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- Driving Behavior Safety Levels: Classification and Evaluation. 2021 7th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), 2021 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
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- On-demand Modeling and Forecasting Individual Upcoming Trips – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: T. Ma, C. Antoniou , 2020, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Factors affecting the adoption and use of urban air mobility. Transportation research part A: policy and practice 132, 2020, 696--712 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
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- Incorporating trip chaining within online demand estimation. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 132, 2020, 171 - 187 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Data aspects of the evaluation of demand for emerging transportation systems. In: Demand for Emerging Transportation Systems. Elsevier, 2020, 77--99 mehr… BibTeX
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- Open source data--driven method to identify most influencing spatiotemporal factors. An example of station--based bike sharing. In: Mapping the Travel Behavior Genome. Elsevier, 2020, 503--526 mehr… BibTeX
- Factors affecting the adoption of vehicle sharing systems. In: Demand for Emerging Transportation Systems. Elsevier, 2020, 189--209 mehr… BibTeX
- Study of semantic segmentation applied to street scene data – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM, Supervisors: C. Antoniou, R. Rothfeld, 2020, mehr… BibTeX
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- How Scheduling Advances Affect Level of Service, Fleeting, and Critical Mass in Smartphone-Based Vanpooling. Proceedings of the 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2020 mehr… BibTeX
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- Why do we share our trips? Investigation of the factors that influence the acceptance, frequency of use and characteristics of organized pooled rides. The Jetty case study in Mexico – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM, Supervisors: A. Tirachini, C. Antoniou, 2020, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
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- Long-term application potential of urban air mobility complementing public transport: an upper Bavaria example. CEAS Aeronautical Journal 11 (4), 2020, 991-1007 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
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- PC-SPSA: Implementation assessment and exploration of different historical data-set generation methods for enhanced DTA model calibration. 3rd Symposium on Management of Future Motorway and Urban Traffic Systems, 2020 mehr… BibTeX
- Urban air mobility. In: Demand for Emerging Transportation Systems. Elsevier, 2020, 267--284 mehr… BibTeX
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- Can Shared Rides Reduce Motorized Traffic? The Case of Jetty in Mexico City. Proceedings of the 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2020 mehr… BibTeX
- Review of factors affecting transportation systems adoption and satisfaction. In: Demand for Emerging Transportation Systems. Elsevier, 2020, 11--36 mehr… BibTeX
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- Development of a smartphone application for optimizing the accessibility of Munich Airport – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: C. Antoniou, E. Chaniotakis, 2019, mehr… BibTeX
- Demand for Emerging Transportation Systems: Modeling Adoption, Satisfaction, and Mobility Patterns. Elsevier, 2019 mehr… BibTeX
- Big Data and Transport Analytics: An Introduction. In: Mobility Patterns, Big Data and Transport Analytics. Elsevier, 2019, 1--5 mehr… BibTeX
- 8 A typology of urban analysis models. In: Digital Social Networks and Travel Behaviour in Urban Environments. Routledge, 2019, 135 mehr… BibTeX
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- Deep learning techniques for short-term traffic forecasts – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: T. Ma, C. Antoniou , 2019, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Predictive Modelling using Machine Learning Techniques for Railway incident based parametersDenmark Railways. Supervisors: E. Chaniotakis, C. Antoniou , 2019, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
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- Incorporating trip chaining within online demand estimation. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (Preprint, full article available at sciencedirect.com and on arxiv.org), 2019 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- 4 Social media and travel behaviour. In: Digital Social Networks and Travel Behaviour in Urban Environments. Routledge, 2019, 59 mehr… BibTeX
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- Simultaneous off-line demand supply calibration for simulation based dynamic traffic assignment models with PC-SPSA algorithm – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM, Supervisors: C. Antoniou, T. Ma, 2019, mehr… BibTeX
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- Automated open-source data collection and processing: an example of OpenStreetMap and bike-sharing. Transportation Research Procedia 41, 2019 mehr… BibTeX
- Built environment factors affecting bike sharing ridership: data-driven approach for multiple cities. Transportation research record 2673 (12), 2019, 55--68 mehr… BibTeX
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- Exploring preferences for transportation modes in an urban air mobility environment: Munich case study. Transportation Research Record 2673 (10), 2019, 427--442 mehr… BibTeX
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- Stated Preference Survey Design to identify factors for using dynamic vanpooling – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: C. Antoniou, E. Chaniotakis, 2019, mehr… BibTeX
- A method for the treatment of pedestrian trajectory data noise. Transportation Research Procedia 41, 2019, 782--798 mehr… BibTeX
- How Scheduling Advances Affect Critical Mass and Fleeting in Smartphone-Based Vanpooling. International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport (mobil.TUM2019), 2019 mehr… BibTeX
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- Towards an integrated longitudinal and lateral movement data-driven model for mixed traffic. Transportation Research Procedia 37, 2019, 489--496 mehr… BibTeX
- Data-driven traffic simulation models: Mobility patterns using machine learning techniques. In: Mobility Patterns, Big Data and Transport Analytics. Elsevier, 2019, 263--295 mehr… BibTeX
