- Watt matters most – Survey data results of private passenger vehicle owners and commercial vehicle drivers. Data in Brief 52, 2024, 109942 mehr…
- Multi-Criteria, Co-Evolutionary Charging Behavior: An Agent-Based Simulation of Urban Electromobility. World Electric Vehicle Journal 12 (1), 2021, 18 mehr…
- Towards Scalable Economic Photovoltaic Potential Analysis Using Aerial Images and Deep Learning. Energies 14 (13), 2021, 3800 mehr…
- Lane-Level Matching Algorithm Based on GNSS, IMU and Map Data. 2021 8th International Conference on Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence (ISCMI), IEEE, 2021 mehr…
- The Influence of Public Transport Delays on Mobility on Demand Services. Electronics 10 (4), 2021, 379 mehr…
- The Influence of Public Transport Delays on Mobility on Demand Services. Electronics 10 (4), 2021, 379 mehr…
- Estimate e-Golf Battery State Using Diagnostic Data and a Digital Twin. Batteries 7 (1), 2021 mehr…
- Comprehensive spatial and cost assessment of urban transport options in Munich. Journal of Urban Mobility 1, 2021, 100007 mehr…
- Unified Mobility Estimation Model. 2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), IEEE, 2021 mehr…
- A Model for the Data-based Analysis and Design of Urban Public Charging Infrastructure. 2020 Fifteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), IEEE, 2020 mehr…
- Stakeholder Analysis of Digital Twins for Battery Systems. 2020 Fifteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), IEEE, 2020 mehr…
- Charging Infrastructure Design for Commercial Company Sites with Battery Electric Vehicles: A Case Study of a Bavarian Bakery. 2020 Fifteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), IEEE, 2020 mehr…
- Techno-Economic Analysis of State-of-the-Art Charging Infrastructure Concepts for Typical Commercial Battery Electric Vehicle Fleets. 2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), IEEE, 2020 mehr…
- A Predictive Fleet Management Strategy for On-Demand Mobility Services: A Case Study in Munich. Electronics 9 (6), 2020, 1021 mehr…
- MAGIS – A Geographic Information System for Mobility Data Analysis. 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), IEEE, 2019 mehr…
- Agent-based Simulation of a Car-sharing System with Hydrogen-powered Vehicles. 2019 Fourteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), IEEE, 2019 mehr…
- Cloud-Based Battery Digital Twin Middleware Using Model-Based Development. Proceedings of the 2019 3rd International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Control, ACM, 2019 mehr…
- Architecture of a Digital Twin for Enabling Digital Services for Battery Systems. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS), IEEE, 2019 mehr…
- Architecture of a Digital Twin for Enabling Digital Services for Battery Systems. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS), IEEE, 2019 mehr…
- A Longitudinal Simulation Model for a Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle: Experimental Parameterization and Validation with a Production Car. 2019 Fourteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), IEEE, 2019 mehr…
- Techno-Economical Implementation of Holistic Electromobility Solutions in Commercial Companies. 2019 Fourteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), IEEE, 2019 mehr…
- Multi-Agent Simulation of a Demand-Responsive Transit System Operated by Autonomous Vehicles. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2018 mehr…
- Evaluation von emissionsoptimaler Mobilität im ländlichen Raum. Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2018 mehr…
- Event-driven anomalies in spatiotemporal taxi passseger demand. 2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), IEEE, 2018 mehr…
- Analysis of the charging infrastructure for battery electric vehicles in commercial companies. 2017 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), IEEE, 2017 mehr…
- An evaluation of the car-free city potential for the city of Munich regarding mobility data. 2017 Twelfth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), IEEE, 2017 mehr…
- Fahrprofilbasierte Energieverbrauchsprädiktion für vernetzte Elektrofahrzeuge. Dr. Hut, 2017 mehr…
- Agent-based simulation of a shared, autonomous and electric on-demand mobility solution. 2017 IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), IEEE, 2017 mehr…
- An evolutionary algorithm for an agent-based fleet simulation focused on electric vehicles. 2016 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems, CTS 2016, 2017, 457-464 mehr…
- Agent-based Modeling and Simulation of Electric Taxi Fleets. 6. Conference on Future Automotive Technology, 2017 mehr…
- A data-driven predictive energy management strategy for plug-in hybrid vehicles. 2017 International Conference on Mechanical, System and Control Engineering (ICMSC), IEEE, 2017 mehr…
- A Holistic Framework for Acquisition, Processing and Evaluation of Vehicle Fleet Test Data. 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2017 mehr…
- Bewertung von Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten zur Rohstoff- und Technologieauswahl für Elektrofahrzeuge. Verlag Dr. Hut, 2016 mehr…
- Evaluation of the potential of integrating battery electric vehicles into the energy structure of a commercial company. 4th IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering, 2016, 301-307 mehr…
