- Type and task crossing energy management for fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles with longevity consideration: A deep transfer reinforcement learning framework. Applied Energy, 2025 mehr…
- Investigations on particle emissions of large-bore engines powered by natural gas and hydrogen. Environmental Science Advances, 2024 mehr…
- Optimized Emission Analysis in Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engines: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Innovations and Exhaust Humidity Analysis. SAE International Journal of Engines, 2024 mehr…
- Load-Exchange Optimization for a Passive Pre-Chamber Ignition System. SAE Technical Papers, 2024 mehr…
- Dual Injection Concept and Lean Burn Characteristics with Methanol on a SI-Engine. SAE Technical Papers, 2024 mehr…
- Enabling cross-type full-knowledge transferable energy management for hybrid electric vehicles via deep transfer reinforcement learning. Energy, 2024 mehr…
- The future of electric machine development - Emerging trends in the design of automotive traction machines. Future Propulsion Conference, Solihull, 29.02.2024, 2024 mehr…
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- Potential Analysis of Defossilized Operation of a Heavy-Duty Dual-Fuel Engine Utilizing Dimethyl Carbonate/Methyl Formate as Primary and Poly Oxymethylene Dimethyl Ether as Pilot Fuel. SAE International Journal of Engines, 2024 mehr…
- Optical study on a heavy-duty natural gas dual-fuel engine applying POMDME as pilot fuel. International Journal of Engine Research, 2024 mehr…
- Combined exhaust gas and optical investigation of methanol DI-engine with focus on the fuel spray-wall interaction. International Journal of Engine Research, 2024 mehr…
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- Unlocking the Potential of Green-Methanol: Indirect Electrification of the Transport Sector. CTI Berlin 2023, 2023 mehr…
- Applications of an Advanced Multiple Injection Calibration Strategy to Address Future Emission Legislation Challenges. SAE International, 2023 mehr…
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- Experimental comparison between an optical and an all-metal large bore engine. International Journal of Engine Research (24(3)), 2023, 1223-1238 mehr…
- Optical and Thermodynamic Investigations of a Methane- and Hydrogen-Blend-Fueled Large-Bore Engine Using a Fisheye Optical System. Energies 16(4) (1590), 2023 mehr…
- Visualization of Oil and Fuel Behaviour by Photochromism in Gasoline Engine Under Transient Operating Conditions. JSAE, 2023 mehr…
- Injector Design and Fuel Pressure Variation for Oxygenated Spark Ignition Fuels. SAE International, 2023 mehr…
- Highly Efficient and Clean Combustion Engine for Synthetic Fuels. SAE International, 2023 mehr…
- Cold Start Performance of Sustainable Oxygenated Spark Ignition Fuels. SAE Technical Paper Series, Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 2023 mehr…
- Evaluation of strategies to optimize engine efficiency and NOx emissions with the synthetic diesel fuel oxymethylene ether. International Journal of Engine Research, 2023 mehr…
- Experimental mild conversion of a lean burn natural gas engine with SCR to a hydrogen engine: NOx and GWP potential for marine applications. International Journal of Engine Research (24(6)), 2023 mehr…
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- Measurement of heat generation rate in the permanent magnets of rotating electrical machines. 6th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2012), IET, 2012 mehr…
- Disc motors for automotive applications. Hybrid & Eco Friendly Vehicles Conference 2008 (HEVC 2008), IEE, 2008 mehr…
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- Development of the technical capabilities needed to build and position a prepolarization coil for a magnetic resonance imaging magnet. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 221 (2), 2007, 185-194 mehr…