- PC--SPSA: Employing dimensionality reduction to limit SPSA search noise in DTA model calibration. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 21 (4), 2019, 1635--1645 mehr… BibTeX
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- Review and modelling of shared autonomous vehicle services – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: E. Chaniotakis, C. Antoniou, 2019, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Comparing machine learning and deep learning methods for real-time crash prediction. Transportation research record 2673 (8), 2019, 169--178 mehr… BibTeX
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- Machine learning-based network-wide traffic dynamics Prediction of traffic dynamics – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM, Supervisors: T. Ma, C. Antoniou, 2019, mehr… BibTeX
- Data science and data visualization. In: Mobility Patterns, Big Data and Transport Analytics. Elsevier, 2019, 107--144 mehr… BibTeX
- Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model Calibration Using Islands Genetic Algorithm – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: T. Ma, C. Antoniou , 2019, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Using Floating Car Data (FCD) to Infer Mobility Patterns – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: C. Antoniou, R. Harfouche, 2018, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Mobility Patterns, Big Data and Transport Analytics. Tools and Applications for Modeling. Elsevier, 2018 mehr… BibTeX
- Special issue on simulation of traffic safety in the era of advances in technologies. , 2018 mehr… BibTeX
- Mobility patterns, big data and transport analytics: tools and applications for modeling. 2018 mehr… BibTeX
- A framework for risk reduction for indoor parking facilities under constraints using positioning technologies. International journal of disaster risk reduction 31, 2018, 1166--1176 mehr… BibTeX
- Utility-Based Kalman Filtering for real-time estimation of daily demand flows. , 2018 mehr… BibTeX
- Utility-Based Kalman Filtering For Real-Time Estimation Of Daily Demand Flows. Proceedings of 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), 2018 mehr… BibTeX
- Identifying the Factors Affecting the Use and Adoption of Urban Air Mobility – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: C. Antoniou (TUM), E. Chaniotakis (TUM), Anna Straubinger (Bauhaus Luftfahrt), 2018, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Quantitative Cybersecurity Risk Management for Autonomous Vehicle Systems – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: E. Chaniotakis, C. Antoniou, 2018, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Saving lives through faster emergency unit response times: Role of accessibility and environmental factors. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems 144 (9), 2018, 04018053 mehr… BibTeX
- Machine Learning Vs. Spatial Econometric Models: Modeling the Impact of Transportation Infrastructure on Real Estate Prices. 2018, mehr… BibTeX
- Modeling the impact of large-scale transportation infrastructure development on land cover. Transportation Letters 10 (1), 2018, 26--42 mehr… BibTeX
- Factors affecting bus users’ satisfaction in times of economic crisis. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 114, 2018, 3--12 mehr… BibTeX
- Factors Affecting Bus Users’ Satisfaction in Times of Crisis. 2018, mehr… BibTeX
- Public Transport Users’ Satisfaction: Athens vs Munich. – TUM Transportation Systems MSc., Supervisors: C. Antoniou, E. Chaniotakis, 2018, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Exploring Preferences for Transportation Modes in an Urban Air Mobility Environment: a Munich Case Study. , 2018 mehr… BibTeX
- Revisiting the application of simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation towards signal timing optimization. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (5), 2018, 365--375 mehr… BibTeX
- A Robust Capacitated Vehicle Routing Model for Dangerous Goods Transportation in a Double Echelon Supply Chain Network; A case study of lead-acid auto battery transportation in Germany. – TUM Transportation Systems MSc., Supervisors: C. Antoniou, E. Chaniotakis, 2018, mehr… BibTeX
- International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology. , 2018 mehr… BibTeX
- Pedestrian simulation: Theoretical models vs. data driven techniques. International journal of transportation science and technology 7 (4), 2018, 241--253 mehr… BibTeX
- Factors Affecting the Shift to Autonomous Vehicles: A Safety Perspective Survey in Munich – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: C. Katrakazas, C. Antoniou, 2018, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Dynamic factor model for network traffic state forecast. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 118, 2018, 281--317 mehr… BibTeX
- Exploring Preferences for Transportation Modes in an Urban Air Mobility Environment: a Munich Case Study. Masterarbeit, 2018 mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- An Alternative Online Calibration Approach for Dynamic Traffic Assignment Systems. – TUM Transportation Systems MSc., Supervisors: C. Antoniou, T. Ma, E. Chaniotakis, 2018, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- PC-SPSA: Employing dimensionality reduction to limit SPSA noise in DTA model calibration. 2nd Symposium on Management of Future motorway and urban Traffic Systems (MFTS 2018), 2018 mehr… BibTeX
- Towards data-driven microscopic traffic simulation models. , 2018 mehr… BibTeX
- Identification of Lane Change Manoeuvers on Mixed Traffic Trajectory Data. 2018, mehr… BibTeX
- Flexible car--following models for mixed traffic and weak lane--discipline conditions. European transport research review 10 (2), 2018, 62 mehr… BibTeX
- Social network analysis in future transportation systems: Contributions on observability, behaviour and structure. Transportation Research. Part C: Emerging Technologies 91, 2018, 369--370 mehr… BibTeX
- Improving scalability of generic online calibration for real-time dynamic traffic assignment systems. Transportation Research Record 2672 (48), 2018, 79--92 mehr… BibTeX
- PC-SPSA: Employing dimensionality reduction to limit SPSA noise in DTA model calibration. Proceedings of 2nd Symposium on Management of Future Motorway and Urban Traffic Systems (MFTS2018), 2018 mehr… BibTeX
- An Alternate Online Calibration approach for OD demand Calibration in Dynamic Traffic Assignment Systems. Proceedings of 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), 2018 mehr… BibTeX
