Aktuelles & Termine

TUM TSE in Athens: i-DREAMS plenary meeting and Road Safety and Simulation Conference (2022)

The i-DREAMS team at Zappeion Megaron.
Rakibul Alam, Christelle Haddad, and Sara Ghaf (from left to right).
Christelle Haddad, presenting in the i-DREAMS workshop on real-time intervention strategies.

The Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering, represented by Christelle Haddad, Sara Ghaffari, and Rakibul Alam, was in Athens between the 6th and 10th of June, 2022, to participate in the i-DREAMS plenary meeting, related workshops, but also the 8th Road Safety & Simulation International Conference (RSS 2022). The Chair's participation in these activities is part of the great successful event hosted by the NTUA road safety team, in the highly prestigious Zappeion Megaron.

On the 9th of June 2022, and as part of the i-DREAMS workshop aiming at further disseminating the project, Christelle Haddad gave a workshop session on the in-vehicle safety interventions. Further during the conference, Christelle Haddad presented two conference papers to a wider audience, namely:

  • Analyzing driver eye movements to investigate the impact of distraction on driving behaviour. The paper is available here and the presentation here.
  • Evaluation of factors influencing the usage of child car seat for nursery school travel. The paper is available here and the presentation here.