- Approach for the development of a method for the integration of battery electric vehicles in commercial companies, including intelligent management systems. Automotive and Engine Technology, 2016 mehr…
- Fleet Disposition Modeling to Maximize Utilization of Battery Electric Vehicles in Companies with On-Site Energy Generation. mobil.TUM 2016International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport mehr…
- Fleet Disposition Modeling to Maximize Utilization of Battery Electric Vehicles in Companies with On-Site Energy Generation. Transportation Research Procedia 19, 2016, 241-257 mehr…
- Optimizing the Charging Station Placement under Consideration of the User Charging Behavior. IEEE EnergyCon, 2016 mehr…
- Methoden zur Messung der Bewegungszustände von Fahrzeugen mit mobilen Endgeräten. Verlag Dr. Hut, 2016 mehr…
- Analyzing and Modeling a City’s Spatiotemporal Taxi Supply and Demand: A Case Study for Munich. 6th International Conference on Traffic and Logistic Engineering (ICTLE 2016), 2016 mehr…
- Virtuelle Elektromobilität im Taxi- und Gewerbeverkehr München – Schlussbericht für das BMWi-Förderprojekt IKT für Elektromobilität II. BMWi, 2016, mehr…
- Analyzing and Modeling a City’s Spatiotemporal Taxi Supply and Demand: A Case Study for Munich. Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering, 2016 mehr…
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- Parametric evaluation of the emission savings potential based on a mobility demand model. 24 International th Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution, 2016 mehr…
- Building representative velocity profiles using FastDTW and spectral clustering. 14th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, 2016 mehr…
- An approach for predicting vehicle velocity in combination with driver turns. Automotive and Engine Technology 1 (1-4), 2016, 27-33 mehr…
- Assessment of sustainability issues for the selection of materials and technologies during product design: a case study of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 10 (3), 2016, 217-227 mehr…
- Derivation and Evaluation of Electric Vehicle Concepts for World Cities. Dr. Hut, 2016 mehr…
- Approach and Method for Estimating the Development Effort of Automotive HMI Prototypes. Verlag Dr. Hut, 2016 mehr…
- Potenzialanalyse von innovativen Diensten für vernetzte Fahrzeuge. ZfAW, Zeitschrift für die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette der Automobilwirtschaft (3), 2015, 12-22 mehr…
- Building representative velocity profiles using FastDTW and spectral clustering. ITS Telecommunications (ITST), 2015 14th International Conference on , 2015, 45-49 mehr…
- COFAT 2015 - Assessment of Electromobility in Non-Urban Environments. Conference on Future Automotive Technology, 2015 mehr…
- Mobility Model for the Estimation of the Spatiotemporal Energy Demand of Battery Electric Vehicles in Singapore. IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2015, 578-583 mehr…
- Taxi checker: A mobile application for real-time taxi fare analysis. 6th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, AutomotiveUI 2014, 2014, 165-170 mehr…
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- Energy Prediction for EVs Using Support Vector Regression Methods. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer International Publishing, 2014IEEE Intelligent Systems, 769-780 mehr…
- Range Prediction for EVs via Crowd-Sourcing. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 2014 mehr…
- Total Cost of Ownership and Willingnessto- Pay for Private Mobility in Singapore. In: Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2013. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2014, 251-261 mehr…
- Mobility tracking system for CO2 footprint determination. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications , 2014 mehr…
- STATUS OF ELECTRICAL MOBILITY 2014. Eigenverlag, 2014 mehr…
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- Life cycle greenhouse gas analysis for automotive applications – A case study for taxis in Singapore. International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy 3 (2), 2014, 127-134 mehr…
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- Design of Electric Vehicle Concepts for Megacities in Asia. autotech review 3 (2), 2014, 30-34 mehr…
- The Potential Scarcity of Rare Elements for the Energiewende. Green: The International Journal of Sustainable Energy Conversion and Storage 3 (2), 2013, 93-111 mehr…
- A modular and dynamic approach to predict the energy consumption of electric vehicles. CoFAT, 2013 mehr…
- A system for cloud-based deviation prediction of propulsion energy consumption for EVs. IEEE Int. Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety, 2013, 99-104 mehr…
- Consequences for the environmental impact during the life cycle of an electric vehicle due to different technical and methodological approaches to the treatment of the car body - Annex. CoFAT, 2013 mehr…
- Electromobility potential index. 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies, EVER 2013, 2013 mehr…
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- Einsatz von Smartphones zur Erfassung von mobilitätsrelevanten Daten in Flottenversuchen. 2. Automobiltechnisches Kolloquium München, 2011 mehr…