Danyue Zhi

Danyue Zhi is a visiting PhD student at the Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering, Technical University of Munich. She is a Ph.D. candidate at Beijing Jiaotong University, China. Her research interests include shared mobility pattern recognition, shared mobility environmental benefits, bike-sharing/ride-hailing data mining, and machine learning.
[1]. Danyue Zhi, Hepeng Zhao, Yan Chen, Weize Song*, Dongdong Song*, Yitao Yang*. 2024. Quantifying the heterogeneous impacts of the urban built environment on traffic carbon emissions. Urban Climate. 101765 (SCI, Q1)
[2]. Danyue Zhi, Huijun Sun, Ying Lv*, Guangtong Xu. 2022. Quantifying the comprehensive benefit of the bike-sharing system under cycling behavior differences. Journal of Cleaner Production. 379, 134660.(SCI, Q1)
[3]. Ying Lv, Danyue Zhi, Huijun Sun*, Geqi Qi. 2021. Mobility pattern recognition based prediction for the subway station related bike-sharing trips. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 133, 103404. (SCI, Q1)
[4]. Xiangtong Su, Danyue Zhi*, Dongdong Song*, Le Tian, Yitao Yang. 2023. Exploring weather-related factors affecting the delay caused by traffic incidents: Mitigating the negative effect of traffic incidents. Science of the Total Environment .877,162938. (SCI, Q1)
[5]. Yitao Yang, Bin Jia*, Xiao-Yong Yan*, Danyue Zhi, Dongdong Song, Yan Chen, Michiel de Bok, Lóránt A. Tavasszy, Ziyou Gao. 2023. Uncovering and modeling the hierarchical organization of urban heavy truck flows. Transportation Research Part E. 103318(SCI, Q1)
[6]. Yitao Yang, Bin Jia*, Xiao-Yong Yan*, Yan Chen, Dongdong Song, Danyue Zhi, Yiyun Wang, Ziyou Gao. 2023. Estimating intercity heavy truck mobility flows using the Deep Gravity framework. Transportation Research Part E. 103320(SCI, Q1)
[7]. Xiaoyan Feng, Huijun Sun*, Wu jianjun, Ying Lv, Danyue Zhi. 2022. Understanding detour behavior in taxi services: A combined approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 145, 103950.(SCI, Q1)
[8]. Luqi Dong, Ying Lv*, Huijun Sun, Danyue Zhi, Tingting Chen. 2021. Gps trajectory-based spatio-temporal variations of traffic accessibility under public health emergency consideration. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 7, 1-22.(SCI, Q3)
[9]. Yunxiao Cui, Danyue Zhi, Ying Lv. 2021. Study on emergency response model during construction of sichuan-tibet railway. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 638(1), 012016 (6pp). (EI conference)
[10]. Ying Lv*,Chun Guo, Huijun Sun, Danyue Zhi. 2021. Uncertainty of Energy and Environment Effects of Ride-hailing Considering Travel Competition. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology (in Chinese). 21(06):289-297.(EI)