SHAREd MObility REwards mission
Duration: January 2020 - December 2020
SHARE-MORE aims to optimize the added value of carsharing services and promote a portfolio of transport services that enable and encourage sustainable urban mobility. The effectiveness and sustainability of carsharing integration into the bundle of transportation services will be achieved by understanding the needs of the three main stakeholders: travelers, transport authorities, and service providers, and by providing personalized incentives tailored to the needs of all the three stakeholders. The incentives will be designed to increase carsharing efficient use while contributing to the integration with the existing overall transportation system and its sustainability. The project will balance the needed knowledge base through its consortium consisting of universities, cities and carsharing commercial company to understand the underlying mechanisms of potential incentive designs, develop a specific incentive scheme, and pilot the proposed scheme within a real carsharing service.
Contact points: Prof. Dr. Constantinos Antoniou, Dr. Guido Cantelmo
More information on the project's website.