Ein multimodales Erreichbarkeitsmodell für Arbeitsstandorte
Empowering multi- and intermodal accessibility
General Description
The location of the work place is decisive for our mobility behavior. Not only the direct trip to work is influenced, but also trip chains, car ownership, and daily routines. EMMA aims at identifying the drivers of mobility behavior on the trip to work and will use these variables to model the multi- and intermodal accessibility of work locations from the locations' point of view. This model will enable to assess the accessibility of workplaces in order to optimize the spatial development of these locations. EMMA will apply the accessibility model in the Munich Metropolitan Region in order to exemplarily explore development options and thus verify the usefulness of the tool, but the transferability of the model is crucial in the context of global challenges related to sustainable mo-bility and will be considered during the development.
- Identification and quantification of relevant impact factors on workers' mobility behavior
- Development of a multi- and intermodal accessibility model, which enables sustainable development of work place locations
- Application of the model in the metropolitan region (regional scale) as well as on a smaller scale on selected cases studies in order to develop and assess scenarios for future development
- Contribution to a better understanding of accessibility analysis for land-use and transport planning
DFG - German Research Foundation (Project Number 401093473)
January 2019 – December 2021
Contact | ||
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Wulfhorst | Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Büttner | M.Sc. Maximilian Pfertner |
gebhard.wulfhorst(at)tum.de | benjamin.büttner@tum.de | maximilian.pfertner(at)tum.de |
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