Roja Ezzati Amini

Roja Ezzati Amini is a Research Associate and a PhD Candidate at the Technical University of Munich.
Until September 2017, she was a postgraduate student at the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds. Roja has a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (2011) from University of Tabriz. Her research focuses on human factor analysis of highly automated driving.
May 2018 – Today | Ph.D. Candidate Technical University of Munich (TUM) Thesis subject: Human factor analysis of highly automated driving |
Sep 2016 - Sep 2017 | Master of Transport Planning and Engineering University of Leeds Thesis: "Using UDRIVE Naturalistic Driving data to understand and improve road user safety by investigating the impact of prolonged driving on drivers’ performance" |
Sep 2015- Sep 2011 | Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering University of Tabriz |
Roja has authored peer-reviewed journals and conference publications in the field of automated road transport systems, pedestrian behaviours, and road user interactions. A full list of publications can be found here.
Selected publications and workshops:
- Ezzati Amini, R., Katrakazas, C., Riener, A., Antoniou, C., 2021. Interaction of automated driving systems with pedestrians: challenges, current solutions, and recommendations for eHMIs.Transport Reviews, pp.1-26.
- Madigan, R., Nordhoff, S., Fox, C., Amini, R.E., Louw, T., Wilbrink, M., Schieben, A. and Merat, N., 2019. Understanding interactions between Automated Road Transport Systems and other road users: A video analysis. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 66, pp.196-213.
- Ezzati Amini, R., Katrakazas, C. and Antoniou, C., 2019. Negotiation and Decision-Making for a Pedestrian Roadway Crossing: A Literature Review. Sustainability, 11(23), p.6713.
- DfT Workshop; Using Virtual Reality to Develop Risk Awareness Perception Training for the UK.
Reviewing Activities
Transportation Letters
- AutomotiveUI 2020