- Initial analysis of urban air mobility’s transport performance in sioux falls. 2018 Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, 2018 mehr… BibTeX
- Agent-based simulation of urban air mobility. 2018 Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 2018 mehr… BibTeX
- Simulation-based evacuation planning using state-of-the-art sensitivity analysis techniques. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 89, 2018, 160--174 mehr… BibTeX
- Data-driven time series demand forecasting of Car-Sharing services: The case study of DriveNow in Munich, Germany – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: Jeppe Rich (DTU), Tao Ma (TUM), C. Antoniou (TUM), 2018, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- An optimization model for reservation based autonomous car sharing routing problem. – TUM Transportation Systems MSc., Supervisors: E. Chaniotakis, C. Antoniou, 2018, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Predicting and measuring venue popularity using crowd-sourced and passive sensor data – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM, Supervisors: C. Antoniou, 2018, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Time series and support vector machines to predict powered-two-wheeler accident risk and accident type propensity: A combined approach. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 10 (5), 2018, 471--490 mehr… BibTeX
- Towards Dynamic Bayesian Networks: State Augmentation for Online Calibration of DTA Systems. 2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2018 mehr… BibTeX
- A framework for efficient data collection and modeling of indoor parking facilities under constraints. 2017, mehr… BibTeX
- How may external information affect traffic risk perception? Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 9 (3), 2017, 347--368 mehr… BibTeX
- How may external information affect traffic risk perception? Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 9 (3), 2017, 347--368 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Forecasting the number of road traffic fatalities in Greece. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION 5 (2), 2017, 1--14 mehr… BibTeX
- Inferring Activities from Social Media Data for Transportation Studies. 2017 Tranportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2017 mehr… BibTeX
- Inferring activities from social media data. Transportation research record 2666 (1), 2017, 29--37 mehr… BibTeX
- Enhancing resilience to disasters using social media. 2017 5th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), 2017 mehr… BibTeX
- Identification of spatio-temporal factors affecting arrivals and departures of shared vehicles. – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM, Supervisors: E. Chaniotakis, C. Antoniou, D. Eftymiou, 2017, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Monitoring social network formation and information content analysis of transport anomalies: The case of airline crashes. Journal of Air Transport Management 65, 2017, 127--141 mehr… BibTeX
- Policy-Driven Investigation of Sectoral Latent Information Regarding Global Road Fatalities. Transportation research procedia 22, 2017, 685--694 mehr… BibTeX
- Understanding the effects of economic crisis on public transport users’ satisfaction and demand. Transport Policy 53, 2017, 89--97 mehr… BibTeX
- Understanding the effects of economic crisis on public transport users’ satisfaction and demand. Transport Policy 53, 2017, 89--97 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Indoor Parking Facilities Management Based on RFID CoO Positioning in Combination with Wi--Fi and UWB. FIG Working Week 2017, 2017 mehr… BibTeX
- Revisiting the Application of Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation towards Signal Timing Optimization. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems (just-accepted), 2017 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Validating data-driven models at the network level. , 2017 mehr… BibTeX
- David Durán Rodas. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 101, 2017, 123--139 mehr… BibTeX
- Techniques for improving the effectiveness of the SPSA algorithm in dynamic demand calibration. 2017 5th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), 2017 mehr… BibTeX
- Simulation-based evaluation of evacuation effectiveness using driving behavior sensitivity analysis. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 70, 2017, 135--148 mehr… BibTeX
- Simulation-based evaluation of evacuation effectiveness using driving behavior sensitivity analysis. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 70, 2017, 135--148 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Quantifying demand dynamics for supporting optimal taxi services strategies. Transportation research procedia 22, 2017, 675--684 mehr… BibTeX
- Systematic review of pedestrian simulation models with a focus on emergency situations. Transportation Research Record 2604 (1), 2017, 111--119 mehr… BibTeX
- A Systematic Review of Pedestrian Simulation Models with a Focus on Emergency Situations. 2017, mehr… BibTeX
- Built environment, travel attitudes and travel behaviour: quasi-longitudinal analysis of links in the case of Greeks relocating from US to Greece. Sustainability 9 (10), 2017, 1774 mehr… BibTeX
- Route and mode choice models using GPS data. TRB 96th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2017 mehr… BibTeX
- Validating data-driven models at the network level – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM, Supervisors: C. Antoniou, D. Efthymiou, 2017, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Exploratory analysis of the effect of distraction on driving behaviour through a driving simulator experiment. International journal of transportation 5 (1), 2017, 35--46 mehr… BibTeX
- Flexible car-following models on mixed traffic trajectory data. 2017, mehr… BibTeX
- Comparative assessment of the behaviour of drivers with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Alzheimer’s disease in different road and traffic conditions. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 47, 2017, 122--131 mehr… BibTeX
- Comparative assessment of the behaviour of drivers with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Alzheimer’s disease in different road and traffic conditions. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 47, 2017, 122--131 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Stochastic user equilibrium traffic assignment with equilibrated parking search routes. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 101, 2017, 123-139 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Reducing the dimension of online calibration in dynamic traffic assignment systems. Transportation Research Record 2667 (1), 2017, 96--107 mehr… BibTeX
