Guido Cantelmo

Guido Cantelmo is an Assistant Professor at DTU - Technical University of Denmark and an affiliated researcher at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
He holds a diploma in Civil Engineering (2011) and an M.Sc degree in Road Design and Transportation Systems Engineering (2013), both from University of Roma Tre (Rome, Italy). Guido received his PhD from the University of Luxembourg in January 2018. After, he has been working as PostDoc Research Associate at the University of Luxembourg for one year.
In 2014, he has been visiting research student at the KU Leuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven).
His key qualifications and research interests are: Dynamic Demand Estimation (Bi-level formulation GLS, Quasi Dynamic Models Kalman Filter, Maximum Log-Likelihood, Reliability of the Demand Model; Traffic measures: Traffic Flows, Probe Vehicles, Speeds, Link Density, GPS coordinates); Activity Scheduling (Econometric Models, Utility-Based approach, CPMs); Demand Modeling (Demand Generation Model, Data Driven Approaches, Foursquare data, GSM data, ITS technology); Intelligent Transport Systems; Traffic Control Optimization (Local and Network Wide Policies); Travel Behaviour; Off-Line prediction models; Big-Data and demand modeling.
Guido has authored peer-reviewed journals and conference publications on demand modelling, travel behavior, traffic prediction, mode choice, traffic assignment. A full list of publications can be found here.
Selected Publications:
- Cantelmo, G., E. Cipriani, A. Gemma, and M. Nigro. 2014. ‘An Adaptive Bi-Level Gradient Procedure for the Estimation of Dynamic Traffic Demand’. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 15 (3): 1348–61.
- Cantelmo, Guido, and Francesco Viti. 2018. ‘Incorporating Activity Duration and Scheduling Utility into Equilibrium-Based Dynamic Traffic Assignment’. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, August.
- Cantelmo, Guido, Francesco Viti, Chris Tampêre, Ernesto Cipriani, and Marialisa Nigro. 2014. ‘Two-Step Approach for Correction of Seed Matrix in Dynamic Demand Estimation’. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2466 (December): 125–33.
- Cantelmo, Viti, Cipriani, and Nigro. 2018. ‘A Utility-Based Dynamic Demand Estimation Model That Explicitly Accounts for Activity Scheduling and Duration’. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, February.
Work Experience
Jan 2019 - Aug 2021 | Post-Doctoral Research Associate Technical University of Munich Arciststraße 21, D-80333, München, Germany. |
Feb 2018 - Dec 2018 | Post-Doctoral Research Associate University of Luxembourg 6, Avenue de la Fonte L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg |
Feb 2014 - Jan 2018 | Research Associate (PhD Candidate) University of Luxembourg 6, Avenue de la Fonte L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg |
Feb 2014 – Jan 2018 | Ph.D. in Engineering Science University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg) Thesis: Dynamic Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation with Interacting Demand Patterns |
Feb 2011 – Jul 2013
Sep 2006 - Jan 2011 | Diploma in Road Design and Transportation Systems Engineering Diploma in Road Design and Transportation Systems Engineering |
Awards and Scholarship
Jan 2018 | EuroTechPostdoc postdoctoral fellowship: Technical University of Munich, Germany, (Supported from the MSCA COFUND scheme) |
Feb 2014 | AFR Individual PhD grants, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg national research fund |
Jul 2013 | Grant for Short Term Scientific Mission, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, EU COST TU1004 Modelling Public Transport Passenger Flows in the Era of Intelligent Transport Systems |
Reviewing Activities
- Journal of Intelligent Transportation System (JITS)
- Journal of Advanced Transportation
- Trasportation Research Part C
- IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
- ISTTT (2017-2019)