Aktuelles & Termine

MCube Speaker Series - "A HUMAN RIDE" on April 24, 2024

MCube Speaker Series |

At our event, we looked into the intrinsic nature of mobility, recognizing that as human beings, we are all inherently mobile creatures. The screening of "A HUMAN RIDE" provided a reflection on the diverse perspectives and experiences surrounding everyday transportation. From personal anecdotes to broader societal implications, the film illuminated the multifaceted nature of mobility in our lives.

Our discussions centered on the importance of accessible transportation solutions, particularly for individuals without driver's licenses, who often feel marginalized and excluded from full participation in society. We reflected on the societal promises of freedom tied to individual mobility and the need for diverse mobility options to ensure inclusivity for all.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this enlightening event. Together, let's work towards a more accessible and inclusive future of mobility.

Moderated by our colleague Sophia Knopf, the post-screening discussion featured director Kristian Gründling, as well as the founder of Viva con Agua and protagonist Michael Fritz, protagonist and head of JUNO - a voice for female refugees Britta Coy, Internationale Bauausstellung (IBA) Metropolregion München) Managing Director Julianna Günther, and Creative Co-Producer Rönke von der Heide.

The event was part of the public MCube Speaker Series "The Future of Mobility". It is organized by MCube - Munich Cluster for the future of Mobility in Metropolitan Regions, Technische Universität München, TUM openLAB Urban Mobility, and Deutsches Museum Verkehrszentrum. This time in collaboration with ZUKUNFT NAHVERKEHR and the Munich Urban Colab.

(Credit Text: L. Scotellaro, Pictures: L. Scotellaro & M. Grundei)