- Time series and support vector machines to predict powered-two-wheeler accident risk and accident type propensity: A combined approach. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 2017, 1--20 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- How did the economic recession (2008--2010) influence traffic fatalities in OECD-countries? Accident Analysis & Prevention 102, 2017, 51--59 mehr… BibTeX
- How did the economic recession (2008--2010) influence traffic fatalities in OECD-countries? Accident Analysis & Prevention 102, 2017, 51--59 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Impact of Weather on Public Transport Users’ Satisfaction – TUM Civil Engineering MSc. TUM Supervisors: C. Antoniou, D. Efthymiou, E. Chaniotakis, 2017, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Improved calibration method for dynamic traffic assignment models: constrained extended Kalman filter. Transportation Research Record 2667 (1), 2017, 142--153 mehr… BibTeX
- Towards a generic benchmarking platform for origin--destination flows estimation/updating algorithms: Design, demonstration and validation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 66, 2016, 79--98 mehr… BibTeX
- Towards a generic benchmarking platform for origin--destination flows estimation/updating algorithms: Design, demonstration and validation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 66, 2016, 79--98 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Special issue on advanced network traffic management: From dynamic state estimation to traffic control. Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies 66 (ARTICLE), 2016, 1--2 mehr… BibTeX
- Relating traffic fatalities to GDP in Europe on the long term. Accident Analysis & Prevention 92, 2016, 89--96 mehr… BibTeX
- Relating traffic fatalities to GDP in Europe on the long term. Accident Analysis & Prevention 92, 2016, 89--96 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Factors Affecting Use of Child Car Seats for Nursery School Travel: A Study in Athens, Greece. 2016, mehr… BibTeX
- Can Social Media data augment travel demand survey data? 2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2016 mehr… BibTeX
- Can Social Media data augment travel demand survey data? 2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2016 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Mapping social media for transportation studies. IEEE Intelligent Systems 31 (6), 2016, 64--70 mehr… BibTeX
- Mapping Social Media for Transportation Studies. IEEE Intelligent Systems 31 (6), 2016, 64-70 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Estimating and Predicting Spatial Crash Frequency Utilizing Multivariate Datasets. , 2016 mehr… BibTeX
- Understanding the impact of accessibility and weather on emergency unit reaction times. , 2016 mehr… BibTeX
- Modeling the propensity to join carsharing using hybrid choice models and mixed survey data. Transport Policy 51, 2016, 143--149 mehr… BibTeX
- Modeling the propensity to join carsharing using hybrid choice models and mixed survey data. Transport Policy 51, 2016, 143--149 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Modeling the impact of large-scale transportation infrastructure development on land cover. Transportation Letters, 2016, 1--17 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- A low-cost wireless sensors positioning solution for indoor parking facilities management. Journal of Location Based Services 10 (4), 2016, 241--261 mehr… BibTeX
- A low-cost wireless sensors positioning solution for indoor parking facilities management. Journal of Location Based Services 10 (4), 2016, 241--261 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Real time optimization of network control strategies in dynamit2. 0. 2016, mehr… BibTeX
- Optimizing Locations of Electric Taxi Charging Stations: Model and Application. 2016, mehr… BibTeX
- Integration of images and laser scanning data for automated 3D road feature extraction. Surveying and Land Information Science 75 (2), 2016, 49--63 mehr… BibTeX
- Integration of images and laser scanning data for automated 3D road feature extraction. Surveying and Land Information Science 75 (2), 2016, 49--63 mehr… BibTeX
- Investigating the effect of area type and traffic conditions on distracted driving performance. Transportation research procedia 14, 2016, 3839--3848 mehr… BibTeX
- Flexible car-following models incorporating information from adjacent lanes. 2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2016 mehr… BibTeX
- Online calibration for microscopic traffic simulation and dynamic multi-step prediction of traffic speed. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 68, 2016, 144--159 mehr… BibTeX
- Online calibration for microscopic traffic simulation and dynamic multi-step prediction of traffic speed. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 68, 2016, 144--159 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Which are the effects of driver distraction and brain pathologies on reaction time and accident risk? Advances in Transportation Studies (1), 2016 mehr… BibTeX
- Which are the effects of driver distraction and brain pathologies on reaction time and accident risk? Advances in Transportation Studies (1), 2016 mehr… BibTeX
- Which are the critical measures to assess the driving performance of drivers with brain pathologies? Transportation research procedia 14, 2016, 4393--4402 mehr… BibTeX
- Stochastic User Equilibrium with Equilibrated Parking Search Routes. 2016 mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Investigating the impact of night-time on operating speeds in two-lane rural roads. 2016, mehr… BibTeX
- A classification of driver assistance systems. , 2016 mehr… BibTeX
- Constrained extended Kalman filter: an efficient improvement of calibration for dynamic traffic assignment models. , 2016 mehr… BibTeX
- Road Safety Data, Collection, Transfer and Analysis DaCoTa. Workpackage 4, Decision Support: Deliverable 4.4: Forecasting road traffic fatalities in European countries. , 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- W--SPSA in practice: Approximation of weight matrices and calibration of traffic simulation models. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 59, 2015, 129--146 mehr… BibTeX
- W--SPSA in practice: Approximation of weight matrices and calibration of traffic simulation models. Transportation Research Procedia 7, 2015, 233--253 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Localization and driving behavior classification with smartphone sensors in direct absence of global navigation satellite systems. Transportation Research Record 2489 (1), 2015, 66--76 mehr… BibTeX
