COMMONing ACCESSibility in urban outskirts and beyond
General Description
COMMON_ACCESS focuses on the social nature of accessibility options and measures for both people and freight in urban peripheries. The two main barriers hinder the implementation of the 15-minute City (15minC) concept: first, the difficulty of transferring its principles to urban outskirts, and second, the insufficient consideration of the social dimension in designing and implementing mobility and accessibility solutions. The project aims to address these shortcomings by generating relevant knowledge. Besides, central to the approach of COMMON_ACCESS is the concept of ‘Commoning Accessibility (CA)’, which explores how communities can collaboratively create and manage the conditions necessary to provide access to needed and desired socio-spatial resources under shared rules and norms. To achieve this, TUM will conduct five “Flowers of Proximity” Workshops. This interactive methodology maps people's preferred places based on their regular needs in relation to the distance in time to their homes. These workshops will take place in five different testbeds on the outskirts of Oxford, Amsterdam, Bologna, Ghent, and Munich.
- Understand Commoning Accessibility practices and explore their potential to contribute to achieving the 15minC in urban peripheries.
- Develop and apply methodologies to map and explore (the variety of) spatial and functional accessibility conditions for CA in urban outskirts.
- Develop and apply methodologies to understand existing CA practices by mapping the social dimension of accessibility in urban outskirts.
- Understand opportunities for implementing CA (transition) experiments.
- Identifying policy enablers and constraints to commoning accessibility.
Driving Urban Transition (DUT)
Project coordinator
The University of Westminster LBG
Scientific partners: | Other partners: |
The University of Westminster LBG (UK) | Derek Halden Consultancy LTD (UK) |
Universitet van Amsterdam (NL) | Living Streets (the Pedestrian association) (UK) |
Politecnico di Milano (IT) | Provincia di Pavia (IT) |
Universiteit Gent (BE) | Gemeente Amsterdam (NL) |
London School of Economics and Political Science (UK) | Munchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund GMBH MVV (GER) |
Technische Universitaet Muenchen (GER) | ERSI UK & IRELAND (UK) |
Goudappel BV (NL) | |
Provincia di Bergamo (IT) | |
Oxfordshire County Council (UK) |
January 2024 – December 2026
Dr. Ing. Benjamin Büttner (benjamin.buettner(at)tum.de)
M.Sc María José Zuniga (mariajose.zuniga(at)tum.de)
M.Sc. Bartosz McCormick (bartosz.mccormick(at)tum.de)