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- Autonomous vehicles: implications on an integrated land-use and transport modelling suite. 11th AESOP Young Academics Conference 2017-04, 2017 mehr… BibTeX
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- Design Criteria for Minimum Passing Zone Lengths: Operational Efficiency and Safety Considerations. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board Volume 2486, Issue 1 2015-01 2486, 2015, 19--27 mehr… BibTeX
- Minimum Passing Zone Length Design Criteria Considering Operational and Safety Impacts. 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board2, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
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- Estudio del adelantamiento a camiones en carretera convencional. XI Congreso De Ingeniería Del Transporte Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 160 2014-12, 2014 mehr… BibTeX
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- Sight Distance Standards Based on Observational Data Risk Evaluation of Passing. Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2404(2404):18-26 2014-12 2404 (-1), 2014, 18--26 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
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- Field Evaluation of Traffic Performance Measures for Two-Lane Highways in Spain. 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board 2014-01, 2014 mehr… BibTeX
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- Multiple passing maneuvers: New design and marking criteria to improve safety. Advances in Transportation Studies Special Is:71-82 2013-01 2 (SPECIAL ISSUE), 2013 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
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- Multiple Passing Maneuvers: New Design and Marking Criteria to Improve Safety. 4th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation RSS 2013-10, 2013 mehr… BibTeX
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- Operational Effectiveness of Passing Zones Depending on Length and Traffic Volume. Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2395(-1):57-65 2013-12 2395, 2013, 57--65 mehr… BibTeX
- Analyzing speeding behavior in two-lane rural roads. Road Safety and Simulation Conference, Rome 2013-10, 2013 mehr… BibTeX
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- A field evaluation of the effectiveness of speed kidney,. 4th Urban Street Symposium, 2012 mehr… BibTeX
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- Human factor effects on passing decision. 3rd European Conference on Human Centred Design for Intelligent Transport Systems Humanist VCE 2012-07, 2012 mehr… BibTeX
- New Experimental Approach for Passing Gap Acceptance. 91st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2012-01, 2012 mehr… BibTeX
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- Desarrollo y Aplicaciones de un Veh{{́i}}culo Instrumentalizado: Observaci{ó}n de Maniobras de Adelantamiento. Rutas 148, 2011, 28--37 mehr… BibTeX
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- Development and Validation of Speed Kidney, a New Traffic-Calming Device. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2223, 1 2011-01 2223, 2011, 43--63 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Technological Development and Validation of Speed Kidney, A New Traffic Calming Device. 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board 2011-01, 2011 mehr… BibTeX
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- Analysis of the Influence of 3D Coordination on the Perception of Horizontal Curvature using Driving Simulator. Advances in Transportation Studies . 24, p33-44. 12p. 2011-07 24, 2011, 33--44 mehr… BibTeX
- Traffic Microsimulation Study to Evaluate the Effect of Type and Spacing of Traffic Calming Devices on Capacity. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 6th International Symposium on Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Stockholm Sweden Volume 16, Pages 1-840 2011-06, 2011 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Evaluation of Passing Process on Two-Lane Rural Highways in Spain with New Methodology Based on Video Data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board Volume 2262, Issue 1 2011-01 2262 (-1), 2011, 42--51 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Evaluation of passing process on Two-Lane Rural Highways in Spain Using a New Methodology Based on Video Data. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2011-01, 2011 mehr… BibTeX
- Traffic Microsimulation Study to Evaluate Freeway Exit Ramps Capacity. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 6th International Symposium on Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Stockholm Sweden 16, 1-840 2011-06, 2011 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Use of Speed as Surrogate Measure: Effect of Traffic Calming Devices on Crosstown Road Safety Performance. 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation 2011-09, 2011 mehr… BibTeX
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- Speed Table Evaluation and Speed Modeling for Low-Volume Crosstown Roads. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board Volume 2203, Issue 1 2011-01 2203, 2011, 85--93 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Desarrollo tecnológico del nuevo moderador de trafico speed kidney. II Congreso Iberoamericano de Seguridad Vial (CISEV) 2010-10, 2010 mehr… BibTeX
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- Funcionalidad del speed kidney, un nuevo dispositivo moderador de la velocidad. XVI Congreso Panamericano de Ingenier{{́i}}a de Tr{á}nsito, 2010 mehr… BibTeX
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- Analysis of the Influence of 3D Coordination on the Perception of Horizontal Curvature using Driving Simulator. 2nd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation 2010-10, 2010 mehr… BibTeX
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- Observaci{ó}n en Traves{{́i}}as de la Influencia de los Dispositivos Moderadores del Tr{á}fico en el Comportamiento de los Conductores. IX Congreso de Ingenier{{́i}}a de Transporte Madrid 2010-07, 2010 mehr… BibTeX
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