- Localization and Driving Behavior Classification with Smartphone Sensors in Direct Absence of Global Navigation Satellite Systems. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2489), 2015, 66--76 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Cell phone use and driving performance of different age groups. Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Urban sustainability and individual/household well-being. Quality of Life in Cities. Equity, Sustainable Development and Happiness from a Policy Perspective. Routledge, 2015, 110--142 mehr… BibTeX
- The value of privacy: Evidence from the use of mobile devices for traveler information systems. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (2), 2015, 167--180 mehr… BibTeX
- The value of privacy: Evidence from the use of mobile devices for traveler information systems. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (2), 2015, 167--180 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Advanced traveler information systems: Behavioral responses to mobile applications for transportation. 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Improving fatalities forecasting in times of recession in Europe. Why Does Road Safety Improve When Economic Times are Hard; ITF/IRTAD: Paris, France, 2015, 143--168 mehr… BibTeX
- Data for Leisure Travel Demand from Social Networking Services. 4th hEART Symposium (European Association for Research in Transportation), 2015 mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Use of Geotagged Social Media in Urban Settings: Empirical Evidence on Its Potential from Twitter. 2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2015 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Use of geotagged social media in urban settings: Empirical evidence on its potential from twitter. 2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Data for leisure travel demand from social networking services. 4th hEART Symposium (European Association for Research in Transportation), 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Drivers’ parking location choice under uncertain parking availability and search times: A stated preference experiment. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 82, 2015, 228-239 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Monitoring Social Networks Formation and Information Velocity for Cases of Airliners' Crashes. 2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Spatial road safety modeling leveraging “crowd-sourced” publicly available geographic data. , 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Investigating the impact of recession on transportation cost capitalization: a spatial analysis. Journal of Transport Geography 42, 2015, 1--9 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Investigating the impact of recession on transportation cost capitalization: a spatial analysis. Journal of Transport Geography 42, 2015, 1--9 mehr… BibTeX
- Comparison of optimization methods for assisted calibration of traffic micro-simulation. 2015, mehr… BibTeX
- Optimization-based assisted calibration of traffic simulation models. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 55, 2015, 100--115 mehr… BibTeX
- Optimization-based assisted calibration of traffic simulation models. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 55, 2015, 100--115 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- An investigation of SPSA for signal timing optimization at isolated intersections. 2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Social networks’ impact on carpooling systems performance: Privacy vs. efficiency. 2015, mehr… BibTeX
- An enhanced SPSA algorithm for the calibration of Dynamic Traffic Assignment models. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 51, 2015, 149--166 mehr… BibTeX
- An enhanced SPSA algorithm for the calibration of Dynamic Traffic Assignment models. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 51, 2015, 149--166 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Dynamit2. 0: Architecture design and preliminary results on real-time data fusion for traffic prediction and crisis management. 2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Developing insight into effective SPSA parameters through sensitivity analysis. 2015 International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- A demonstration of distribution-based calibration. 2015 International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Quasi-longitudinal analysis of links between built environment, travel attitudes and travel behavior: A case of Greeks relocating from US to Greece. Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Framework for Automatic Extraction of Road Features from Multi-Sensor Data. 2015, mehr… BibTeX
- Accident risk of drivers with cognitive impairments. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- P10 how cell phone use affects reaction time of older drivers. Journal of Transport & Health 2 (2), 2015, S68--S69 mehr… BibTeX
- Towards data-driven car-following models. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 55, 2015, 496--509 mehr… BibTeX
- Simulation Optimization of Car-Following Models Using Flexible Techniques. In: Engineering and Applied Sciences Optimization. Springer, Cham, 2015, 87--106 mehr… BibTeX
- Simulation Optimization of Car-Following Models Using Flexible Techniques. In: Engineering and Applied Sciences Optimization. Springer, 2015, 87--106 mehr… BibTeX
- Towards data-driven car-following models. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 55, 2015, 496--509 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Driving behaviour of drivers with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease: a driving simulator study. Proceedings of the 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- In-vehicle distraction and brain pathologies: Effects on reaction time and accident probability. , 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Driving Behavior Classification within Indoor Parking Facilities Based on Inertial Smartphone Data. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), Banff, AB, Canada, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Vehicle-to-vehicle communication: End-to-end performance evaluation in dense propagation environments. 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Parameters affecting professional driver response to VMS messages. 2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Peak Car effects on scheme appraisal. , 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Analysis of passengers' perception of public transport quality and performance. In: Transportation Systems and Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global, 2015, 1108--1124 mehr… BibTeX
