- Optical Investigations of an Oxygenated Alternative Fuel in a Single Cylinder DISI Light Vehicle Gasoline Engine. SAE International, 2021 mehr…
- The Potential of Gasoline Fueled Pre Chamber Ignition Combined with Elevated Compression Ratio. SAE International, 2020 mehr…
- DMC+ als partikelfreier und potenziell nachhaltiger Kraftstoff für DI Ottomotoren. In: Zukünftige Kraftstoffe. Energiewende des Transports als ein weltweites Klimaziel. . Springer, 2019 mehr…
- Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Benzin-Hochdruckeinspritzung bis 800 bar für verschiedene Brennverfahren. MTZ - Motortechnische Zeitschrift 80 (3), 2019, 54--59 mehr…
- Gasoline Fueled Pre-Chamber Ignition System for a Light-Duty Passenger Car Engine with Extended Lean Limit. SAE International Journal of Engines 12 (3), 2019, 323--339 mehr…
- Potential of the Sustainable C1-Fuels OME, DMC, and MeFo for Particulate Free Combustion in DI and SI Engines. 5th International Engine Congress Baden-Baden, 2018 mehr…
- Methanol Based PtL Fuels for Particulate Free Combustion in DI and SI Engines. Perspectives on Power-to-Liquids and Power-to-Chemicals 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Combustion and Emissions of synthetic C1-Fuels for DI and SI Engines. Engine 2018, 2018 mehr…
- DMC+ as Particulate Free and Potentially Sustainable Fuel for DI SI Engines. 39. Internationales Wiener Motorensymposium (Fortschritt-Berichte VDI Reihe 12, Nr. 807), 2018, 202-229 mehr…
- A Novel Approach towards Stable and Low Emission Stratified Lean Combustion Employing Two Solenoid Multi-Hole Direct Injectors. SAE International Journal of Engines 11 (2), 2018 mehr…
- Experimental Investigations on High Pressure Gasoline Injection up to 800 bar for Different Combustion Modes. 27. Aachener Kolloquium, 201827. Aachener Kolloquium für Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik mehr…
- Experimental Investigation of Orifice Design Effects on a Methane Fuelled Prechamber Gas Engine for Automotive Applications. SAE Technical Papers 2017-September (September), 2017 mehr…
- Potenziell CO2-neutrale Kraftstoffe für saubere Ottomotoren. MTZ - Motortechnische Zeitschrift 78 (7), 2017, 80--88 mehr…