Here you will find the presentation slide of the program sessions. It is structured in analog to the conference program.
Note: As we have not yet received all presentations, the subpage will be updated regularly.
Wednesday, 10.04.2024
Session A (09:30 - 11:00)
Host: Catherine Gall, Room "Münchner Kindl"
Title | |
1 | 10 facts of the 15mC (Benjamin Büttner - Technical University of Munich) |
2 | The potential and challenges of digital twins for 15 minute cities (Lucas Van der Meer - University of Salzburg) |
3 | Dealing with the 15-min City concept in the Lyon metropolitan area accessibility challenges for sustainable mobility and inclusiveness (Nicolas Ovtracht - LAET CNRS University of Lyon) |
4 | Dissecting Opposition to the 15-Minute City in the Post-COVID Era (Oriol Marquet - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) |
Host: Karst Geurs, Room "Brezn"
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Host: Imre Keserü, Room "Lederhosen"
Session B (11:15 - 12:45)
Host: David Duran, Room "Münchner Kindl"
Host: Benjamin Büttner, Room "Brezn"
Title | |
1 | Insights for Enhancing Urban Freight Accessibility (Julia Amaral - University of Antwerp) |
2 | Environmental benefits of logistics facilities in the 15-Minute City – A trade-off analysis of transportation and real estate impacts (Claire Schelfhout - Vrije Universiteit Brussel) |
3 | The driving factors of consumers’ shopping channel choices in the omnichannel shopping context (Yubing Lei - University of Antwerp) |
4 | Experiential learning in urban mobility: Logic, impact and applications (Els Beukers & Job Oberman - Windesheim) |
Host: George Liu, Room "Lederhosen"
Session C (13:45 - 15:15)
Host: Sebastian Rauch, Room "Münchner Kindl"
Host: Yusak Susilo, Room "Brezn"
Host: Els Beukers, Room "Lederhosen"
Poster Session I (16:00 - 16:30)
Room "Münchner Kindl": Pitching Session, Room "Dirndl": Poster haning
Session D (16:30 - 18:00)
Host: Karen Lucas, Room "Münchner Kindl"
Host: Ines Kawgan-Kagan, Room "Brezn"
Host: Fabian Wenner, Room "Lederhosen"
Title | |
1 | Whats in a railway station Developing a scientific model for sustainable railway stations of the future (Spyridon Nektarios Koulouris - Technical University of Munich) |
2 | Who buys housing with good public transport Exploring residential mobility with house transaction data (Erik Lunke - Institute of Transport Economics (TØI)) |
3 | Exploring Seamless and Attractive Transfers to Public Transport Stations with Digital Tactical Urbanism (Heike Marquart - German Aerospace Center (DLR)) |
4 | Regional rail stations as catalysts and barriers for 15-minute-neighbourhoods Transit-oriented or transit-adjacent development in the Munich Metropolitan Region (Fabian Wenner - Technical University of Munich) |
Thursday, 11.04.2024
Session E (09:30 - 11:00)
Host: Benjamin Büttner, Room "Münchner Kindl"
Host: Hilda Tellioglu, Room "Brezn"
Host: Maximilian Pfertner, Room "Lederhosen"
Session F (11:15 - 12:45)
Host: Alex Erath, Room "Münchner Kindl"
Host: Cecília Silva, Room "Brezn"
Title | |
1 | Modelling road infrastructure potential for the appraisal of sustainable bicycling networks (David Zani - ETH Zurich) |
2 | City-wide Cycling Network Extension and Bicycle Ridership in São Paulo a Causal Analysis (Francisco Macedo - Radboud University) |
3 | A spatial accessibility analysis for cycling in Bari (Alessandro Gardelli - University of Bari Aldo Moro) |
4 | E-Bike City masterplan Designing a car-reduced urban 1 mobility future for Zurich (Lukas Ballo - ETH Zurich) |
Host: David Vale, Room "Lederhosen"
Session G (13:45 - 15:15)
Host: Thomas Schönberger, Room "Münchner Kindl"
Host: Carolin Zimmer, Room "Brezn"
Host: Hannah Hook, Room "Lederhosen"
Title | |
1 | 15-minutes walking accessibility to primary schools across space and time (Cecilia Silva - Universidade do Porto) |
2 | The 15-minute neighbourhood game (Kelt Garritsen - University of Twente) |
3 | Equity in urban transportation planning the 15-minute city approach A case study of Oslo city, Norway (Saeid Pira - Molde University College) |
4 | Accessibility inequality across Europe a comparison of 15-minute pedestrian accessibility in cities with 100,000 or more inhabitants (David Vale - Universidade de Lisboa) |
Poster Session II (15:15 - 15:45)
Room "Münchner Kindl": Pitching Sessions, Room "Dirndl": Poster hanging