- Analysis of Passengers' Perception of Public Transport Quality and Performance. In: Transportation Systems and Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global, 2015, 1108--1124 mehr… BibTeX
- Do simulator measures improve identification of older drivers with MCI? 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- Cerebral diseases and distractibility while driving. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, 2015 mehr… BibTeX
- P14 Investigating the different distraction mechanism between cell phone use and conversation with the passenger, through a driving simulator experiment. Journal of Transport & Health 2 (2), 2015, S70--S71 mehr… BibTeX
- Validation. In: Traffic Simulation and Data. CRC Press, 2014, 179--200 mehr… BibTeX
- Classification of driving characteristics using smartphone sensor data. Proceedings of Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, 2014 mehr… BibTeX
- A stated-preference study of the willingness-to-pay to reduce traffic risk in urban vs. rural roads. European Transport Research Review 6 (1), 2014, 31--42 mehr… BibTeX
- A stated-preference study of the willingness-to-pay to reduce traffic risk in urban vs. rural roads. European Transport Research Review 6 (1), 2014, 31--42 mehr… BibTeX
- Traffic simulation: case for guidelines. , 2014 mehr… BibTeX
- Traffic simulation: case for guidelines. , 2014 mehr… BibTeX
- A framework for the benchmarking of OD estimation and prediction algorithms. 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2014 mehr… BibTeX
- Towards distribution-based calibration for traffic simulation. 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2014 mehr… BibTeX
- Road safety forecasts in five European countries using structural time series models. Traffic injury prevention 15 (6), 2014, 598--605 mehr… BibTeX
- Road safety forecasts in five European countries using structural time series models. Traffic injury prevention 15 (6), 2014, 598--605 mehr… BibTeX
- How likely are travelers to give up information in exchange for better user information services? Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 2014 mehr… BibTeX
- Data collection techniques. Traffic simulation and data: Validation methods and applications, 2014, 5--32 mehr… BibTeX
- Powered two-wheeler rider eye-height determination. Transportation letters 6 (2), 2014, 67--77 mehr… BibTeX
- Powered two-wheeler rider eye-height determination. Transportation letters 6 (2), 2014, 67--77 mehr… BibTeX
- Latent risk and trend models for the evolution of annual fatality numbers in 30 European countries. Accident Analysis & Prevention 71, 2014, 327--336 mehr… BibTeX
- Latent risk and trend models for the evolution of annual fatality numbers in 30 European countries. Accident Analysis & Prevention 71, 2014, 327--336 mehr… BibTeX
- Measuring the effects of transportation infrastructure location on real estate prices and rents: investigating the current impact of a planned metro line. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics 3 (3-4), 2014, 179--204 mehr… BibTeX
- Measuring the effects of transportation infrastructure location on real estate prices and rents: investigating the current impact of a planned metro line. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics 3 (3-4), 2014, 179--204 mehr… BibTeX
- Multidimensional indicator analysis for transport policy evaluation. Transportation Research Record 2430 (1), 2014, 83--94 mehr… BibTeX
- Multidimensional indicator analysis for transport policy evaluation. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2430), 2014, 83--94 mehr… BibTeX
- Measuring the Effects of Economic Crisis on Users’ Perceptions of Public Transport Quality. Transportation Research Record 2415 (1), 2014, 1--12 mehr… BibTeX
- Measuring the effects of economic crisis on public transport quality user perception. Transp. Res. Rec.: J. Transp. Res. Board 2415, 2014, 1--12 mehr… BibTeX
- Measuring the effects of economic crisis on public transport quality user perception. Transp. Res. Rec.: J. Transp. Res. Board 2415, 2014, 1--12 mehr… BibTeX
- Data processing and enhancement techniques. In: Traffic Simulation and Data: Validation Methods and Applications. CRC Press, 2014, 33 mehr… BibTeX
- Development of hybrid models of teenagers’ travel patterns to school and to after-school activities. , 2014 mehr… BibTeX
- Environmental impact assessment methodological framework for liquefied natural gas terminal and transport network planning. Energy policy 68, 2014, 306--319 mehr… BibTeX
- Environmental impact assessment methodological framework for liquefied natural gas terminal and transport network planning. Energy Policy 68, 2014, 306--319 mehr… BibTeX
- Is distracted driving performance affected by age? First findings from a driving simulator study. Proceedings of the International Interdisciplinary Conference Ageing and Safe Mobility, 2014 mehr… BibTeX
- A Metamodel for Estimating Error Bounds in Real-Time Traffic Prediction Systems. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 15 (3), 2014, 1310-1322 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- A metamodel for estimating error bounds in real-time traffic prediction systems. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 15 (3), 2014, 1310--1322 mehr… BibTeX
- Econometric Methods For Land Use Microsimulation. , 2014 mehr… BibTeX
- Econometric Methods For Land Use Microsimulation. , 2014 mehr… BibTeX
- Determinants of driver response to variable message sign information in Athens. IET intelligent transport systems 9 (4), 2014, 453--466 mehr… BibTeX
- Determinants of driver response to variable message sign information in Athens. IET intelligent transport systems 9 (4), 2014, 453--466 mehr… BibTeX
- Data processing and enhancement techniques. In: Traffic Simulation and Data. CRC Press, 2014, 44--99 mehr… BibTeX
- Impact of meteorological factors on the number of injury accidents. Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transportation Research, COPPE--Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 2013 mehr… BibTeX
- Exploratory assessment of the limiting extended Kalman filter properties. Transport and Telecommunication Journal 14 (1), 2013, 1--12 mehr… BibTeX
- Exploratory assessment of the limiting extended Kalman filter properties. Transport and Telecommunication 14 (1), 2013, 1--12 mehr… BibTeX
- Dynamic data-driven local traffic state estimation and prediction. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 34, 2013, 89--107 mehr… BibTeX
- Dynamic data-driven local traffic state estimation and prediction. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 34, 2013, 89--107 mehr… BibTeX
