologies in road infrastructure management. Institute of Transportation Engineers. ITE Journal 75 (1), 2005, 39 more… BibTeX
- Integration of weigh-in-motion technologies in road infrastructure management. ITE Journal 75 (1), 2005, 39--43 more… BibTeX
- Incorporating automated vehicle identification data into origin-destination estimation. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (1882), 2004, 37--44 more… BibTeX
- Incorporating automated vehicle identification data into origin-destination estimation. Transportation Research Record 1882 (1), 2004, 37--44 more… BibTeX
- Classification of driver-assistance systems according to their impact on road safety and traÅ c eÅ ciency. , 2002 more… BibTeX
- A methodology for the estimation of traffic and related impacts of advanced driver assistance systems. Its Journal 7 (3-4), 2002, 261--277 more… BibTeX
- A methodology for the estimation of traffic and related impacts of advanced driver assistance systems. Its Journal 7 (3-4), 2002, 261--277 more… BibTeX
- Classification of driver-assistance systems according to their impact on road safety and traffic efficiency. Transport reviews 22 (2), 2002, 179--196 more… BibTeX
- Classification of driver-assistance systems according to their impact on road safety and traffic efficiency. Transport reviews 22 (2), 2002, 179--196 more… BibTeX