Aktuelles & Termine

Aggregate 4-step modelling, disaggregate agent & activity based modelling, but what's in between?

As the leader of work package 4 (modelling of emerging mobility solutions) in EU H2020 project MOMENTUM, it’s time for TSE to share the developments with the world. This Thursday (04/03/21), Santhanakrishnan from TSE will be presenting

As the leader of work package 4 (modelling of emerging mobility solutions) in EU H2020 project MOMENTUM, it’s time for TSE to share the developments with the world. This Thursday (04/03/21), Santhanakrishnan from TSE will be presenting the intermediate modelling approach that he is developing with the support of the WP partners. In addition, he will also talk about the different mathematical, optimization and statistical models that are being developed by the partners in the work package, integrating the fields of transport modelling, operations research and data science.

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