- Understanding Mobility Behavior in Areas with Seasonal Variations of Transport Demand. 2013, mehr… BibTeX
- Factors affecting public transport use in touristic areas. International Journal of Transportation 1 (1), 2013 mehr… BibTeX
- Factors affecting public transport use in touristic areas. International Journal of Transportation 1 (1), 2013 mehr… BibTeX
- Assessment of exposure proxies for macroscopic road safety prediction. Transportation research record 2386 (1), 2013, 81--94 mehr… BibTeX
- State-space based analysis and forecasting of macroscopic road safety trends in Greece. Accident Analysis & Prevention 60, 2013, 268--276 mehr… BibTeX
- Assessment of exposure proxies for macroscopic road safety prediction. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2386), 2013, 81--94 mehr… BibTeX
- Explaining the road accident risk: weather effects. Accident Analysis & Prevention 60, 2013, 456--465 mehr… BibTeX
- Explaining the road accident risk: weather effects. Accident Analysis & Prevention 60, 2013, 456--465 mehr… BibTeX
- On statistical inference in time series analysis of the evolution of road safety. Accident Analysis & Prevention 60, 2013, 424--434 mehr… BibTeX
- On statistical inference in time series analysis of the evolution of road safety. Accident Analysis & Prevention 60, 2013, 424--434 mehr… BibTeX
- Opportunistic Transport Data Collection. 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2013 mehr… BibTeX
- How do transport infrastructure and policies affect house prices and rents? Evidence from Athens, Greece. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 52, 2013, 1--22 mehr… BibTeX
- Modeling the willingness to join carsharing using latent class discrete choice models and mixed internet/paper survey data. Workshop on Discrete Choice Models, 2013 mehr… BibTeX
- How do transport infrastructure and policies affect house prices and rents? Evidence from Athens, Greece. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 52, 2013, 1--22 mehr… BibTeX
- Factors affecting the adoption of vehicle sharing systems by young drivers. Transport policy 29, 2013, 64--73 mehr… BibTeX
- Factors affecting the adoption of vehicle sharing systems by young drivers. Transport policy 29, 2013, 64--73 mehr… BibTeX
- Factors affecting the adoption of carsharing by young Greek drivers (in Greek). International Congress in Transportation Research, 2013 mehr… BibTeX
- A Multidimensional Analysis of Agent-Based Policy Evaluation Indicators. , 2013 mehr… BibTeX
- Agent-Based Indicators Analysis in the Context of Policy Evaluation. 13st Swiss Transport Research Conference, Monte Verità/Ascona, Switzerland, 2013 mehr… BibTeX
- Agent-Based Indicators Analysis in the Context of Policy Evaluation: Preliminary Findings. Workshop on Land-Use Transport Interaction Models, 2013 mehr… BibTeX
- The Integrated Land-Use and Transport Model of Brussels. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Switzerland, 2013 mehr… BibTeX
- Simulation-based assessment of double-parking impacts on traffic and environmental conditions. Transportation research record 2390 (1), 2013, 121--130 mehr… BibTeX
- Simulation-based assessment of double-parking impacts on traffic and environmental conditions. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2390), 2013, 121--130 mehr… BibTeX
- DynaMIT 2.0: Advances in real time traffic simulators. 20th ITS World CongressITS Japan, 2013 mehr… BibTeX
- Short-term prediction models and calibration for managed lanes. Swiss Transport Research Conference, 2013 mehr… BibTeX
- Investigation of lane flow distribution on hard shoulder running freeways. Transportation research record 2396 (1), 2013, 133--142 mehr… BibTeX
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- Short-term lane flow distribution forecasting in hard shoulder running freeways. Optimum 2013-International Symposium on Recent Advances in Transport Modeling, 2013 mehr… BibTeX
- Investigation of lane flow distribution on hard shoulder running freeways. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2396), 2013, 133--142 mehr… BibTeX
- Simulation-based analysis of road-pricing prospects for athens, greece. Journal of urban planning and development 139 (3), 2013, 206--215 mehr… BibTeX
- Simulation-Based Analysis of Road-Pricing Prospects for Athens, Greece. Journal of urban planning and development 139 (3), 2013, 206--215 mehr… BibTeX
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- Design of a large driving simulator experiment on performance of drivers with cerebral diseases. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Rome, 2013 mehr… BibTeX
- Towards human-centred flood evacuation for cities under climate change. , 2012 mehr… BibTeX
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- Can external stimuli affect the perceived value of statistical life. Proceedings of the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2012 mehr… BibTeX
- Three-D Laser Scanning as a Tool for Modern Road Design: A Methodology and Applications in Intersection Safety Analysis. 2012, mehr… BibTeX
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- Road safety improvements in junctions using 3D laser scanning. Proceedings of the 5th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Volos, 2012 mehr… BibTeX
- State-space based analysis and forecasting of macroscopic road safety trends in Greece. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 48, 2012, 1589--1598 mehr… BibTeX
- State-space based analysis and forecasting of macroscopic road safety trends in Greece. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 48, 2012, 1589--1598 mehr… BibTeX
- Macroscopic traffic safety data analysis and prediction. Journal of Shipping and Transport 5, 2012, 97--116 mehr… BibTeX
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- How does Transport Infrastructure Affect Dwelling Prices in Athens? 1st European Symposium on Quantitative Methods in Transportation Systems, 2012 mehr… BibTeX
- Levereging Crowd-Sourced Road Defect Information for Road Quality Assessment. 5th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, 2012 mehr… BibTeX
- Spatially aware model for optimal site selection: method and application in a greek mobility center. Transportation research record 2276 (1), 2012, 146--155 mehr… BibTeX
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- Spatially aware model for optimal site selection: method and application in a greek mobility center. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2276), 2012, 146--155 mehr… BibTeX
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- A synthesis of emerging data collection technologies and their impact on traffic management applications. European Transport Research Review 3 (3), 2011, 139--148 mehr… BibTeX
