Leveraging Big Data for Future Mobility Workshop
The Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering of TUM has joined forces with Northwestern University, USA and the University of California Santa Barbara, USA in an attempt to decode the use of Big Data and User Generated Content in transport.
The first station of this journey is the workshop in Munich, where distinguished professors from the fields of transport and computer science presented and discussed their work. The workshop took place on Friday 15 of December 2017, at the TUM central campus (Arcisstraße 21, 80333 Munich room 1713). The schedule of the event is presented below.
Konstantinos Goulias: From Local to Global: Harvesting the web to understand motivation, movement, and heterogeneity in travel behavior (part1, part2, part3)
Francesco Viti (UniLU): Modelling Daily Mobility Patterns in the Era of Big Data (file)
Francisco Pereira & Filipe Rodrigues (DTU): Predicting for the adaptive transport system ... and other necessary ingredients for resilient urban mobility (file)
L. Kärkkäinen, L. Tonetto and J. Ott (TUM): Connect the (mobility) dots: Mining users' mobility patterns from network and social media data (file)
Constantinos Antoniou (TUM): Mobility-related feature extraction from emerging data (file)
Schedule and Presentations

The day before the workshop (14th of December 2017), a masterclass was given by Prof. Goulias (UCSB). The masterclass took place on the 14th of December 14:00 -16:00 at the TUM central campus (Arcisstraße 21, 80333 Munich room 1713)
The workshop's poster can be found here