Ying Jin (Cambridge University)

Land use/transport integration in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region

This presentation is focused on a particular issue that is commonplace in fast urbanising, low to middle income countries: how to plan transport infrastructure and services under rapid and uncertain land use change. The sheer scale of current urban growth in those countries and its economic, social and environmental implications calls for new modelling research that tackles (1) complex, non-equilibrium land use dynamics, (2) the challenges to a robust approach to medium and long term predictions of job and household locations, (3) lack of traditional data sources and (4) short turn-around time in the policy development cycle from scenario tests to implementation. Ying Jin will address essentially the same set of research questions for the symposium in this specific context, using the application of the LUISA2.0 software in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region as an example to illustrate a new approach to integrated land use and transport modelling.

Dr Ying Jin is a university senior lecturer at Department of Architecture, Cambridge University. He leads a large, interdisciplinary Cities and Transport research group at the Department’s research arm, the Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies [Website]. 

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