- Calibration methods for simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment systems. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 31 (3), 2011, 227--233 mehr… BibTeX
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- Evaluation of diversion strategies using dynamic traffic assignment. Transportation planning and technology 34 (3), 2011, 199--216 mehr… BibTeX
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- Investigation of Greek Driver Behavior During the Approach to Suburban Un-signalized Intersections. 1st International Conference on Access ManagementHellenic Association of Rural and Surveying EngineersTransportation Research BoardTechnical Chamber of GreeceNational Technical University of AthensGreek Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, 2011 mehr… BibTeX
- Induced traffic prediction inaccuracies as a source of traffic forecasting failure. Transportation Letters 3 (4), 2011, 253--264 mehr… BibTeX
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- Simulation-based time-space management of workzone construction scheduling. Application in the Korinth-Patras motorway. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 16, 2011, 440--449 mehr… BibTeX
- A critical assessment of intersection safety across Europe. 1st International Conference on Access ManagementHellenic Association of Rural and Surveying EngineersTransportation Research BoardTechnical Chamber of GreeceNational Technical University of AthensGreek Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, 2011 mehr… BibTeX
- Forecasting Road Traffic Fatalities in European Countries: Model Definition and First Results. DACOTA project deliverable 4.2. , 2011 mehr… BibTeX
- Transport Telematics Applications for Carsharing and Bikesharing Systems. Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2011 mehr… BibTeX
- Predicting motorway traffic performance by data fusion of local sensor data and electronic toll collection data. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 26 (6), 2011, 451--463 mehr… BibTeX
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- Autoregressive nonlinear time-series modeling of traffic fatalities in Europe. European transport research review 3 (3), 2011, 113--127 mehr… BibTeX
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- Accelerated on-line calibration of dynamic traffic assignment using distributed stochastic gradient approximation. 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2010 mehr… BibTeX
- Traffic and mobility data collection for real-time applications. 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2010 mehr… BibTeX
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- Simulation-based framework for transportation network management in emergencies. Transportation Research Record 2041 (1), 2008, 80--88 mehr… BibTeX
- Simulation-based framework for transportation network management in emergencies. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2041), 2008, 80--88 mehr… BibTeX
- Assessment of the Impact of Dynamic Prediction-Based Route Guidance Using Simulation-Based, Closed-Loop Framework. 2008, mehr… BibTeX
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- Relationship between Weaving Length and Traffic Safety in Road Interchanges. In: Transportation and Development Innovative Best Practices 2008. , 2008, 240--245 mehr… BibTeX
- OLDER DRIVERS’PERCEPTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IN-VEHICLE DEVICES FOR ROAD SAFETY AND TRAFFIC EFFICIENCY. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, 2008 mehr… BibTeX
- Impact of enforcement on traffic accidents and fatalities: A multivariate multilevel analysis. Safety Science 46 (5), 2008, 738--750 mehr… BibTeX
- Impact of enforcement on traffic accidents and fatalities: A multivariate multilevel analysis. Safety Science 46 (5), 2008, 738--750 mehr… BibTeX
- On-line calibration for Dynamic Traffic Assignment models-Theory, methods and application. VDM Verlag, 2007 mehr… BibTeX
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- An efficient non-linear Kalman filtering algorithm using simultaneous perturbation and applications in traffic estimation and prediction. 2007 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2007 mehr… BibTeX
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- A methodology for the estimation of value-of-time using state-of-the-art econometric models. Journal of public transportation 10 (3), 2007, 1 mehr… BibTeX
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- A mixed logit model for the sensitivity analysis of Greek drivers' behaviour towards enforcement for road safety. European Transport$\backslash$ Trasporti Europei 37, 2007, 62--77 mehr… BibTeX
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- Multilevel modelling for the regional effect of enforcement on road accidents. Accident Analysis & Prevention 39 (4), 2007, 818--825 mehr… BibTeX
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- Comparison of Parametric and Non-parametric Regression Models for Speed Estimation. 3rd International Congress on Transport Research. Thessaloniki, Greece. 11-12 May 2006, 2006 mehr… BibTeX
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- A comparison of machine learning models for speed estimation. IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (12), Elsevier, 2006, 55--60 mehr… BibTeX
- Allocating revenues to public transit operators under an integrated fare system. Transportation research record 1986 (1), 2006, 29--37 mehr… BibTeX
- Allocating revenues to public transit operators under an integrated fare system. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (1986), 2006, 29--37 mehr… BibTeX
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- Incorporating automated vehicle identification data into origin-destination estimation. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (1882), 2004, 37--44 mehr… BibTeX
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- Standardisation, implementation and optimum use of advanced driver assistance and vehicle control systems. the Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Transportation Research in Greece, 2004 mehr… BibTeX
- Combining traffic simulation and driving simulator analyses for Advanced Cruise Control system impact identification. Proceedings of the 83rd annual meeting of the transportation research board, 2004 mehr… BibTeX
- Road network efficiency and environmental impact assessment of Driver Assistance Systems. Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Chicago, October, 2002 mehr… BibTeX
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